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論文名稱(外文):Bonding process improvement for vibration resistance of flexible printed circuit board
外文關鍵詞:flexible printed circuit (FPC)TFT-LCDvibration
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本究主要探討軟性電路板(Flexible Printed Circuit, FPC),作為液晶顯示器,信號與電路傳遞之元件,在業界現行的高振動次數生產與使用條件下,對元件耐振動毀損對策之探討。
研究工具包含拉力測試、光學顯微鏡成像分析…等,和在有限條件下的單邊條件實驗設計、計次性振動與繞折破壞實驗…等驗證手法;並將此些各自獨立的對策案件,分為設計變更類:FPC疊構、導線垂直引道(Via)位移、金屬接合(Bonding)介面面積增加、印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board, PCB)固定螺絲;與製程變更類,異方性導電膠膜(Anisotropic Conductive Film, ACF)位置變更、接合位置變更、接合條件改善…等多項對策;再將每一個獨立對策進行實驗確認,得到各分項目皆能有效提升FPC的耐振動能力;最終再將總和對策完成品,與對完全未對策前的樣品進行耐振動能力比較。
In this study, we investigate the damage mechanism of flexible printed circuit board (FPC) the TFT-LCD fab production process first and then resolve the damage by suitable methods.
From the fab production data, the FPC damage originated from vibration in the production process. In order to improve vibration resistance ability of FPC, both the flexible circuit board structure and process parameters were adjusted under the condition of using the current process equipment. Five methods were proposed to optimize the process recipe which were individually tested first and then variously combined for their different effectiveness using the vibration tests for damage.
The impact of individual programs on the results is obtained via the t-test comparison, and the experimental results were confirmed by comparing the vibration resistance ability of the integrated approach with the initial sample. The results show that each individual approach can improve the vibration resistance of the FPC. Furthermore, the integrated approach improve the vibration resistance ability considerably and is successfully implemented for field applications.
摘要 III
Extended Abstract V
致謝 IX
目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
圖目錄 XV
符號說明 XIX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-2.1 研究動機 2
1-2.2 目的 5
1-3 論文架構 7
第二章 理論與文獻探討 9
2-1 接合製程概述 9
2-1.1 製程概述 9
2-1.2 銲錫接合製程與結構概述 10
2-1.3 異方性導電膠膜接合製程與結構概述 11
2-1.4 軟性電路板結構說明 13
2-2 參考文獻概述 13
2-2.1 綜合概述 13
2-3 生產技術簡述 14
2-3.1 機械手臂 14
2-3.2 可動式電路板固定結構 16
2-3.3 軟性電路板振動量測動 17
2-4 振動對策方案 19
2-4.1 抗振動設計概念與採用方案論述 19
2-5 統計與分析方法 20
2-5.1 t檢定介紹 20
2-5.2 MINITAB介紹 21
第三章 研究方法 22
3-1 子實驗項目概述 22
3-1.1 子實驗項目列表 22
3-2軟性電路板雙層包覆結構 22
3-2.1毀損狀態說明 22
3-2.2對策方案與理論敘述 23
3-2.3論證實驗 26
3-2.4 小結 28
3-3引線連接導電孔位置變更 28
3-3.1 毀損狀態說明 28
3-3.2對策方案與理論敘述 29
3-3.3論證實驗 30
3-3.4 小結 32
3-4塗膠與接合位置調整 33
3-4.1 毀損狀態說明 33
3-4.2對策方案與理論敘述 34
3-4.3論證實驗 36
3-4.4小結 37
3-5接合介面增大 37
3-5.1 毀損狀態說明 37
3-5.2 對策方案與理論敘述 38
3-5.3 論證實驗 39
3-5.4 小結 40
3-6接合用銲錫製程調整 41
3-6.1 毀損狀態說明 41
3-6.2 對策方案與理論敘述 42
3-6.3 論證實驗 43
3-6.4 小結 46
第四章 結果與討論 49
4-1綜合論述 49
4-2 綜合驗證實驗 49
4-2.1 實驗設計概念論述 49
4-2.2實驗用器材與綜合實驗設計 50
4-2.2小結 59
第五章 結論與建議 60
5-1結論 60
5-2建議 60
參考文獻 62
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