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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Interactive Teaching Assistive Device Design and Development for Children with Cerebral Palsy.
指導教授(外文):Yu-Hsiu Hung
外文關鍵詞:Children with Cerebral PalsyInteractive Teaching Assistive DeviceITADInteractive Video GamingFocus groups.
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大部分腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)為痙攣型,特點為肌肉張力高,上肢多呈現緊繃狀態。腦性麻痺兒童體型及肌肉力量,耐力和心肺健康都比一般兒童弱小。腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)在復健的過程中相當辛苦,且其訓練成效較低。若無持續復健,隨著年齡增長會導致更嚴重的殘疾發生。近年來研究指出,透過互動視頻遊戲(Interactive Video Gaming, IVG)的導入,能夠有效增強腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)復健動機,並提升復健成效。但現實狀況中,開發此類型輔具,需要相當高的技術門檻。本研究以腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)為例,透過與台南大學特殊教育學系的合作,開發互動式教學輔具(Interactive Teaching Assistive Device, ITAD)。探討腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)在互動式教學輔具(Interactive Teaching Assistive Device, ITAD)開發上所面臨的問題,並逐步簡化與降低製作門檻。
研究主要分為三個階段,第一階段為ITAD I修正評估;第二階段為腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)的教學輔具設計與開發,透過3D列印實際製作出500份ITAD II教學輔具,提供給特殊教育學校以及腦性麻痺兒童家庭使用,並分析使用者端與開發者端給予的回饋;最終,進行第三階段ITAD III的設計,並採取焦點團體訪談,邀請4位特教經歷超過10年以上的專家,進行ITAD II 、ITAD III的教學輔具使用反饋以及問題點分析。
本研究結果顯示:ITAD II的使用族群不侷限於腦性麻痺兒童,它可進一步運用於肌肉萎縮症、智能障礙者、上肢協調較弱者等…其他族群。另外,ITAD III大幅的降低製造時間、材料成本、製作門檻。本研究的成果將可提供具有該教學輔具需求的特教老師與腦性麻痺兒童(children with cerebral palsy)家庭,得以直接運用相關的設計參數。本研究成果將可作為未來特殊教育教學輔具設計的參考。
Most of the children with cerebral palsy belong to spasticity. The characteristics include high muscular strain, and upper limbs are tense and taut. Most of the children with Cerebral Palsy have weaker build, muscular strength, endurance and cardio health than normal children. The rehabilitation process for children with Cerebral Palsy is very hard but the training results are low. Without continuous rehabilitation, more serious disability could occur with age. In recent years, research shows that the introduction of Interactive Video Gaming (IVG) could effectively improve the motivation of children with Cerebral Palsy to rehabilitate and the results of rehabilitation. However, the real situation of developing this type of assistive devices has very high technical obstacles. This study cooperates with Department of Special Education of University of Tainan to develop Interactive Teaching Assistive Device (ITAD) for children with Cerebral Palsy. The study would explore the problems of development of Interactive Teaching Assistive Device (ITAD) for children with cerebral palsy, and eventually simplify and lower the manufacturing obstacles.
This study includes three stages. Stage one is revision and evaluation of ITAD I. Stage two is the design and development of teaching assistive device for children with Cerebral Palsy. It has produced 500 pcs of ITAD II teaching assistive devices by the 3D printing and provided to the special education schools and families of children with Cerebral Palsy. The feedback from the end users and developers would be analyzed. Finally, stage three is the ITAD III design and the Focus Group interview would be applied. There were 4 experts of special education with over 10 years of experience invited for feedback and problem analysis of ITAD II and ITAD III teaching assistive devices.
The result of this study shows that the use of ITAD II is not restricted to the children with Cerebral Palsy. It can further be applied to other groups, including Muscular Dystrophy, Intellectual Disability, and weak upper limb coordination. Besides, ITAD III would significantly reduce the manufacturing time, cost of materials, and manufacturing obstacles. The result of this study could be provided to the teachers of special education and families of children with Cerebral Palsy who need that teaching assistive device so that they could apply the relevant design parameters. The result of this study would be the reference for the design of teaching assistive devices of special education in the future.
摘要 i
1.1Background information and motivation 1
1.2Purposes of the study 2
1.3Research contribution 2
1.4Glossary 3
1.4.1 Interactive Assistive Training Device (ITAD) 3
1.4.2 Children with Cerebral Palsy 4
Relevant studies on children with Cerebral Palsy 5
2.1.1 Symptoms and characteristics of Cerebral Palsy 6
2.1.2 Classification of Cerebral Palsy 6
2.1.3 Clinical sign of Cerebral Palsy 7
2.1.4 Motor Functional training 9
Importance of Rehabilitation 10
Current Situation of Assistive Device for Cerebral Palsy 11
2.3.1 Applying for Assistive Device Manufacturing 11
2.3.2 Trends of Interactive Assistive Device for Children with Cerebral Palsy . 14
2.4Assistive Device Development Method 18
2.5Human Activity Assistive Technology Model 19
2.6Userfit 20
2.7Focus Group 21
3.1Preliminary Investigation 24
3.2Cross-disciplinary Cooperation and Development 24
3.3ITAD I Design Concept and Prototype 25
3.4Participant Observation 26
3.5Interview 29
3.6ITAD I Assistive Device Evaluation and Usability Test 30
3.7Revision of the ITAD I Assistive Device Design 34
3.8ITAD II Design Prototype Completed 39
3.9ITAD II Usage Test 41
4.1ITAD II Feedback and Development Analysis 44
4.2Summary of the ITAD II Usage Problems 49
4.3Summary of the ITAD II Development Problems 50
4.4ITAD III Design 50
4.5Focus Group Interview 57
5.1ITAD II and ITAD III Users Feedbackt 64
5.2HAAT Relevance Evaluation 66
5.3Conclusion 68
Questionnaire 75
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