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論文名稱(外文):Mixture Design and Manufacturing Process of Foams and Inorganic Polymeric Binders Made from River Sludge
指導教授(外文):Jong-Shin Huang
外文關鍵詞:alkali-activatedinorganic polymerriver sludgebinderpreformed air bubble
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The rapid accumulation of river sludge, especially under the erosion of typhoon and extreme weather, could cause a serious impact on surrounding environment and human beings due to the steep terrain and poor geological conditions in Taiwan. The annular cost for dredging of river sludge is high and the reutilization for large amount of river sludge becomes urgent and important. Here, the reuse of river sludge as a raw material in the production of alkali-activated binder is exploited. When the total cost is taken into account, the appropriate alkali-equivalent content AE%, silicate modulus Ms and water-binder ratio W/B in the alkaline activator for various calcination temperatures are investigated experimentally. It is found that the optimal proportion and dosage are 75% fraction of river sludge under the calcination temperature of 700℃, 25% fraction of blast-furnace slag powders with a fineness of 4000cm2/g, and the alkaline activator of W/B=0.35, Ms=1 and AE%=6%, giving a maximum compressive strength of the resulting inorganic polymeric binder.

The alkaline activator used in the production of inorganic binders is very expensive, thus limiting their application in construction engineering. To reduce the total cost and to provide other special functions, alkali-activated river-sludge inorganic binders made by employing the optimal proportion and dosage were mixed with different amounts of preformed air bubbles to produce inorganic polymeric foams with various relative densities. By conducting a series of measurements, it is found that the physical and mechanical properties of inorganic polymeric foams depend on the air content within them.

The macromolecule polymer, SBR latex, was added to enhance the waterproof of alkali-activated river-sludge inorganic binders. When the volume fraction of SBR latex was 5%, the early compressive strength and waterproofing of the resulting organo-modified inorganic binders were enhanced significantly. Finally, organo-modified inorganic polymeric foams with various relative densities were made by mixing different amounts of preformed air bubbles with SBR latex and alkali-activated river-sludge inorganic binders. During the production process, however, it was found that the complete mixture of hydrophobic SBR latex with preformed air bubbles was difficult, leading to a lower air content of foams as expected. But, the organo-modified river-sludge inorganic polymeric foams are lightweight, good thermal insulation and sound protection and thus can be employed as a novel construction material.
摘要 I
誌謝 XV
目錄 XVI
表目錄 XIX
圖目錄 XX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 本文組織與內容 4
第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 7
2.1 河川淤泥 7
2.1.1 青山漁港淤泥 8
2.1.2 河川淤泥煅燒溫度 8
2.2 無機聚合膠結材 9
2.2.1 無機聚合膠結材之發展 9
2.2.2 無機聚合物之組成 10 鋁矽酸鹽礦物 10 鹼活化劑 12
2.2.3 無機聚合膠結材優點 13
2.2.4 無機聚合膠結材之問題 14
2.3 泡沫混凝土 14
2.3.1 泡沫製作 15
2.3.2 消泡因素 16
2.3.3 泡沫無機聚合膠結材 18
2.4 高分子聚合物改質混凝土 18
2.4.1 高分子改質混凝土種類 19
2.4.2 應用於改質之高分子聚合物 20
2.4.3 SBR乳膠 21
2.4.4 高分子改質混凝土特點 21
2.4.5 聚合物改質混凝土之研究 22
第三章 試驗材料與方法 27
3.1 試驗規劃 27
3.2 試驗材料與儀器設備 28
3.2.1 試驗材料 28
3.2.2 試驗儀器與設備 29
3.3 試體製作 31
3.3.1 無機聚合膠結材 31 無機聚合膠結材配比 31 無機聚合膠結材製作流程 32
3.3.2 泡沫無機聚合膠結材 34 泡沫無機聚合膠結材配比 34 泡沫無機聚合膠結材製作流程 35
3.3.3 改質無機聚合膠結材 37 改質無機聚合膠結材配比 37 改質無機聚合膠結材製作流程 38
3.3.4 泡沫改質無機聚合膠結材 39 泡沫改質無機聚合膠結材配比 39 泡沫改質無機聚合膠製作流程 40
3.4 試驗方法 42
3.4.1 抗壓強度試驗 42
3.4.2 抗彎強度試驗 42
3.4.3 吸水率試驗 43
第四章 試驗結果與討論 59
4.1 無機聚合膠結材 59
4.1.1 試驗參數影響 59
4.1.2 抗壓強度 61
4.2 泡沫無機聚合膠結材 62
4.2.1 試驗參數影響 63
4.2.2 抗壓強度 63
4.2.3 抗彎強度 65
4.2.4 吸水率 65
4.3 改質無機聚合膠結材 66
4.3.1 抗壓強度 66
4.3.2 抗彎強度 67
4.3.3 吸水率 67
4.4 泡沫改質無機聚合膠結材 68
4.4.1 抗壓強度 68
4.4.2 吸水率 69
第五章 結論與建議 96
5.1 結論 96
5.2 建議 98
參考文獻 99
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