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研究生(外文):Raden Bagus FauzanIrshadibima
論文名稱(外文):Parameter Setting for Distinctive Earth Landscapes in Self-Similarity Regularization Pansharpening (SimiRegPS) Method
指導教授:洪 瀞
指導教授(外文):Ching Hung
外文關鍵詞:Satellite imageryPansharpeningImage processing
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It is difficult to obtain an accurate satellite imagery of the target landscapes. In recent years, a technique called Pansharpening method has demonstrated its potential to help obtain enhancing the quality of spatial and spectral satellite imagery. The SimiRegPS is one of the finest candidates to perform pansharpening method. Notice that the parameter selections, namely the regularizer parameter (λ) and penalty parameter (µ), are critical to acquire an ideal result for such a method, this thesis aims to determine the parameter setting for SimiRegPS method considering various target landscapes.
In developing the parameter setting, this thesis will use satellite image with four different characteristic landscapes (urban, mountain, crop and coastal land type), to find its specific parameter setting. The parameter setting is defined using trial and error methods, with a specific range of wider parameter range and ultimately discovering a narrower and defined range for each respective land types. The performance of the defined parameter setting is assessed using a quality index (visually and quantitatively) and compared with other pansharpening methods. The result shows that the defined parameter setting can lead to better results when compared to its default setting, and generally gives advantageous results against other pansharpening methods. It can be concluded that the parameter setting defined in this thesis can be applied to enhance the performance of the SimiRegPS method, and it is also revealed that for each land type, the ideal parameter range value would be different.
1.1 Research Background. 1
2.1 Satellite imagery 4
2.2 Pansharpening method 6
2.2.1 Component Substitution 6
2.2.2 Multiresolution Analysis 8
2.3 Self-Similarity Regularization Pansharpening Method 11
2.4 Quality Index 14
2.4.1 Spectral Angle Mapper 15
2.4.2 Root Mean Square Error 16
2.4.3 Peak Signal to Noise Ratio 17
3.1 Satellite Imagery Dataset 18
3.2 SimiRegPS Parameter Selection 20
3.3 Parameter Setting Quality Index 22
4.1 Parameter Setting Selection 26
4.2 Quality Index 28
4.2.1 Urban land type 29
4.2.2 Mountain land type 31
4.2.3 Crop land type 33
4.2.4 Coastal land type 35
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