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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Aggregate Packing and Zeta Potential to the Performance of Slurry Surfacing Incorporating EAF-OS
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsien Yang
外文關鍵詞:Slurry SurfacingEAF-OSPacking DegreeZeta PotentialAsphalt-Aggregate Bonding
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One of the major by product from the recycled steelmaking plants was the Electrical Arc Furnace (EAF) and Basic Oxidizing Furnace slag (BOFS).In general, stabilized slag has superior mechanical properties compared to natural aggregate. Therefore, in order to alleviate the shortage of natural stone resources and mitigate environmental and land use problem, it has been used to replace natural aggregates for granular base, portland cement concrete, asphalt concrete, and also pavement surface treatment. Slurry Surfacing (SS) is one of the most effective pavement surface treatment techniques for pavement preservation which consists of a thin layer polymer modified emulsion blended with high quality aggregate focusing to remediate the pavement distress and extend the pavement service life. The common distresses type observed in the slurry-surfacing includes stripping, ravelling, and rutting which were related to aggregate packing and lack of proper adhesion or compatibility between asphalt and aggregates. Furthermore, during the application of slurry-surfacing in the field, little to no compaction effort was applied thus performance of mixture even relied on the aggregate packing level and adhesion property between asphalt and aggregate. The objective of this study was to investigate the usage of the Electric Arc Furnace – Oxidizing Slag (EAF-OS) into the slurry-surfacing by considering the effect of zeta potential and packing degree of the mixtures. Different percentage of EAF-OS was gradually replaced natural aggregate and performance test specified in International Slurry Surfacing Association, (ISSA) TB143 were conducted. The MLR analysis was performed to analyze the relationship between the zeta potential and aggregate packing level to the performance of slurry-surfacing mixtures. The result shows that EAF-OS could be applied into SS mixture.. Also mixture with higher packing degree and bonding properties tend to have better performance result. MLR analysis shows that there were relationship between packing degree and zeta potential to the performance of slurry surfacing incorporating EAF-OS.
ABSTRACT ............... II
DEDICATION .............. III
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............. V
LIST OF TABLES ............ VII
LIST OF FIGURES ............. VIII
1.1 Background. ............. 1
1.2 Research Objective and Scope. .......... 4
1.2.1 Objectives ............ 4
1.2.2 Scope ............. 4
1.3 Thesis Organization. ........... 5
2.1 Steel Slag Type and Characterization ........ 6
2.1.1 Types of Steel Slag .......... 6
2.1.2 Mechanical Advantages of Steel Slag as an Aggregate .... 7
2.1.3 Usage of Steel Slag as Aggregate ......... 8
2.2 Slurry-surfacing Incorporating Recycled Material ...... 9
2.2.1 Slurry-surfacing ............ 9
2.2.2 Recycled Material Used in Slurry-surfacing ...... 10
2.3 Aggregate Gradation and Packing Degree in Emulsified Asphalt Mixture . 11
2.4 Asphalt-Aggregate Bonding ......... 12
3.1 Materials ............. 15
3.1.1 Aggregate ............ 15
3.1.2 Asphalt Emulsion .......... 17
3.1.3 Additives and Mineral Filler ......... 19
3.2 Method ............. 19
3.3 Theoretical Background. .......... 22
3.3.1 Aggregate Mixture Packing Degree ....... 22
3.3.2 Asphalt-Aggregate Bonding .......... 23
3.3.3 Wet Track Abrasion Test ......... 25
3.3.4 Load Wheel Test - Multilayer Loaded Wheel Test Vertical and Lateral Displacement at Ambient. ............ 26
4.1 Packing Degree Value .......... 27
4.2 Asphalt Aggregate Bonding ......... 28
4.3 Wet Track Abrasion Test ........... 30
4.4 Loaded Wheel Test ........... 33
4.5 Performance Modeling ........... 36
5.1 Conclusion ............ 38
5.2 Recommendation ............ 38
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