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論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of an Embedded System for Picking up Bottles Using an Robotic Arm and Deep Learning
指導教授(外文):Ting-Wei Hou
外文關鍵詞:Embedded SystemNeural NetworkImage RecognitionRobotic Arm
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在網路模型訓練上,自行拍攝和收集了共約1200張相關瓶罐照片的資料集,隨機選擇1000張為訓練集而另外200張為測試集。最後將在桌上型電腦主機訓練完成的AlexNet-SSD神經網路模型,移植到嵌入式系統上進行測試。辨識的速度可高達26.8 FPS且凖確率為87.3%。
As people's awareness of environmental protection increases, improving resource reuse is a way to effectively reduce environmental pollution and achieve sustainable use of resources. But waste disposal is a complex process that requires a complex checking process before it enters the incineration. In addition, a large amount of human resources is required to pre-classify waste. The pre-classifying process greatly increases cost, reduces the efficiency, and even directly leads to abandon the classification action and directly incinerates.
In this research, we propose an automatic system for picking up bottles based on an embedded system with a deep learning model and a robotic arm. In order to make the system practical, the research used a rotating table to simulate a conveyor belt, and combined with a camera and image recognition. The image recognition model is based on the neural network architecture composed of AlexNet and SSD, and it is modified to be a lightweight neural network model for embedded system called AlexNet-SSD.
In the model training phase, nearly 1200 images of PET bottles, can, and tetra-pak were collected. Among which 1000 pieces were used as the training set and 200 pieces as the test set. Finally, the training results on the host are ported to the embedded system for testing. The testing results are 1) recognition speed can be as high as 26.8 frames per second, and 2) an accuracy of 87.3%.
中文摘要 I
Extended Abstract II
章節目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究貢獻 2
1-4 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 台灣廢棄物種類認知 4
2-2 廢棄物辨識相關研究 5
2-3 各國自動化廢棄物分類技術 12
2-4 自動化分類技術相關比較 14
第三章 嵌入式系統實現瓶罐挑選 15
3-1 實驗場景介紹 15
3-2 硬體設備 17
3-3 系統架構 21
3-4 影像辨識演算法說明 24
3-5 機械手臂和坐標定位說明 33
第四章 實作成果與討論 37
4-1 AlexNet-SSD神經網路模型訓練結果 37
4-2 瓶罐影像辨識實驗結果 38
4-3 機械手臂吸取實驗結果 42
4-4 討論 43
第五章 結論與未來工作 46
5-1 結論 46
5-2 未來工作 47
參考文獻 48
附錄 52
附錄1 uArm Swift SPEC 52
附錄2 系統程式碼 52
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