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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Attractive Factors for Self-motivation Learning:the comparison between high school and college students
指導教授(外文):Min-Yuan Ma
外文關鍵詞:Learning EnvironmentLearning BehaviorSelf-motivation Learning
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近幾年,在師資培育課程及教學現場,越來越強調因材施教的重要性,仍有許多學生的學習行為及念書風氣是被動的,但學習的本質應該是主動的。在台灣,從小學教育到高等教育,在課程綱要裡都有加入鼓勵自主學習風氣的學習課程,希望學生可以培養自動自發的習慣。當教育制度及社會大眾對於學習的型態與以往的形式不同,在學習環境的選擇及學習方式也會有所改變,根據Bennett在2005年《an EDUCAUSE》提到,環境對學生的學習歷程具有影響力。
In recent years, in the teacher-training curriculum and teaching scene, more and more emphasis are placed on the importance of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. There are still many students whose learning behavior and study style are passive, but the essence of learning should be active. In Taiwan, from primary education to higher education, there are courses in the syllabus that encourage self-learning, and students are expected to develop spontaneous habits. When the education system and the public are different in the form of learning from the past, the choice of learning environment and the way of learning will also change. According to Bennett's thesis in《an EDUCAUSE》in 2005, the environment has influence on learning curve for students.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the factors that make students choose the learning environment after class, and provide the future exploring whether it can effectively cultivate students' habits from passive learning to active learning.
The research experiment has three steps. The first step is to screen respondents, using the involved metrics to screen out 6 to 8 respondents with active learning. The second step is to capture the attractive factors, and the interview process uses Evaluation Grid Method and KJ Method to collect the influence factors, feelings and preferences of the testees about the software or hardware in the environment. The third step of the experiment is comparative analysis. The results are grouped into questionnaires and distributed to high school students and college students aged 16 to 22 to fill out. After the questionnaire is recycled, the attractive factor is divided into six characteristics, and the attractive factors’ data would analyze with Cluster analysis and Chi-square Test.
Through the results of qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires, there are 44 environmental attractive factors selected by the high school students and university students in the after-school learning behavior. Through Cluster Analysis, 4 groups of high school and 3 groups of college students can be obtained. Comparing college students and high school students, we can see the relationship, similarities and differences of active learning attractive factors between these groups. High school can be divided into environment dependent, environmental atmosphere dependent, environmental atmosphere independent and environmental independent. The college students can be divided into environmental atmosphere dependent, environmental atmosphere independent, and environmental independent.
第1章 緒論...........................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...................................1
1.2 研究目的........................................3
1.3 研究流程........................................3
1.4 研究對象與限制...................................5
1.4.1 研究對象......................................5
1.4.2 研究範圍與限制................................5
1.5 研究背景總結....................................5
第2章 文獻探討......................................6
2.1 學習環境........................................6
2.1.1 理想的學習環境................................6
2.1.2 環境依賴與環境獨立............................7
2.1.3 學習環境小結..................................7
2.2 學習行為........................................7
2.3 自主學習........................................9
2.4 半結構式訪談法.................................10
2.5 評價構造法.....................................11
2.6 KJ法..........................................11
2.7 集群分析法.....................................12
2.8 卡方檢定.......................................12
2.9 文獻探討結論...................................13
第3章 研究方法與步驟................................14
3.1 研究方法.......................................14
3.1.1 半結構式訪談.................................14
3.1.2 觀察法......................................15
3.1.3 評價構造法...................................15
3.1.4 KJ法........................................16
3.1.5 集群分析法...................................17
3.1.6 卡方檢定.....................................17
3.2 受測者........................................17
3.3 實驗設計.......................................17
3.4 研究方法及步驟總結..............................19
第4章 研究結果分析..................................20
4.1 實驗第一部分-前測問卷..........................20
4.1.1 訪談對象之討論...............................20
4.1.2 質性訪談.....................................22
4.2 實驗第二部分-學習環境魅力因子問卷...............22
4.2.1 主動學習環境魅力因子..........................23
4.2.2 主動學習環境魅力因子與目標族群之分析...........24
4.2.3 主動學習環境魅力因子與學習動機及目標族群之分析..29
4.3 研究結果分析總結...............................39
第5章 討論........................................40
5.1 環境魅力因子...................................40
5.2 目標族群與學習環境魅力因子......................41
5.2.1 「環境依賴型」族群...........................41
5.2.2 「環境氣氛依賴型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較....42
5.2.3 「環境氣氛獨立型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較....43
5.2.4 「環境獨立型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較.......43
5.3 學習動機與目標族群..............................43
5.3.1 「環境依賴型」族群............................44
5.3.2 「環境氣氛依賴型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較.....44
5.3.3 「環境氣氛獨立型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較.....44
5.3.4 「環境獨立型」族群-高中職與大學生之比較........45
5.4 學習動機與學習環境魅力因子.......................45
5.4.1 升遷導向的學習動機與學習環境魅力因子之關係.......45
5.4.2 興趣導向的學習動機與學習環境魅力因子之關係.......46
5.5 主動學習的定義..................................47
5.6 結果討論總結....................................47
第6章 結論..........................................48
6.1 學習環境魅力因子................................48
6.1.1 受環境影響之高中職學生族群.....................48
6.1.2 受環境影響之大學生族群.........................49
6.1.3 受環境影響之族群比較...........................49
6.1.4 「環境獨立型」族群.............................51
6.2 學習動機與目標族群...............................52
6.3 總結............................................52
6.4 未來課題與建議...................................53
參考文獻 54
附錄1 環境魅力因子集群百分比.........................57
附錄2 自我知覺主動學習涉入度問卷.....................58
附錄3 主動學習環境魅力因子調查問卷...................62
附錄4 集群分析樹狀圖-高中職學生.....................66
附錄5 集群分析樹狀圖-大學生.........................71
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