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論文名稱(外文):An Economic Design of Adaptive X-bar Control Chart Subjected to Short-term Manpower Shortage
指導教授(外文):Yu-Ching Chang
外文關鍵詞:Control chartManpower constraintEconomic designAdaptive control chartVariable sampling intervalWarning limitCost function
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Economic design of control charts have drawn a great number of researchers’ attention since Duncan first proposed the economic design of X-bar control charts in 1956. We call it economic design when we adjust three important decision variables in the control chart: sampling interval length, sample size and control limits in order to minimize the total cost. However, we call it adaptive control chart if these three decision variables varied based on the value of the preceding sample statistics. Wu et al. merge the concept of deploying manpower in the statistical process control scheme for the purpose of minimizing the expected total cost. The concept of constructing traditional or economic control chart is from a long-term perspective, and both of their decision variables were decided at the beginning. If we change decision variables at will, cost will rise in the short term. Our research develop a methodology for adjusting sampling interval length, warning limits and control limits simultaneously, subject to short-term manpower shortage for monitoring multiple control charts. The purpose of our research is to find the best combination of sampling interval length, warning limits and control limits by minimizing total cost per unit time. We modify Bai and Lee cost function for adaptive economic design and added in the M/M/c queueing model for manpower construction. The results show that expected total cost per unit time can be lowered by adjusting the combination of control limits, warning limits and sampling interval length appropriately. Sensitivity analysis is presented to evaluate how the parameters influence the total cost per unit time.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 修華特管制圖 6
2.1.1 計數值管制圖 9
2.1.2 計量值管制圖 10
2.2 適應性管制圖 11
2.2.1 適應性修華特管制圖 11
2.2.2 適應性累積和管制圖 14
2.2.3 適應性指數加權移動平均管制圖 15
2.3 經濟設計 16
2.3.1 單個可歸屬原因之經濟設計 17
2.3.2 多個可歸屬原因之經濟設計 19
2.3.3 聯合管制圖之經濟設計 20
2.3.4 變動管制圖之經濟設計 21
2.3.5 累積和管制圖之經濟設計 24
2.3.6 指數加權移動平均管制圖之經濟設計 25
2.4 人力限制 26
第三章 僅考慮管制界限之X-bar管制圖之適應性設計 28
3.1 研究問題描述 28
3.2 研究假設 29
3.3 符號定義 30
3.4 研究模型建構 31
3.5 小結 34
第四章 同時考慮管制界限、警戒界限與抽樣間隔長度之X-bar管制圖適應性經濟設計………………………………………..……………………………37
4.1 研究問題描述 37
4.2 研究假設 40
4.3 符號定義 41
4.4 研究模型建構 43
4.5 決策變數求解 51
4.6 小結 53
第五章 數值驗證與敏感度分析 54
5.1 案例討論 54
5.2 敏感度分析 57
5.2.1 成本分析 57
第六章 結論與建議 64
6.1 研究貢獻 64
6.2 未來研究方向 65
第七章 參考文獻 66
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