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指導教授(外文):Chia-Chen Tseng
中文關鍵詞:knowledgeattitudepracticesnursespreventionhepatitis B
外文關鍵詞:knowledgeattitudepracticesnursespreventionhepatitis B
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Background: Vietnam has a high prevalence of hepatitis B; an estimated 8.6 million people are infected with the hepatitis B virus. The prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection is estimated at 8.8% in women and 12.3% in men. Nurses doing regular care contact with blood and blood products of patients should be very easily infected with the hepatitis B virus. In particular, nurses in Thu Duc district hospital work in very difficult conditions, work pressure is a contributing factor to increase the rate of infection and poor awareness in preventing blood-borne diseases. Do not strictly compliance while doing work has contact with blood and blood products. Therefore,more than anyone else, most health care workers are direct caregivers who need to
have the knowledge, attitude and practice to strictly adhere to the prescribed measures and procedures when exposuring to the patient's specimens, especially patients with HBsAg (+), first protects them and then protects the community from infection.
Objective: The overall purpose of the study was to explore the knowledge, attitude,practices of nurses and the relative factors on prevention of hepatitis B.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and 206 nurses of Thu Duc district hospital in Vietnam were interviewed with structured questionnaires. Questionnaires included demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude, practices of nurses on prevention hepatitis B. Independent sample, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson‘s correlation, and regression model were used to analyze data.
Results: (1) The proportion of nurses with proper knowledge about hepatitis B prevention is generally high (74.3%), the positive attitude of nursing care about hepatitis B is relatively low (44.2%), proportion of proper nursing practices for prevention of hepatitis B is moderate (50%). (2) Departments (F = 5,079, p <0.01) and educational level (F = 5,591, p <0.01) are associated with knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses; Gender (t = 2,202, p <0.05), departments (F = 6.117, p <0.001)and educational level (F = 5,987, p <0.01) are related to attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses; Age (F=3.139, p <0.05), and educational level (F=2.691, p<0.05) are associated with practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses. (3) Nursing
knowledge, attitude and practices about preventing hepatitis B were positively correlated and statistically significant. (4) Attitudes and knowledge predict 14.4% of the variance in practices on preventing hepatitis B of nurses.
Conclusion: Nurse's knowledge, attitude and practices is an important factor on preventing hepatitis B. The findings from this study have provided the foundation for education to enable nurse to improve their knowledge, attitude and practices on preventing hepatitis B.
Background: Vietnam has a high prevalence of hepatitis B; an estimated 8.6 million people are infected with the hepatitis B virus. The prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection is estimated at 8.8% in women and 12.3% in men. Nurses doing regular care contact with blood and blood products of patients should be very easily infected with the hepatitis B virus. In particular, nurses in Thu Duc district hospital work in very difficult conditions, work pressure is a contributing factor to increase the rate of infection and poor awareness in preventing blood-borne diseases. Do not strictly compliance while doing work has contact with blood and blood products. Therefore,more than anyone else, most health care workers are direct caregivers who need to
have the knowledge, attitude and practice to strictly adhere to the prescribed measures and procedures when exposuring to the patient's specimens, especially patients with HBsAg (+), first protects them and then protects the community from infection.
Objective: The overall purpose of the study was to explore the knowledge, attitude,practices of nurses and the relative factors on prevention of hepatitis B.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and 206 nurses of Thu Duc district hospital in Vietnam were interviewed with structured questionnaires. Questionnaires included demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude, practices of nurses on prevention hepatitis B. Independent sample, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson‘s correlation, and regression model were used to analyze data.
Results: (1) The proportion of nurses with proper knowledge about hepatitis B prevention is generally high (74.3%), the positive attitude of nursing care about hepatitis B is relatively low (44.2%), proportion of proper nursing practices for prevention of hepatitis B is moderate (50%). (2) Departments (F = 5,079, p <0.01) and educational level (F = 5,591, p <0.01) are associated with knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses; Gender (t = 2,202, p <0.05), departments (F = 6.117, p <0.001)and educational level (F = 5,987, p <0.01) are related to attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses; Age (F=3.139, p <0.05), and educational level (F=2.691, p<0.05) are associated with practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses. (3) Nursing
knowledge, attitude and practices about preventing hepatitis B were positively correlated and statistically significant. (4) Attitudes and knowledge predict 14.4% of the variance in practices on preventing hepatitis B of nurses.
Conclusion: Nurse's knowledge, attitude and practices is an important factor on preventing hepatitis B. The findings from this study have provided the foundation for education to enable nurse to improve their knowledge, attitude and practices on preventing hepatitis B.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of this research 1
1.2 Significance of this research 2
1.3 Aim of this research 3
1.4 Research questions 3
1.5 Chapter summary 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Epidemiology of hepatitis B 5
2.3 Prevention of hepatitis B 7
2.4 Related factors 8
2.5 Related researches on prevention of hepatitis B 10
Chapter 3. Research Methodology 13
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Research design 13
3.3 Settings14
3.4 Sampling15
3.5 Research instruments 18
3.6 Data management 24
3.7 Ethic issues . 26
3.8 Chapter summary 26
Chapter 4. Results 27
4.1 Introduction 27
4.2 Demographic characteristics 27
4.3 Description of the knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses 29
4.4 Description of the attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses 32
4.5 Description of the practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses 35
4.6 The relationship between demographic characteristics and knowledge, attitude,
and practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses37
4.7 The relationship between knowledge, attitude and practice on preventing hepatitis
B of nurses 44
4.8 The significant predictors of practices on preventing hepatitis B of nurses45
Chapter 5. Discussion 47
5.1 Introduction 47
5.2 Discussing the significance results of findings47
5.3 Limitations52
5.4 Contributions and recommendations53
5.5 Conclusion 54
References 55
Appendixes 65
Appendix 1: Survey sheet 65
Appendix 2: Informed consent70
Appendix 3: Permission of conducting the study of Meiho University72
Appendix 4: Permission of conducting the study of Thu Duc hospital73
Appendix 5: Expert consultation form 74
Appendix 6: License to use questionnaire83
Table 3.1 Sample rate table at departments 17
Table 3.2 Questions of the knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses 20
Table 3.3 Questions of the attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses21
Table 3.4 Questions of the practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses22
Table 3.5 Data analysis of this research25
Table 4.1 Description of demographic characteristics28
Table 4.2 Description of the knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses in groups30
Table 4.3 Description of the good knowledge of hepatitis B prevention of nurses31
Table 4.4 Description of the attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses in groups 33
Table 4.5 Description of the positive attitude of hepatitis B prevention of nurses34
Table 4.6 Description of the practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses in groups35
Table 4.7 Description of the good practices of hepatitis B prevention of nurses36
Table 4.8 The relationship between demographic characteristics and knowledge of
hepatitis B prevention of nurses38
Table 4.9 The relationship between demographic characteristics and attitude of
hepatitis B prevention of nurses 40
Table 4.10 The relationship between demographic characteristics and practices of
hepatitis B prevention of nurses 42
Table 4.11 The relationship between knowledge, attitude and practice on preventing
hepatitis B of nurses 45
Table 4.12 A linear regression analysis of practices on preventing hepatitis B of nurses46
Figure 3.1 Research Framework 14
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