余強生、黃鐵豪,層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)的介紹與應用,取自:。
褚志鵬(2009),Analytic Hierarchy Process Theory 層級分析法(AHP)理論與實作,國立東華大學企業管理學系教學講義。
Ananth Madhavan, Exchange-traded funds, market structure, and the flash crash, Financial Analysts Journal, 2012, vol.68, no.4, p.20-p.35.
C.C. Lin, S.J. Chan, H. Hsu, Pricing efficiency of exchange traded funds in Taiwan, Journal of Asset Management, 2006, vol.7, no.1 p.60-p.68.
C.M. Fong, C.T. Ho, H.L. Nguyen, Using AHP in decision analysis-the case of Vietnam state securities commission, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007, p.144-p.148.
D.R. Gallagher, R. Segara, The performance and trading characteristics of exchange-traded funds, Journal of Investment Strategy, 2006, vol.1, no.2, p.49-p.60.
Haniyeh Amiri, Shedding Light on Mutual Funds and Performance Evaluative Criteria in Iran, AMSE JOURNALS-2016-Series: Modelling D; vol.37, no.1, p.20-p.35.
J.M. Poterba, J.B. Shoven, Exchange-traded funds: A new investment option for taxable investors, American Economic Review, 2002, vol.92, no. 2, p.422-p.427.
L. Kostovetsky, Index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, Journal of Portfolio Management, 2003, vol.29, no.4, p.80-p.92.
L. Deville, Exchange traded funds: History, trading, and research, Handbook of Financial Engineering, 2008, vol.18, p.1-p.37.
Mojtaba Khalili, Prioritization Effective Factors on preference of investors in the stock portfolio selection in Tehran Stock Exchange using AHP and SAW methods: case study of SATA., Nature and Science, 2014, vol.12, no.10, p.158-p.162.
Omkarprasad S. Vaidya, Sushil Kumar, Analytic hierarchy process: An overview of applications, European Journal of Operational Research , 2006, vol.169, no.1, p.1-p.29.
R.Engle, D.Sarkar, Premiums-discounts and exchange traded funds, Journal of Derivatives, 2006, vol.13, no.4, p.27-p.45.
Thomas L. Saaty, How To Make A Decision: The Analytic Hierarchy Process, European journal of operational research, 1990, vol.48, no.1, p.9-p.26.
Thomas L. Saaty, Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process, Int. J. Services Sciences, 2008, vol.1, no.1, p.83-p.98.
Younghwa Lee, Kenneth A. Kozar, Investigating the effect of website quality on e-business success: An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, Decision Support Systems , 2006, vol.42, p.1383-p.1401.