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研究生(外文):SHIH PAO FEN
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Teaching Stressors and Coping Strategies of Nurse Preceptors in a District Teaching Hospital , Southern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:nurse preceptorTeaching stressCoping Strategies
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建議: 依據研究結果建議將個人擔任臨床教師內在意願因素列為遴選、聘任及培訓之考量因素。教學能力應從學校養成教育即開始;訓練課程應著重在臨床教學技巧的運用。為了增加教育成效,建議降低臨床教師照顧病人數及建構較優質的學習環境。於壓力因應方式,建議醫療機構多安排休閒活動或社團,可提高教師身心健康。為了選取適當人選,未來研究建議發展篩選臨床教師之工具。
Background and purpose: In order to promote the adaptability and retention rate for new nurses, certain senior nurses are selected and trained as a nurse preceptor. They are responsible for teaching and training new nurses and student nurses. Nurse preceptors play as a care provider and new nurses trainer simultaneously. Multiple roles increase nurse preceptors’ workload and cause high turnover rates. The stressors and coping strategies are key factors for the teaching quality and nurse retention rates. Thus the purpose of this study was to explore the nurse preceptors’ clinical teaching stressors and coping strategies.
Method: The qualitative descriptive research design was used to collect and analysis data. Eight nurse preceptors participated this study. They were senior nurses with various length of working experience and from different units in a district teaching hospital, southern Taiwan. The data collection was from June to August, 2018. Each of them had a 50-60 minutes face-to-face interview.
Result: According to the participants’ experience, they experienced four teaching stressors: 1. The reasons for taking on the role of nurse preceptor, including inner and outer individual factors; 2. Increasing the workloads, including increasing clinical work contents, filling out documents, delaying off and taking on multiple roles; 3. the learners’ individual factors, including their performance, the responses from the peers and the resignation rates for learners; 4. Participants’ individual factors, including lacking sufficient professional care capability and teaching capability. When facing stress, nurse preceptors employed positive and negative coping strategies. Positive strategies included reducing workload, smoothing learners’ pressure and adjusting themselves. Negative strategies were primarily flight away. The persons having the characteristics of caring, patient and having high willingness to pay were important factors related to their coping strategies.
Recommendation: The personalities and strong self-willingness should be included as one element of selecting, recruiting and training preceptor candidates. The teaching abilities should be nurtured from school education. Training courses should be emphasized on applications of clinical teaching skills. To increase the efficiency of education, building an excellent learning environment and lowering nurse-patient ratio were proposed. To boost up the preceptors’physical and mental health, the medical institutes were suggested to arrange recreational activities or leisure groups. To choose appropriate candidates, the future research was set forth to develop a tool to screen clinical preceptors.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機及重要性1
第二節 研究問題3
第三節 研究目的3
第二章 文獻探討4
第一節 護理臨床教師4
第二節 護理臨床教師的壓力8
第三節 壓力因應方式13
第四節 降低臨床教師壓力措施15
第三章 研究方法17
第一節 研究設計17
第二節 名詞界定19
第三節 研究工具20
第四節 研究對象20
第五節 資料收集及保存21
第六節 研究的嚴謹性23
第七節 資料分析24
第八節 倫理考量25
第四章 研究結果26
第一節 研究對象基本資料26
第二節 護理臨床教師的教學壓力源28
第三節 護理臨床教師壓力因應方式42
第四節 影響臨床教師壓力因應方式之因素51
第五章 討論55
第一節 基本資料 55
第二節 護理臨床教師壓力源56
第三節 護理臨床教師面對壓力之因應方式60
第六章 結論與建議63
參考文獻 67
中文部分 67
英文部分 72
附錄一 研究工具77
附錄二 質性內容分析法之例79
附錄三 IRB通過證明80
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