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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Innovative Applications on the Current Technique by Using TRIZ in Reverse- A Study on a Spray Coating Company
指導教授(外文):HUI-CHOU SHAO
外文關鍵詞:Spray CoatingTRIZ in ReverseInnovative Applications
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With the development of the manufacturing industry, manufacturing technologies are quite mature and diverse now. However, most manufacturing technologies are developed to solve a single problem, that caused people ignoring the possibilities of other innovative applications and even the potential to become competitors in new markets.

The case on spray coating technique of this study is one of the methods for surface treatment. The coating layer on workpieces can improve and increase the mechanical properties, such as the resistance for corrosion, high temperature, oxidation, extra insulation, and etc. The case company is a SME with 30 years of experience in this industry, and the customers already extend through various industries with certain stable profit. Due to cost-oriented market and situation of the lack of manpower on business and R&D personnel, the case company need to develop innovative technology application to the markets immediately to actively cope with the technique-upgrading market trend and eliminate the stagnancy for this industry in the future.

Taking the case company as an example, based on the TRIZ method, the technology from the case company is applied to transfer to 40 invention principles; then reversed those into the contradiction matrix to get the relevant engineering parameters. Case company can use those found corresponding parameters to help customers solving other immediate problems, even the undetected ones. To case company, that will be a new business model to provide more solutions to customers for those undetected problems. Through this study, it is also expected that this new method can be used wildly, and help the entire industry to transfer their traditional business model from OEM to other type, and probably turn the business closer to the service-oriented mode to make more profits.
摘要 I
Extended Abstract II
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
中英文全名對照表 XII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究限制 3
1.4 步驟與流程 3
第2章 個案研究與分析 5
2.1 中小型企業 5
2.2 代工製造產業 8
2.2.1 分散式工業 8
2.2.2 代工困境 9
2.2.3 微笑曲線 9
2.2.4 人力短缺 10
2.3 個案公司與噴焊加工技術介紹 12
2.3.1 個案公司業務現況 14
2.4 小結 15
第3章 研究方法 18
3.1 萃智理論 18
3.1.1 矛盾矩陣 19
3.1.2 39個工程參數 20
3.1.3 40項發明原則 22
3.2 衍伸工具 28
3.2.1 空矩陣建議 28
3.2.2 單一工程特性對應創新法則表 28
3.2.3 單一創新法則對應工程特性表 29
3.3 工具選用與合理性探討 30
3.4 使用流程探討 38
3.4.1 現有相關使用流程探討 38
3.4.2 新逆向流程改進與設計 40
3.5 同性質細分技術區隔 42
第4章 驗證與個案導入使用 45
4.1 個案技術轉譯成40項發明原則 45
4.2 經改善之新逆向流程驗證 48
4.3 加權區隔方法驗證 52
4.4 成果與分析 55
4.4.1 新逆向流程標準化整理 55
4.4.2 個案使用改善之逆向流程成果 58
4.4.3 個案使用加權後改善之逆向流程成果 59
4.4.4 小結 62
第5章 結論 63
5.1 逆向萃智理論 63
5.2 未來建議 63
參考文獻 65
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