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論文名稱(外文):Applying BIM and Ontology to Automatically Developing the Time-Cost Integrated Schedule for Location-Based Subcontracting Works
指導教授(外文):Chung-Wei Feng
外文關鍵詞:BIMOntologyConstruction SchedulingWork item
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為改善上述專案排程方法之缺失,本研究結合知識本體論(Ontology)及BIM於工程專案排程作業以提升效率及品質。本研究從解析專案排程規劃與控制之資訊需求著手,利用Ontology架構,根據營建公司之成本項目、時程控制之資訊需求解析BIM元件與工項間的關係,產生BIM建模規則及建立工項施作規則,並建構BIM模型或分析已建構之BIM模型是否滿足排程之需求,再自動擷取出BIM模型資訊,並以施工分包工項為依據建構以施工區域方式結合時間之排程(Location-Based Schedule)。此外,以此架構建構之BIM模型及資料,將可新增外部相關資訊,進而提供未來各項分析及預測之用。
In current practice, an experienced project scheduler can employ the project scheduling software to efficiently develop the construction schedule by considering the activities. However, the costs related to the activities are usually roughly allocated according to detailed work items from the work packages. Such a schedule development approach commonly results in inefficient project management due to the poor integration of the project time and cost. Recently, many studies have shown promising results in integration of the project time and cost by taking advantages of the information retrieved from the Building Information Modeling (BIM). Nevertheless, retrieving information from the BIM could be time consuming and inefficient if the BIM is not properly developed according to the uses and needs. Ontology has been recognized to effectively define the information required for different uses, which can be really helpful in developing the BIM model.
This study combines ontology and BIM to efficiently improve the quality of developing the time-cost integrated construction schedule. First, through an in-depth analysis of the required information for planning and controlling the time and cost of the construction project is performed to establish the relationships between the work items and the associated BIM elements. Then, an ontology model is developed according to the result of the above analysis to define the specifications of BIM development. In addition, the BIM model of the construction project is built to fulfill the uses of scheduling subcontractors in terms of working areas. Furthermore, an algorithm is created to employ the information obtained from the BIM model to automatically generate the time-cost integrated and location-based schedule. With the proposed approach, the project management can be significantly improved by the time– cost– location integrated schedule generated.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究流程 5
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 問題陳述及文獻回顧 9
2.1 研究問題陳述 9
2.2 工程專案時程管理 11
2.2.1 專案時間與成本之整合 11
2.2.2 專案區域規劃 13
2.2.3 資訊標準化的發展 15
2.3 建築資訊模型 Building Information Modeling(BIM) 17
2.3.1 BIM發展現況 17
2.3.2 BIM應用於排程規劃之發展與瓶頸 18
2.4 本體論 21
2.4.1 本體論概念 21
2.4.2 結合本體論與建築資訊模型 25
2.5 小結 27
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 IDEF0分析法 28
3.2 Ontology簡介 30
3.2.1 知識本體編輯器-Protégé 30
3.2.2 SWRL規則介紹 30
3.3 BIM建模軟體 31
3.4 Dynamo簡介 32
第四章 應用建築資訊模型與知識本體論自動建構與成本整合之分包工作區域排程 34
4.1 自動化排程系統功能分析 34
4.2 解析工作區域之分包工項排程規劃需求 37
4.2.1 解析分包與時程工項語意資訊 37
4.2.2 需求資訊分析 39
4.2.3 建築模型項目資訊需求分析 44
4.3 建構符合連結成本工項之BIM建模規則本體模型 51
4.3.1 類別建立 53
4.3.2 屬性建立 56
4.3.3 實例建立 58
4.3.4 SWRL語言規則建立 63
4.3.5 發展符合時程規劃需求之BIM建模規則 70
4.4 建構符合需求之建築資訊模型 72
4.5 開發自動建構與成本整合之分包工作區域排程系統 73
4.5.1 自動化擷取時程工項所需之BIM資訊 73
4.5.2 制式化之時程資訊快速輸入與選擇 76
4.5.3 輸出功能 76
4.6 小結 77
第五章 案例驗證 78
5.1 案例介紹 78
5.2 應用建築資訊模型與知識本體論自動建構與成本整合之分包工作區域排程 79
5.2.1 依照建模規則建構整合成本分包工作區域之建築資訊模型 79
5.2.2 自動獲取以工作區域為基礎之BIM模型元件資訊 81
5.2.3 使用者時程資訊快速輸入與選擇 86
5.2.4 產出時程規劃成果 87
5.2.5 差異化分析 90
5.3 小結 93
第六章 結論與建議 94
6.1 結論 94
6.2 未來研究方向 95
參考文獻 97
附錄A 時程規劃成果 101
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