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研究生(外文):Lee, Yu-Chin
論文名稱:大型貿易商如何提升中介地位: 資產專屬觀點
論文名稱(外文):How A Large-Scale Trading Firm Enhances Its Intermediary Status: An Asset Specificity Perspective
指導教授(外文):Seetoo, Dah-Hsian
口試委員(外文):Yu, Chwo-MingWang, Yu-PengLin, Ming-JiChen, Chih-YuanGuo, Kuo-TaiKang, Min-PingHuang, Kuo-Feng
外文關鍵詞:Trading firmIntermediary statusTransaction costSpecific assetsAsset specificity
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貿易商在持續不斷透明化、全球化的成熟市場之中,外部環境競爭加劇,中介角色嚴重被侵蝕,本研究嘗試有別於過去文獻以資訊和信任為基礎的中介研究,而以資產專屬觀點,詮釋並歸納在交易事件中,貿易商以發掘交易缺口為起點,善用買賣雙方怕被對方專屬的疑慮,進行專屬資產承擔(Specific Assets Undertaking, SAU),來銜接交易缺口、增加及深化價值活動的種類、發揮新交易的方向。貿易商運用這些專屬資產持續不斷的進行交易缺口銜接、深化價值活動、發揮新交易的方向,分攤先前投入的專屬資產,促使中介成本不斷降低。

Amid of increasingly market transparency, market maturity, and accelerating of globalization, intermediary status of a trading firm is relentlessly and severely deteriorated. Comparing to extant research of information asymmetry economics and/or trust, my study adopts theoretical lens of asset specificity to corroborate how a large-scale trading firm enhances its intermediary status. To initiate the transaction by discovery of transaction gaps, a trading firm takes the chance of buyer-seller‘s worries of being held-up if unilateral transaction-specific assets investment is required. Undertaking specific assets, trading firm secures its status by three strategic actions: Bridging Transactional Gaps, Deepening Value Activities and Developing New Transaction Directions. When trading firm continuously utilizes the invested specific assets in performing the previous stated three actions, the costs of invested transaction-specific assets would be amortized, which further lowers intermediary costs.

In a sense, the view of typical transaction cost theory is based on a dyad composed of buyer-seller to discuss how asset specificity influences market-hierarchy mode transformation. This study extends the dyad to a triad context, by adding a third-party, namely, a trading firm, which proposes strategic specific assets undertaking (SAU) to improve the transaction efficiency. Moreover, if a third-party trading firm could reimburse its specific assets investment to lower its intermediary costs, assuming buyer-seller transaction costs remain constant, and keep the former always under the latter (i.e. contractual costs), this eventually helps a third party trading firm enhances its intermediary status.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第三節 名詞解釋和研究分析單位 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 貿易商的定義與中介化 8
第二節 貿易商的功能 14
第三節 中介地位中止之研究 16
第四節 中介地位轉換之研究 20
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究取向 23
第二節 研究對象: 個案公司的介紹 24
第三節 資料分析 31
第四章 個案資料分析 46
第一節 多元性價值活動 47
第二節 交易缺口的辨識與銜接 59
第三節 發揮新交易的方向 75
第四節 多元價值活動、銜接交易缺口、發揮新交易的方向的關係 99
第五節 理論與命題 106
第五章 研究發現與討論 117
第一節 研究發現 117
第二節 研究限制 119
第三節 未來研究方向的建議 120
參考文獻 126
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