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論文名稱:太陽能板積塵 對發電效率影響分析
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Influence of Solar Panel Dust on Power Generation Efficiency
外文關鍵詞:Solar PanelsDust DepositsDiscrete Element MethodPower Generation Efficiency
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本論文主要是探討積塵對太陽能板發電效率影響之研究,灰塵是廣泛存在於大氣中的微粒,太陽能板表面灰塵顆粒的沉積會嚴重影響太陽能板發電效率,導致發電效率降低,減短太陽能板的使用壽命。為分析太陽能板表面灰塵分佈情況,本論文採用離散元法建立灰塵顆粒與太陽能板間的力學模型,並針對不同太陽能板傾角、風速及風向等條件下,模擬分析太陽能板表面灰塵分佈情況。此外,為量測室外太陽能板表面灰塵積塵程度,本論文利用可程式自動化控制器(Programmable Logic Controller, PLC)與PM Designer圖控軟體,設計一套微型氣象站及積塵自動偵測平台來實測實際積塵情況以驗證模擬結果,比較模擬結果與平台上量測到灰塵顆粒分佈情形,得到相當接近的結果。後續並模擬1個月及3個月無雨無清洗情況,以分析最嚴重積塵的分佈情形。最後選擇兩組位於同一地方且具有相同氣象條件的2kW太陽能發電系統進行實驗,透過兩組太陽能系統發電量的對比實驗,分析積塵對發電量造成的影響。
This paper mainly discusses the influence of dust deposition on the efficiency of solar panel power generation. Dust is a kind of particles widely existing in the atmosphere. The deposition of dust particles on the surface of solar panel will seriously affect the efficiency of solar panel power generation, resulting in the reduction of power generation efficiency and the shortening of the service life of solar panel. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dust on the surface of solar panel. In this paper, the mechanical model between dust particles and solar panels is established by the discrete element method, and the dust distribution on the surface of solar panels is simulated and analyzed under different conditions such as inclination angle, wind speed, and wind direction. In order to measure the dust deposit on the surface of outdoor solar panels, a set of meteorological stations and automatic dust detection platform is also designed by using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and PM Designer Map Control Software to verify the simulation results and compare the simulation results with the platform. The simulation results are compared with the dust particle distribution measured on the platform, and the follow-up results are quite similar. In order to analyze the distribution of the most serious dust accumulation, two groups of 2kW solar power generation systems located in the same place and with the same meteorological conditions are selected to carry out experiments. Through the comparative experiments of the two groups of solar power generation capacity, the impact of dust accumulation on power generation is analyzed.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 章節概要 4
第二章 太陽能電池及離散元法理論 6
2.1 太陽能電池 6
2.2 離散元法理論 9
2.2.1 離散元法 9
2.2.2 離散元法的顆粒模型 10
2.3 文章小結 14
第三章 太陽能板積塵模擬分析 15
3.1 積塵接觸模型建立 15
3.1.1 模型操作 17
3.1.2 系統參數設定 18
3.2 模擬方法 21
3.3 模擬結果與討論 25
3.3.1 不同傾斜角下的結果分析 25
3.3.2 不同風向及風速下的結果分析 29
3.4 本章小結 34
第四章 微型氣象站及積塵自動偵測平台規劃設計 37
4.1 偵測平台整體架構 37
4.1.1 太陽能板玻璃 38
4.1.2 市售日照計及自行研發日照計 40
4.1.3 微型氣象站及透光率測試儀 43
4.2 偵測平台監控系統之開發 50
4.2.1 監控系統動作流程 50
4.2.2 人機介面開發 53
4.2.3 監控系統通訊 55
4.3 本章小結 57
第五章 積塵對太陽能板發電效率實驗 58
5.1 實驗方法 58
5.2 實驗結果與討論 61
5.3 本章小結 76
第六章 結論與未來展望 78
6.1 結論 78
6.2 未來展望 79

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