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研究生(外文):Heinemann, Yannick Leo
論文名稱(外文):The Rohingya Crisis – Perspectives of Key Actors in the Burmese Society
指導教授(外文):Sun, Tsai-Wei
口試委員(外文):Lu, Yeh-ChungChao, Chung-Chi
外文關鍵詞:RohingyaBurmaEthnic conflictSymbolic politicsDemocratisation
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Discrimination of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar as has been an issue for decades. Contrary to the hopes, the country’s democratic transition did not commence a comprehensive ethnic reconciliation. On the contrary, it laid the foundation for a large-scale campaign of purposeful displacement of Rohingya in 2017. This thesis focuses on the framework of symbolic politics to assess the underlying drivers of Rohingya repressions since the country’s democratic transition. It assumes that goal –driven elites exploit ethnic cleavages in their favour. Under references to a myth-symbol complex, they deepen ethnic aversions to a point where a presumably hostile “other” has to be fended off for the sake of the prevalence of the in-group. Democratisation facilitates this process, as it creates an environment for unregulated competition, where actors expect benefits from ethnic outbidding. Based on public expressions made by key societal and political actors in Myanmar after the country’s democratisation, this thesis shows that indeed elites are responsible for creating an anti-Muslim narrative. Brought up by religious actors in Rakhine State and impelled by local ethno nationalist parties, this narrative increasingly defined the image of Muslims as a threat to Myanmar. As the central government under USDP rule first allied with chauvinist forces, and under the NLD turned a blind eye, the depiction of Rohingya transformed from “illegal immigrants” to a “terrorist threat”. Accordingly, measures to repress Muslims got more severe and eventually Rohingya were expelled without significant popular opposition. Thus, a direct connection between actors advancing Islamophobia and actual acts of ethnic violence can be infered
Chapter I: INTRODUCTION - 1 -
1.1 Brief history of Myanmar prior to the democratisation - 2 -
1.2 Research questions - 6 -
1.3 Theoretical framework - 8 -
1.4 Research methods - 10 -
2.1 Ethnicity as a driver of conflict - 16 -
2.1.1 Historical Explanations - 17 -
2.1.2 Opportunity models - 20 -
2.1.3 Motives and motivation - 24 -
2.1.4 The constructivist approach to ethnicity in conflicts - 27 -
2.1.5 Symbolic Politics a symbiosis - 30 -
2.2 Research on Rohingya discrimination in Myanmar - 31 -
2.2.1 Rohingya Identity and Claims to Rakhine Nativity - 31 -
2.2.2 Rohingya discrimination - 33 -
2.2.3 Discrimination in the context of the democratisation process - 35 -
2.2.4 Anti-Muslim sentiments - 36 -
2.3 Major events of violence involving Rohingya since the democratic transition
- 43 -
3.1 The Tatmadaw - 48 -
3.1.1 Contemporary self-conception - 48 -
3.1.2 Economic interests - 49 -
3.1.3 Cooperation with foreign countries and armed forces - 51 -
3.1.4 Ethnic reconciliation - 52 -
3.1.5 Justifying actor selection - 53 -
3.2 Thein Sein and the USDP - 53 -
3.2.1 Economic Reform - 54 -
3.2.2 Foreign affairs - 55 -
3.2.3 Strategy for ethnic reconciliation - 55 -
3.2.4 Stance towards constitutional change - 56 -
3.2.5 Justifying actor selection - 57 -
3.3 Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD - 57 -
3.3.1 Economic reforms - 58 -
3.3.2 Foreign relations - 59 -
3.3.3 Strategy for ethnic reconciliation - 60 -
3.3.4 Stance on constitutional change - 61 -
3.3.5 Suu Kyi’s political philosophy - 62 -
3.3.6 Suu Kyi’s leadership style - 62 -
3.3.7 Challenges to Suu Kyi and the NLD - 63 -
3.3.8 Justifying actor selection - 66 -
3.4 Rakhine Parties - 67 -
3.4.1 Background to Rakhine State - 67 -
3.4.2 ANP and RNDP - 69 -
3.4.3 Stance towards ethnic reconciliation - 70 -
3.4.4 Linkage with the local population - 70 -
3.4.5 Affiliation with militant groups - 72 -
3.4.6 Opinion on other Muslims - 72 -
3.4.7 Justifying actor selection - 73 -
3.5 The Buddhist clergy and Wirathu - 74 -
3.5.1 Buddhism and the state - 74 -
3.5.2 Previous religious involvement in politics - 75 -
3.5.3 Status of the clergy in contemporary Myanmar - 76 -
3.5.4 Justifying actor selection - 77 -
3.6 Concluding remarks - 78 -
4.1. The Thein Sein/USDP government - 79 -
4.1.1 Thein Sein’s inauguration – a promising start? - 80 -
4.1.2 Post 2012 election – giving in to popular demands - 81 -
4.2 The Tatmadaw - 89 -
4.2.1 Strategy concerning Rohingya - 89 -
4.2.2 Attitude towards Rohingya - 92 -
4.3 Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy - 99 -
4.3.1 Suu Kyi in the opposition - 99 -
4.3.2 Statements around the 2012 by-election - 100 -
4.3.3 Suu Kyi as a member of parliament - 102 -
4.3.4 Suu Kyi and NLD as ruling party - 102 -
4.3.5 Hiding behind alibi commissions - 103 -
4.3.6 Build-up and reaction to the 2017 violence - 106 -
4.4. Summary - 112 -
4.5 Comparison - 115 -
5.1 Rakhine parties - 120 -
5.1.1 The parties’ early attitude - 121 -
5.1.2 Successful linkage between 2012 and 2014 – identifying Rohingya as a threat - 122 -
5.1.3 The parties’ attack on Rohingya past 2012 - 124 -
5.1.4 Reactions to the 2017 violence - 127 -
5.1.5 Run up for the 2018 by-election - 129 -
5.1.6 Ties to the Tatmadaw - 130 -
5.1.7 Successful lobbying - 131 -
5.2 The Buddhist clergy - 134 -
5.2.1 Emergence of the 969 Movement and Ma Ba Tha - 135 -
5.2.2 Good relations of Ma Ba Tha and USDP? - 137 -
5.2.3 Methods of spreading their narrative - 139 -
5.2.4 Wirathu’s and other monks’ narrative - 142 -
5.2.5 Evolution of the anti-Muslim narrative and respective demands - 146 -
5.2.6 Why engage in politics? - 148 -
5.2.7 Lobbying efforts - 150 -
5.3 Summary - 153 -
5.4 Comparison - 155 -
Chapter VI: CONCLUSION - 159 -
Bibiliography - 170 -

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