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論文名稱:2018 台中世界花卉博覽會品質之研究:重要表現分析法之運用
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Quality of 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition: An Application of Importance- Performance Analysis
指導教授(外文):Su, Jing-shu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Po-TsangHo, Hsuan-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:Mega eventsFestivalExpo.The Important-Performance Analysis (IPA)
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繼 2010 臺北花博後,台中也在 2018 年舉辦台中世界花卉博覽會,本研究以 2018 年台中花博爲例,探討了以重要-表現程度分析法來分析此次花博的各個構面的服務品質,本研究並以李克特(Likert)五點量表基礎,加以參觀過花博爲主要對象的遊客,一共發出 477 份問卷,回收 477 份,回收率 100%,其中有效問卷 440 份,無效問卷 37 份。問卷以重要-表現程度分析法作為分析結果,一共分爲四個象限,又以第一象限在整體服務品質方面的重要性高,但是在表現程度方面却不佳的 11 個題項列爲優先改善區來做出建議,其中認爲「餐飲的品質與質量是可以被接受的(1)」、「餐飲的選擇種類具多樣性(2)」、「合理且可接受的餐飲價格(3)」、「購物商品銷售的價格合理(4)」、「等待時間尚可接受(14)」、「停車場進出方便易找(30)」、「洗手間潔淨且無異味(31)」、「 園區的場地寬敞足以容納遊客(32)」、「 停車場規劃方便使用(33)」、「 花博會提供了一個可享受購物的機會(35)」、「花博會提供了一個享受到各國美食的機會(36)」。等以上這些題項給未來要舉辦大型活動的主辦
單位一些建議。並以初步的迴歸檢定來檢視是否與當初預期一致,再以各個構面作爲自變數,以「行爲意圖」爲依變數來進行簡單迴歸分析,結果以各構面中只有「資訊服務」與「視覺吸引力」兩個構面之 P<0.005,且各構面之 β 值除入場的體驗外,其餘均爲正數,表示個構面之間的影響均爲正向顯著影響遊客行爲意圖的意願。
As carefully calculated, the era of Mega Event can be traced to the existence of human beings has existed. In recent years, festivals, Mega Event and tourism industry have been combined together become a serious program for most of city in the world. Therefore, The Mega Event can bring political, economic, and elevated status to the host country, and also bring about a significant increase in the exposure of the international media, which is more conducive to the urban rebuilt of the host country.

According the urban characteristics, countries also choose the types of events or festivals which is suitable for their own cities and it's also combined with cities tourism policy of the year.

Since Taipei Flower Expo 2010, Taichung also held the 2018 Taichung
World Flora Exposition. This study will be held 2018 Taichung World Flora
Exposition as a example, explores the analysis of the service quality of each
contruct of Flora exposition by the importance-performance analysis method.

This study is also use the Likert five-point scale as a measurement, focus on
visitors who visited Flora Exposition as the main target, issued a total of 477 questionnaires, and 477 received, the receive rate is 100%, of which 440 valid questionnaires, 37 invalid questionnaires.

The research results shows it is divided into four quadrants, and the first
quadrant has a high importance in overall service quality, but the 11 items with poor performance are listed as give priority to improving the area to make recommendations, they are 「The quality of food and beverages are acceptable (1)」、「 Diversity of food and beverage choices (2)」、「 Reasonable and acceptable food and beverage prices (3)」、「The price of shopping products is reasonable ( 4)」、「Waiting time is acceptable (14)」、「Parking is easy to find (30)」、「Washroom is clean and odor-free (31)」、「The venue of the park is large enough to accommodate tourists (32)」、「Parking is easy to use (33)」、「 Flower Exposition offers an opportunity to enjoy shopping (35)」、「Flower Exposition offers an opportunity to enjoy international cuisine (36).」

And using the preliminary regression test to check whether it is consistent with the original expectation, and then use each contruct as the self-variable, and use the "behavior intention" as the dependent variable to carry out simple regression analysis.

The result is only information service and visual attraction in each contruct.
P<0.005 for the two facets, and the β value of each contruct is positive except for the experience of entering the field, indicating that the influence between the contruct is positive and the willingness to significantly influence the behavior intention of the tourists.
目 錄
中文摘要 .............................................................................................................................. i
英文摘要 ............................................................................................................................ iii
誌 謝 ................................................................................................................................ vi
目 錄 ............................................................................................................................... vii
表目錄 ................................................................................................................................ ix
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................................. x
第壹章 緒 論 ................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ......................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ..................................................................................................... 6
第三節 研究流程 ..................................................................................................... 7
第貳章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................ 10
第一節 大型活動或節慶活動 ............................................................................... 10
第二節 大型活動品質與量表 ............................................................................... 25
第三節 行爲意圖(Behavior Intention) ................................................................... 32
第四節 重要表現分析法 (Importance Performance Analysis IPA) ..................... 34
第叁章 研究方法 ............................................................................................ 36
第一節 研究架構 ................................................................................................... 36
第二節 問卷設計 ................................................................................................... 40
第三節 抽樣設計 ................................................................................................... 45
第四節 資料分析方法 ........................................................................................... 47
第肆章 研究分析與結果 ................................................................................ 53
第一節 資料蒐集與樣本分析 ............................................................................... 53
第二節 樣本結構分析 ........................................................................................... 56
第三節 信度分析 ................................................................................................... 62
第四節 敘述性統計結果 ....................................................................................... 69
第五節 重要-表現度分析法 .................................................................................. 73
第六節 迴歸分析 ................................................................................................... 80
第伍章 結論與建議 ........................................................................................ 81
第一節 結論 ........................................................................................................... 81
第二節 建議 ........................................................................................................... 87
第三節 研究限制 ................................................................................................... 88
第四節 未來研究方向 ........................................................................................... 89
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................. 95

表 2- 1 節慶與大型活動中英文名稱對照表 ................................................................. 11
表 2- 2 以類別來區分之大型活動 .................................................................................. 12
表 2- 3 大型活動/節慶之規模、適用程度及與對主辦地影響 ..................................... 13
表 2- 4 大型活動之說明與影響之相關研究 .................................................................. 15
表 2- 5 歷屆主辦園藝/花卉博覽會國家/城市、名稱及等級 ........................................ 20
表 2- 6 大型活動品質量表構面與題項 .......................................................................... 30
表 3- 1 世界花卉 2018 博覽會活動品質量表 .................................................................. 42
表 3- 2 行為意圖問卷量表 ................................................................................................ 44
表 3- 3 信度高低與 Cronbach’s α 係數之對照表 ............................................................. 48
表 4- 1 外部遊客與內部遊客問卷發放數量之比例: .................................................... 55
表 4- 2 2018 台中花博各個展區問卷發放數量之比例: ................................................ 55
表 4- 3 受訪者基本資料 ( n=440 ) .................................................................................. 59
表 4- 4 花博問卷量表表現度各個構面及題項之信度分析 ............................................. 63
表 4- 5 花博問卷量表重要度各個構面及題項之信度分析 ............................................. 66
表 4- 6 行爲意圖之信度分析 ............................................................................................. 68
表 4- 7 活動品質敘述性統計表 ......................................................................................... 70
表 4- 8 重要-表現程度分析法之各題項落點分析表 ........................................................ 75
表 4- 9 活動品質對行爲意圖之簡單迴歸表 ..................................................................... 80

圖 1- 1 研究流程 .................................................................................................................. 9
圖 3- 1 研究架構 ................................................................................................................. 39
圖 3- 2 象限矩陣圖 ............................................................................................................. 50
圖 4- 1 重要-表現程度分析法之分析結果矩陣圖 ............................................................ 74
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