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論文名稱(外文):Study on Network Operation Automation - A Case Study of Network Video Usage Control in an Enterprise
指導教授(外文):Tzone-I Wang
外文關鍵詞:Network Maintenance AutomationNetwork Behavior ControlSYSLOGSNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)API(Application Programming Interface)
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Information technologies continues to change the world. Many new IT applications have subverted our lives with companies pursuing the use of new technologies to enhance business processes and efficiency. New technologies make IT system management and maintenance more and more complicated. The load for enterprise network maintenance is higher than ever. Data produced from different devices need to be analyzed and cross referenced for the administrator to make right maintenance or control decisions. If a complete automated administrating program that integrates data generated by devices in an enterprise and analyzes to allow controlling various information systems can be built, it would be helpful for simplifying maintenance job and solving problems quickly and efficiently.
This study develops a method that combines a firewall and an intrusion detection system installed as the gateway network devices to monitor all network behavior within an enterprise. The method can collect data and messages generated from network equipment, analyze these data by a program, and execute commands on the equipment to control network behavior in order to automate administration work, reduce manual works, and satisfy user’s maintenance demands.
According to the trend reports from researchers, video traffics in corporate networks have grown exponentially. Reasonable usages of network videos have to be controlled. As an example, this study demonstrates the operations of the method by automated controlling the network video usage behavior in an enterprise. The results of the method developed in this study can indeed control the network video behavior in an enterprise. In the future, this method can be used in controlling different network behaviors by using the same operating methodology. It can manage the network usages in a different way that improves network controlling efficiency.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
中英文縮寫對照表 XIII
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 研究流程架構 2
第2章 文獻探討 4
2-1 網路維運管理介紹 4
2-2 技術文件探討 4
2-2-1 MICROSOFT Active Directory微軟目錄服務 4
2-2-2 GPO群組原則管理 5
2-2-3 SYSLOG系統日誌記錄 6
2-2-4 SNMP簡單網路管理協定 6
2-2-5 Linux相關套件(RSYSLOG) 8
2-3 軟硬體裝置介紹 9
2-3-1 應用程式型防火牆 9
2-3-2 入侵偵測網路設備 9
2-4 企業對於網路行為管控之現況 10
第3章 研究方法與系統架構 11
3-1 企業網路技術複雜及系統整合現況 11
3-1-1 數據收集階段 12
3-1-2 數據分析階段 14
3-1-3 數據確認階段 15
3-1-4 確認執行階段 16
3-2 運用資料分析及系統整合 17
3-3 改變網路維運模式 20
第4章 系統實作 21
4-1 前置作業環境建立 21
4-1-1 網路影音行為控制環境整體介紹 21
4-1-2 研究模式角色說明 22
4-1-3 硬體環境說明 22
4-1-4 軟體環境說明 23
4-2 運作流程介紹 23
4-2-1 步驟一_利用GPO群組原則啟用SNMP 23
4-2-2 步驟二_透過入侵偵測網路設備發現YouTube網路行為 26
4-2-3 步驟三_將Syslog透過控管主機Rsyslog套件收集訊息 30
4-2-4 步驟四_建立控制平台透過程式檢視SYSLOG影音行為事件紀錄 31
4-2-5 步驟五_透過程式分析擷取使用者裝置(NIC)網路流量訊息 32
4-2-6 步驟六_透過程式呼叫應用程式防火牆API程式介面 33
4-2-7 步驟七_利用應用程式防火牆API建立網路自動化及循環機制 34
4-3 系統實際測試說明 35
4-4 科技接受模式(TAM) 36
第5章 結論與未來研究方向 40
5-1 研究結論 40
5-2 建議 41
參考文獻 0
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