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論文名稱(外文):New design of the reducer test equipment for Planetary Reducers
外文關鍵詞:reducerPlanetary Reducermachinery
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  行星減速機 (Planetary Reducers)在自動化設備上使用相當普及,它是帶動各種精密機械運轉的關鍵零件,其最主要功能在於降低電動機的轉數及增加輸出扭矩,及精準的定位,因為行星減速機的穩定性,在機械設備安裝使用過程中會影響機械設備本身品質與定位的精準度,所以必須將行星減速機做到更高精度,使其在高速運轉過程中有效的達到低噪音以及在停止時也能高精度定位,進而可提高行星減速機使用壽命。然而高精度行星減速機製造不易,檢測的過程也更加困難,因而增加了行星減速機的生產成本。
  Due to the rapid global industrial development and the competition between industrial companies; machinery manufacturing company needs to keep improving the manufacturing process and the yield rate in the production line, so that they can meet the customer’s needs and stay competitively.
Planetary Reducers are widely used in industrial automation. They are the key components that drive all kinds of precision machinery. Their main functions are: reducing the RPM, increasing the output torque, and accurate the positioning. The stability of the Planetary Reducer will affect the quality and positioning accuracy of the mechanical equipment during installation and use. Hence, the Planetary Reducer must be made more precisely. So that it can effectively achieve low noise and stop at high speed with high-precision positioning, this in turn increases the life of the planetary reducer. However, the high-precision Planetary Reducer is not easy to manufacture, and the detection process is much more difficult. Therefore, it increases the production cost of the planetary reducer.
  The purpose of this paper is to design new type reducer test equipment. The inspection efficiency will be improved and also could be applied to most Planetary Reducers. So the reducer manufacturer could accurately detect the conditions. As a result of the experiment, it yields hysteresis curve and completes the measurement of torsional rigidity. In addition, it improves the inspection efficiency and accuracy. This proves that the new type reducer test equipment could be applied in machinery manufacturing companies to enhance their industrial competitiveness.
摘要 ⅰ
誌謝 ⅲ
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表目錄 ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2研究目的與方法 2
1.3研究範圍 3
1.4研究流程 4
1.5論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 減速機介紹 6
2.2 減速機的種類 6
2.3 行星減速機的構造及原理 10
2.3.1 行星減速機構造 10
2.3.2 行星齒輪工作原理 11
2.4 行星齒輪的加工工藝 18
2.4.1 正火 19
2.4.2 滲碳淬火 19
2.4.3 氮化 19
2.4.4 高周波處理 19
2.5 行星減速機的應用方式及選型 20
2.5.1 行星減速機的應用領域 20
2.5.2 行星減速機選型要求 22
2.6 行星減速機精度的檢測參數 24
2.6.1 行星減速機選型要求 24
2.6.2 簡易背隙檢測機構原理 27
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 產品分析 29
3.2 品質分析 29
3.3 5W2H分析法 31
3.4 8D工作法 37
3.5 實用新型設計 39
3.6 建構3D模型 39
第四章 實驗與分析 42
4.1 測試機構分析 44
4.2 創新檢測設備設計 45
4.3 創新檢測機構實踐 46
4.4 實驗方法 47
4.4.1 角度精度量測 47
4.4.2 效率量測 48
4.4.3 遲滯曲線分析 49
第五章 結論與建議 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 建議 53
參考文獻 55
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