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論文名稱(外文):An Adaptive Content Caching Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning
指導教授(外文):Chin-Feng Lai
外文關鍵詞:Caching algorithmReinforcement learningAlgorithm design and analysis
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Cache algorithms play an important role in the world, because they allow retrieval the data without having to request from the original source. In this study, we propose a novel algorithm which integrates temporal and frequency factors, named file model. File model is used to calculate weight value by the information of each file, such as arrival order and frequency of each file. File model consists of two mechanisms, file proportion variable and file decay coefficient. The former deals with the current file weight, and it reduce all the value of each file according to their proportion in the current data request. The latter focuses on previous file weight and it would reduce all the value of each file as time goes on. Based on the file model, we then propose a reinforcement learning approach to predict file frequency by taking into account the relation between each data request. Numerical results based on two different dataset, zipf’s law dataset and discrete dataset, show that the proposed file weight and learning-based caching algorithm outperforms the traditional caching algorithms in certain schemes, such as the discrete dataset we design.
摘要 I
Extend Abstract II
誌謝 V
內文目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方向與貢獻 2
1.3 章節提要 3
第二章 背景介紹與文獻探討 4
2.1研究背景介紹 4
2.1.1快取介紹 4
2.1.2強化學習範例概述 4
2.2快取節點配置策略 5
2.3快取演算法(Caching Algorithm) 8
2.3.1傳統演算法 8
2.3.2傳統演算法延伸 8
2.3.3近年發展概念 12
2.3.4未來發展 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1環境假設 18
3.2問題描述 18
3.3檔案模型 18
3.3.1符號定義 19
3.3.2 α (檔案衰退率) 19
3.3.3 β (檔案比例) 20
3.3.4檔案權重 21
3.4強化學習模型 21
3.4.1狀態 (State) 22
3.4.2動作 (Action) 22
3.4.3動作價值函數 22
3.4.4獎勵函數 26
3.4.5策略 28
3.5實驗設計 28
第四章 系統實作與結果分析 30
4.1 實驗資料集說明 30
4.1.1基於齊夫定律之檔案使用頻率 30
4.1.2單位時間內之檔案請求數 31
4.1.3隨機產生之檔案使用頻率 33
4.1.4資料集 36
4.2 (1.1) 實驗 36
4.2.1快取大小與檔案種類比例 36
4.2.2檔案請求方法與齊夫定律資料集之關係 38
4.2.3檔案請求方法與隨機產生資料集之關係 43
4.3 (2.1) 實驗結果 46
4.3.1預測模型實作方法 46
4.3.2實驗說明 47
4.3.3狀態閥值與零散狀態之關係 48
4.3.4強化學習模型輔助預測 50
第五章 結論與未來展望 54
5.1 實驗結論 54
5.2 未來發展方向 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 59
附錄一 演算法試算 59
α值試算 59
β值試算 59
檔案權重模型試算 59
強化學習狀態試算 狀態閥值(Threshold)為1 59
強化學習狀態試算 狀態閥值(Threshold)為2 59
附錄二 30個檔案之各區間權重分布圖 60
附錄三 隨機產生資料之狀態減少比例 61
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