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研究生(外文):Chia-Hao Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Recycling of Iron in Waste Acid
指導教授(外文):Min-Her Leu
口試委員(外文):Yi-Kno ChangHsing-Cheng Lu
外文關鍵詞:Waste acidResourceIron
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廢酸洗液以共沉法進行鐵的資源化實驗。考量資源回收率、能源耗損、設備材質需求、鐵產量等要素,以溫度80°C、操作時間90min、pH8、1M NaOH為最佳,資源化產物溶出皆在國家標準之內,濾液中Cd含量高於放流水標準,需經處理後才能排放。

The steel industry is in the process of manufacturing and processing will produce a lot of waste acid wash,mainly use 2 kinds of acids,hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid,be called waste acid wash. Due to high concentration hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid high concentration of iron ions, contains about 120 grams of iron per liter, have the value of recycling,according to the "Environmental Waste Determination Standards" promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency, this waste acid liquid is a corrosive business waste in hazardous business waste.
Currently most of the companies commission large enterprises use roasting or neutralization raise its pH and bury it. As the production line increases, the production of waste liquid is increasing,increased processing costs,become an urgent problem for the industry. The main purpose of this studyto help solve the waste disposal problems encountered in the steel processing industry.
First, the current situation of the steel processing industry, waste acid washing liquid production, removal and reuse status, etc. Background data analysis of waste acid production, further analysis of related recycling technologies at home and abroad, reuse of experiments to complete the recycling of waste acid washing liquid, Evaluating the feasibility of recovering waste acid washing solution by co-precipitation method. This study collected the waste acid washing liquid produced by domestic steel processing plants and completed the research object, discussion on the Feasibility of Using the Co-precipitation Method for Iron Resource Utilization in the Laboratory. Batch experiments using different operating temperatures, pH, reaction time, NaOH concentration, etc. Establish the optimal response conditions for resource utilization. Establish the optimal response conditions for resource utilization, whether it can comply with legal norms.
Recycling experiment of iron in waste acid washing solution by co-precipitation method, 1 liter of waste acid can produce more than 360 grams of iron metal. Consider factors such as resource recovery rate, energy consumption, equipment material requirements, and iron production. The temperature is 80°C, the operation time is 90 min,1M NaOH and the pH8 is the best. Dissolved resource products are all within national standards and the Cd content in the filtrate is higher than the discharge water standard, and it needs to be treated before it can be discharged.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 ix
一、前 言 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究內容 2
二、文獻回顧 4
2.1鋼鐵業現況與廢液產生源概述 4
2.2廢酸洗液特性、產生量、清理與再利用現況 6
2.3國內外再生利用技術-回收鹽酸 8
2.4國內外再生利用技術-鐵資源回收 11
2.5廢酸洗液資源化技術之選用 14
三、實驗材料、設備與方法 15
3.1研究架構 15
3.2實驗材料與裝置 16
3.3實驗流程 16
3.4實驗方法 18
四、研究結果 24
4.1廢酸洗液成分分析 24
4.2不同反應時間對於資源化產物特性之影響 25
4.3 pH值對於資源化產物特性之影響 33
4.4反應溫度對於資源化產物特性之影響 41
4.5加入鹼液濃度對於資源化產物特性之影響 50
五、討論與建議 59
1、結論 59
2、建議 60
六、參考文獻 61

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