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論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Research of Consumers\' Cognition and Willingness to Purchase \"Enzyme\" Products:An Integration Model of Technology Acceptance Model and Planned Behavior.
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tien Tsai
外文關鍵詞:EnzymesHealth Care ProductsTechnology Acceptance ModelTheory of Planned BehaviorBehavioral Intention to UsePerceived Usefulness
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本研究以「科技接受模式」與「計畫行為理論」之整合模式探討:健康保健市場所歸納的三大趨勢:「機能性功能的需求」、「產品來自自然食材/素材的需求」、「產品方便性的需求」,以及「消費者對「酵素」產品的認知與購買意願之實證研 究」的過程中,運用探討「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」、「行為態度」的行為研究,再進一步以「行為態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」等三個影響因素對「行為意圖」進行探討與研究。


關鍵字:酵素; 機能性食品; 科技接受模式; 計畫行為理論; 使用態度; 行為意圖
Extended Abstract

An Empirical Research of Consumers' Cognition and Willingness to Purchase Enzyme Products:
An Integration Model of Technology Acceptance Model and Planned Behavior.
Auther:Fu_Sheng Wang
Advisor:Dr. Ming_Tien Tsai
Engineering Management Graduate Program, College of Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
With the growing awareness of health, consumers are paying more attention to preventive health and healthy eating, which in turn drives the demand for health and health food. According to the Consumer Food Survey of the International Food Information Association (2008), more than 70% of respondents agree that taking enzyme foods or drinks can enhance immunity, improve gastrointestinal function, improve the digestive system, strengthen body energy and acid-base balance, and maintain overall health. And other benefits. Therefore, the enzyme for the prevention of disease, the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, the health benefits of eating chyme or supplementing probiotics.
Nowadays, the “sub-health” ethnic group in Taiwan and mainland China has increased, and the function of enzymes can meet their needs. The effects of enzymes include: weight adjustment, circulatory diseases, arthritis and various inflammations, herpes, skin diseases and other immune systems. Diseases and other issues have effectively provided regulating the body's acid-base balance, promoting metabolism, improving immunity and improving physical fitness. This has a broad market space for enzymes.
This study explores the integration model of Technology Acceptance Model and Plan Behavior Theory: three major trends in the health care market: demand for functional functions, products from natural ingredients/materials, In the process of productive convenience and consumer research on the perception and purchase usability and behavioral attitude The study further explores and studies behavioral intention of enzyme products, the use of perception of usefulness, perception and intentions with three influencing factors: behavioral attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior control.
The Institute learned about the questionnaire data and conducted an investigation by electronic questionnaires. 312 copies were completed and 288 actual and effective questionnaires were used. The statistical analysis software of SPSS20 version was used for statistical analysis of the sample structure. The methods used were: Sexual statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation factor analysis, regression analysis, etc., are used to study the appropriateness of structural model verification.
Based on the relationship between the research theme and the research structure, the relationship between the various facets and the research hypotheses are explained, as well as the factors related to the research structure. The research structure of this research and the association factor in the technical acceptance model and planning behavior theory are discussed as follows:
H1:The effect of Perceived Usefulness on Attitude Toward Use .
H2:The impact of Perceived Ease of Use on Attitude Toward Use.
H3:The impact of Attitude Toward Use on Behavioral Intention to Use .
H4:The impact of Subjective Norms on Behavioral Intention to Use .
H5:The effect of Perceived Behavior Control on Behavioral Intention to Use.
Based on the statistical analysis, we will put forward the research findings of the correlation factor and behavior intention hypothesized in this study. In order to provide the enzyme industry industry in the market expansion and operation strategy, we can have further relevant information to understand the channel. The Chinese market demand on the two sides of the strait and the support of relevant policies of the cross-strait government have enhanced the competitiveness of Taiwan's “enzyme products” in China.

Keywords: Enzymes ; Health Care Products ; Technology Acceptance Model ; Theory of Planned Behavior; Behavioral Intention to Use; Perceived Usefulness.
The size of the health care products market in China, the current Chinese consumers in the promotion of health care concepts, prevention is better than cure, health of health care popularization, personal health needs customization, high quality Factors such as health care products, China's health products and enzyme products market potential, of which functional food and functional beverages have the largest market, with an average annual compound growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%. Enzyme Products is a discussion of market research and consumer behavior: because it has many functional health care products, it is a functional beverage and a functional beverage.

