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研究生(外文):Yu-Ping Wang
論文名稱(外文):One step synthesis and characteristics of layer titanate and porous titanium dioxide nanotube
外文關鍵詞:titanatetitanium dioxidenanotube
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In this work, the author synthesized 2D layer titanate via hydrothermal method by using tetrabutyl titanate and acetic acid as precursor. By calcination at different temperature, we observed the transformation of morphology and crystallization. Compared with the hydrothermal method generally using NaOH as solvent, this method does not require the addition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a raw material, and the synthesis step is simpler without purification. This research focused on the formation mechanism of this synthesis method. The characterization of the titanate product was observed by SEM, TEM, XRD, FT-IR, UV/Vis, and Raman.

According to the experimental results, the layered titanate product after hydrothermal transformed into a porous one-dimensional nanotube structure by calcination, and its crystal structure is converted to anatase after calcination at 400 °C. Since the OH functional groups in the precursor remain between the particles, the calcined product at 400 ° C forms a special one-dimensional tubular structure in which the anatase nanoparticles are closely attached.
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
第二章、 文獻回顧與基礎理論 4
2.1.二氧化鈦及鈦酸鹽簡介 4
2.2.二氧化鈦合成 8
2.2.1零維二氧化鈦奈米粒子的合成 8
2.2.2一維二氧化鈦奈米管的合成 12
2.2.3二維鈦酸鹽及二氧化鈦的合成 16
2.4二氧化鈦及鈦酸鹽材料的應用 18
第三章、 研究動機 23
第四章、 實驗部分 24
4.1儀器及藥品 24
4.1.1儀器 24
4.1.2藥品 27
4.2二氧化鈦製備流程 27
4.3材料特性分析 28
4.3.1熱場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 28
4.3.2場發射穿透式電子顯微鏡 28
4.3.3三維顯微拉曼光譜影像系統 28
4.3.4高解析X光繞射儀 29
4.3.5高效能氣體吸附比表面積及孔徑分析暨化學吸脫附分析儀 29
4.3.6紫外線近紅外光譜儀 29
4.3.7振動光譜顯影系統 30
4.3.8熱重分析儀 30
第五章、 結果討論 31
5.1鍛燒溫度選擇 31
5.2二氧化鈦形貌及晶型探討 33
5.2.1形貌探討 33
5.2.2晶形探討 37
5.3性質鑑定 41
5.3.1光譜探討 41
5.3.2比表面積及孔洞大小 47
5-4生成機制探討 56
第六章、 結論 58
第七章、未來展望 59
參考文獻 60
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