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論文名稱(外文):Green-oriented disassembly planning design based on the connector concept
外文關鍵詞:Green DesignConnectorFASTReleased DiagramGreedy Algorithms
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近年來由於人類在工業上的迅速發展,使得人們對於產品的汰換率只高不低,與此同時也不斷加速了資源與能源的消耗,對地球的生態造成了極大影響。因此人們開始反思並追溯汙染的起源,而在生產產品前的設計改善及產品生產後的回收處理就變得尤其重要,若有一套完善的廢棄物回收流程和提高回收材料的再使用性即可大幅減少自然資源的使用,並延生出綠色設計的想法,綠色設計即是在產品階段時就需將節能、預防污染、循環再用、減量設計、易拆解等條件納入產品設計之中,使產品更符合環保訴求之綠色產品。因此本研究企圖提出以Connector為基的拆裝順序規劃,首先透過FAST(Function Analysis System Technique)功能分析將產品Connector功能評估出來後,探討產品功能設計是否符合產品的設計價值,並以方向干涉關係建構釋放圖來表達零件間的拆裝優先順序,將拆裝成本計算方式結合本研究所提出的Connector拆裝時間矩陣,使用貪婪演算法尋找符合優先順序下最小化拆裝成本之拆裝順序,完成以Connector為基礎的全部拆裝規劃;藉由符合FAST主要功能和具有拆解價值的Connector功能模組建立目標性拆裝,尋求拆裝至目標Connector的拆裝順序,並依據FAST將不必要或缺失的功能進行重新設計給予使用者建議,在不影響產品功能和使用性能等方面,應當考慮緊縮設計(減小、體積和重量)節約材料,將Connector模組進行改善,以減少拆解成本,使產品更符合綠色設計。本文中以固定座、釘書機等相關範例來說明。
In recent years, industrial changes are rapidly changing and developing, the replacement of product is getting faster. Therefore, this change has accelerated the consumption of resources and energy, and has greatly affected the ecology of the Earth. People start thinking about the environmental protection issues. To improve this problem, we must trace the origin of corporate activities - product design. If we improving the reuse of recycled materials means reducing the use of natural resources. This should be the meaning of green design, and the current environment can be taken care of and protected. Green design means that energy conservation, pollution prevention, recycling, design reduction, and easy disassembly are included in the product design at the product stage, so that the designed green products can better meet environmental protection demands. Furthermore, the disassembly cost is calculated in conjunction with the connector disassembly time matrix, and the optimal disassembly sequence is determined using the greedy algorithm. The optimal solution can be called the complete connector-based disassembly planning. Target connector-based disassembly plan can be established by evaluating the main functional considerations and disassembly values from the FAST (Function Analysis System Technique). Designers can redesign the product according to the connector-based disassembly sequence and FAST functional model. Through compact design (reduction, volume, weight and material savings), the connector module can be improved to reduce disassembly costs and to be more compliant with green design. In this study, the proposed method is illustrated by some examples such as fixed support and stapler.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第三章 研究流程 7
3.1產品設計 9
3.2 Connector之分群 10
3.2.1 FAST diagram產品功能分析圖 11
3.3建構釋放圖 14
3.4 MTM動素衡量拆裝時間 18
3.5判定共有零件與共有零件連接線(Arc)之歸屬(Step 5) 21
3.6總拆裝時間 23
3.7成本評估 26
3.7.1成本評估公式 26
3.7.2 Cm最大回收收入以固定座為例 30
3.7.3 Cm拆裝成本以固定座為例 30
3.8 貪婪演算法 33
3.8.1以貪婪演算法規劃全部拆裝順序以固定座為例 35
3.8.2以Connector基進行全部拆裝規劃之優點 36
第四章 案例測試 37
4.1產品設計-釘書機 37
4.2釘書機Connector分群 38
4.2.1釘書機FAST diagram 39
4.3建構釘書機之釋放圖 40
4.4MTM動素衡量釘書機拆裝時間 44
4.5判定釘書機之共有零件與共有零件連接線之歸屬 46
4.6總拆裝時間-釘書機 48
4.7釘書機成本評估 52
4.8以貪婪演算法規劃全部拆裝順序以釘書機為例 54
4.9Connector拆解價值 55
4.9.1釘書機 Connector拆解價值 55
4.10建立目標性拆裝 56
4.11重新改善 57
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 61
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