Explore the relationship between research structure and research hypothesis for research purposes and related documents to conceive follow-up study questionnaires The theoretical basis for the establishment and research. In this research model, the variable factors study, description and variable factors summary, divided into scientific acceptance theory to explore the perceive usefulness, perceive ease of use, behavioral attitude behavior research, and then The planning behavior theory is used to study the behavioral intentions, subjective norms and perceived behavior control to explore and study the behavior intentions of consumers.
This study conducted an online questionnaire survey through Line Group, Facebook, QQ Group, WeChat Group, and community operators. The statistical analysis software of SPSS20 version was used for statistical analysis of the sample structure. The methods include: narrative statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation factor analysis, and regression analysis.

The Institute learned about the questionnaires and conducted an investigation by electronic questionnaires. 312 copies were obtained and 288 valid questionnaires were used. The SPSS20 software was used for sample analysis through narrative statistics, reliability analysis and validity analysis. Factor analysis, Pearson correlation factor analysis, and regression analysis are used to study the appropriateness of structural model verification.
The research structure of this research and the association factor in the technical acceptance model and planning behavior theory are discussed as follows:
表6-1 Study False Test Results
H1 The effect of Perceived Usefulness on Attitude Toward Use Significant
H2 The impact of Perceived Ease of Use on Attitude Toward Use Indirect
H3 The impact of Attitude Toward Use on Behavioral Intention to Use Indirect
H4 The impact of Subjective Norms on Behavioral Intention to Use Moderate
H5 The effect of Perceived Behavior Control on Behavioral Intention to Use Moderate
Suurce:This Study

This study assumes that the causal relationship affecting consumers' use of health care products - enzymes is:
The influence of the five variables is from the 31 questions in the questionnaire. The results of the verification show that the correlation coefficient between the variables and the causality is significantly positively correlated. The analysis results show that the study affects the consumers' influence on the use of enzymes. The assumptions of the relationship are all true.
The results of the study show that among the three factors affecting the attitude of use and the behavior of use, perceived usefulness has the greatest effect, subjective norm is second, and perceived ease of use has the least impact.
The results of this study can provide Taiwan's health products industry manufacturers to enter the cross-strait business opportunities,
The functional health care products of improving immunity and regulating blood lipids are market demand and develop functionality.
Functional products are the main products, and health care products are the best products with health care, health and fitness functions.

摘要 I
Extended Abstract III
誌謝 VII
List of Tables X
List of Figures… XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究步驟與流程 4
第二章「酵素」產業的現況與願景 7
2.1 台灣「保健產品」產業的發展現況 7
2.2 「酵素」是保健產品之範疇 8
2.3 「酵素」說明與功能介紹 8
2.4 「保健產品產業」及「酵素產業」的願景 15
第三章 文獻探討 19
3.1 知覺有用性 19
3.2 知覺易用性 19
3.3 使用態度 20
3.4 主觀規範 20
3.5 知覺行為控制 20
3.6 科技接受模式 21
3.7 計畫行為理論 22
3.8 行為意圖 24
3.9 各變數間的關係 ……..25
第四章 研究方法 26
4.1 研究架構 26
4.2 研究假設 27
4.3 各構面之操作定義及衡量 28
4.3.1 變數之操作性定義與問卷設計 29
4.4 資料統計分析方法 32
4.4.1 敘述性統計 32
4.4.2 信度分析 32
4.4.3 效度分析 33
4.4.4 因素分析 33
4.4.5 皮爾森積差相關性分析(Pearson Correlation) 33
4.4.6 迴歸分析 34
第五章 資料統計分析與結果 35
5.1 樣本特性分析 35
5.2 各變數因素分析與信度、效度分析 37
5.3 皮爾森積差相關性分析 48
5.4 迴歸分析 50
第六章 結論與建議 55
6.1 研究結論 55
6.2 研究限制與後續研究之建議 57
參考文獻 59
一、中文文獻 59
二、英文文獻 61
附錄:研究問卷 62
一、 中文文獻
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