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論文名稱(外文):Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Retaining Wall under Static and Dynamic Conditions with Secondary Reinforcement using Finite Element Method
指導教授(外文):Ching Hung
外文關鍵詞:geosynthetic-reinforced retaining wallsecondary reinforcementfinite element analysisdynamic analysisstatic analysis
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Applications of geosynthetic reinforcements are commonly designed with a vertical spacing of 0.6 meters. This relatively large spacing may lead to a high reinforcement connection strength and result in connection failure. To alleviate the primary reinforcement axial force, secondary reinforcements set between primary reinforcement have recently been utilized. Such design has been proved to show some good performance under working stresses, however, the research on the seismic effect of the secondary reinforcement layer and the relationship between the primary reinforcement layer are still lacking. This study aims to investigate the effect of secondary reinforcement under static and dynamic conditions. Seismic behaviors of retaining wall with or without secondary reinforcement are evaluated and discussed considering various wall heights and primary reinforcement lengths.
Under the static condition, the results show that the secondary reinforcement layers can reduce both the maximum axial force of primary reinforcement and the wall displacement under construction stresses, capable of improving the overall stability of geosynthetic-reinforcement soil structures. Under the dynamic condition, the secondary reinforcement can effectively reduce the axial force of the primary reinforcement, greatly reducing the possibility of damages caused by the excessive axial force of the main reinforcement. It is also revealed that secondary reinforcement has a relatively small impact on the displacement and settlement of the walls.

摘要 iii
Extended Abstract iv
致謝 viii
目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
圖目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法及內容 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 次級加勁擋土牆 6
2.3 加勁擋土結構動態分析 9
2.3.1 解析解與經驗公式 9
2.3.2 加勁擋土結構動態試驗 11
2.3.3 加勁擋土結構動態數值分析 17
第三章 數值分析方法 25
3.1 PLAXIS程式簡介 26
3.2 組成律模型 28
3.3 靜態分析 37
3.3.1 靜態荷載 37
3.3.2 階段性施工 37
3.3.3 邊界條件 38
3.4 動態分析 38
3.4.1 材料阻尼比 38
3.4.2 動態邊界條件 40
3.4.3 時間步長 42
3.4.4 地震資料處理與輸入 42
第四章 案例驗證分析 45
4.1 工程案例靜態分析驗證 45
4.1.1 工程案例簡介 45
4.2 模型建立 47
4.3 材料參數 49
4.3.1 土壤性質 49
4.3.2 加勁材性質 51
4.3.3 介面元素 51
4.4 數值分析與監測結果比較 52
4.4.1 牆面側位移 52
4.4.2 最大加勁材軸力分佈 53
4.4.3 側向土壓力 54
4.4.4 垂直土壓力 55
4.4.5 小結 56
4.5 振動台實驗動態分析驗證 56
4.5.1 案例簡介 56
4.5.2 材料參數 59
4.5.3 數值分析與實驗結果比較 60
4.5.4 小結 63
第五章 次級加勁擋土牆受震分析 64
5.1 建立設計模型 64
5.2 地震動輸入 67
5.3 模擬結果與討論 70
5.3.1 有無次級加勁層擋土牆模型參數分析 70
5.4 不同地震力之影響規律分析 85
5.4.1 最大位移與最大加勁材軸力 86
5.4.1 最大位移與最大沉陷 88
5.4.2 最大沉陷與最大加勁材軸力 90
第六章 結論與建議 94
6.1 結論 94
6.2 建議 96
參考文獻 97
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