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論文名稱(外文):Research and Implementation of a Power Supply for Industrial Printer
外文關鍵詞:Industrial PrinterPower Factor CorrectorHalf-bridge Serious Resonant Converter
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A typical industrial printer at full load requires a consumed power of 240W. During operation, the printer’s nozzle must be preheated for 10 seconds, which consumes 480W of power. However, a power supply design based on this peak load may result in excessive costs and bulk. Therefore, in this study, a modified industrial printer power supply with specifications of 240W/24V/10A was designed. Featuring reduced bulk and cost, the proposed design also functions correctly under an instantaneous peak current up to 20 A for preheating. The proposed power supply accommodates an alternating current input voltage range of 90~264VAC and a direct current output voltage of 24VDC. A boost-type power factor correction (PFC) converter in continuous conduction mode was used for the front-end stage, whereas the rear-end stage adopted a half-bridge series LLC converter. To provide the instantaneous peak current for preheating the printer nozzle, the inductance of the PFC converter and the leakage inductance and resonant capacitance of the half-bridge series LLC converter was adjusted to prevent saturation or voltage sags under an instantaneous load of 480W/24V/20A. The experimental results indicated that the supply of output voltage and current remained stable at 240W/24V/10A, and the average efficiency also complied with the norms.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 效率規範 2
1.3 工業級電源供應器簡介 4
1.3.1 工業級與一般電源供應器之差異 4
1.3.2 工業級電源供應器之設計架構 9
1.4 論文大綱 10
第二章 功率因數修正器原理簡介 12
2.1 功率因數修正器之簡介 12
2.2 功率因數修正器之架構 16
2.3 功率因數修正器之工作模式 17
2.4 功率因數修正連續模式之電流控制方式 20
2.4.1 平均電流控制法 20
2.4.2 峰值電流控制法 21
2.4.3 磁滯電流控制方法 23
2.5 功率因數修正之主動式PFC介紹 24
2.6 功率因數修正之設計 25
第三章 諧振式轉換器原理與簡介 28
3.1 串聯諧振式轉換器之簡介 28
3.2 半橋式串聯諧振轉換器之設計 29
第四章 實驗結果 34
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
5.1 結論 57
5.2 未來展望 57
參考文獻 59

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