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研究生(外文):YU-TSAI LIN
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Factors Relate to Health Care effects on Patients With HIV
指導教授(外文):MEI-YAO HO
外文關鍵詞:Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)anti-HIV drug treatmentreturn-visit rate
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2.分析5個不同時間點病毒量數值變化:初次病毒量中位數為2845.0 copies/mL,藥物治療1年後及最近6個月病毒量顯著降低;顯示藥物治療能有效抑制病毒量,但有藥物副作用者病毒量則顯著偏高。
3.分析5個不同時間點CD4數值變化:初次CD4中位數為220.0 cells/μL,經過治療1年後至最近6個月只上升44.0 cells/μL。藥物治療1年後顯著高於初次3個月(P< 0.001),但治療1年與2、3年、最近6個月則無顯著差異(P> 0.05)。
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate factors that may influence the effectiveness of health care on patients with HIV, the follow-up medical treatment in the southern Taiwan.

Methods: A longitudinal study design was used. We conducted analysis on outpatients recorded in the database to track HIV infections from May 2007 to June 2018. A total of 115 cases were recruited, among which 59 subjects were recorded by case managers and 56 were not. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and comparisons in repeated measures analysis.

Results:1.Factors that significant influence higher return-visit rate include: male, age below 30 year’s old, homosexual, without injection drug addiction and methadone replacement therapy (p<0.05). Return-visit rate of 1st year and the latest 6 months were 80.09% and 86.1%.
2.HIV Virus numerical analysis at five time points of treatment: The median of virus was 2845.0 copies/mL. A significant reduced of virus with 1year of treatment and latest 6 months treatment which demonstrated heealth care effects with treatment
(P< 0.001). However, the amount HIV Virus was increase significantly for those whom suffered from the side effect of pharmacological treatment.
3.CD4 numerical results at five time points: The median of CD4 was 220.0 cells/μL at the initial 3 months. For those whom received treatment for 1years till the latest 6 months CD4 was increased only 44.0. A significant difference showed on CD4 numerical results between the initial 3 months and the 1st year. However, there was no significant difference on CD4 reports between treatment for 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year and latest (P >0.05).

Conclusions /Implications:
Factors influence return-visit rate were “change medication”, “side effect”, injection drug addiction and methadone replacement therapy. For those who had received treatment for 1years, the therapy was indeed reduced HIV virus and increases the amount of CD4.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第二章文獻回顧 7
第一節 HIV感染者相關實證研究 7
第二節 藥物治療相關實證研究 11
第三節 HIV感染者持續就醫相關因素 16
第三章研究方法 27
第一節 研究設計 27
第二節 研究架構 28
第三節 研究假設 29
第四節 受試者納入/排除條件 30
第五節 研究倫理考量 34
第六節 研究工具及信效度 36
第七節 研究變項 38
第八節 研究作業流程 41
第九節 資料收集與統計分析 42
第四章 研究結果 43
第一節 研究對象基本人口學與臨床特質、相關衛教評估、藥物治療與衛教之描述性統計結果分佈 43
第二節 研究對象病毒量和CD4數量及持續就醫行為之描述性統計 50
第三節 HIV感染個案持續就醫行為影響因素之探討 53
第四節 HIV感染個案病毒量與CD4數量變化影響因素之探討 60
第五章 討論 76
第一節基本人口學分布探討與就醫回診相關性 76
第二節HIV感染者藥物治療及照護結果前後比較 79
第三節HIV感染者藥物治療成效影響因子探討 83
第六章結論與建議 85
第一節 研究限制 85
第二節 研究結論與應用 87
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