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論文名稱(外文):Promotion strategy in considerations of consumers’ carry-over effects
指導教授(外文):Chung Chi Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:price promotionfree samplesfree samples and couponscarry-over effectpromotion strategies
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In marketing's view, promotions are an important element to increase sales and profits. Price promotion or price reduction, free samples, and coupons are different types of promotions. We often see promotions in many categories, such as food, cosmetics, drugs, and books. Promotions can attract consumers from another segment to buy the manufacturer's product and hence can increase the manufacturer's profit. The distribution of coupons yields the same effect as price promotion, and is able to attract the consumers from another segment because products with coupons are offered at a lower price. Under free-sample strategies, the consumers will try the free-sample and their perception about the product might be changed. Some of the consumers may feel a positive disconfirmation and the others may feel a negative disconfirmation. The consumers who got a positive disconfirmation are likely to buy the product in the following period.

We focus on price promotion, the distribution of free samples, and the distribution of free samples and coupons. We use CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) as an example of our model. We model a monopoly firm that sells two quality-differentiated products (high- and low-quality products), and allow for promotion of high-quality products. With promotions, some consumers who buy low-quality products regularly will try high-quality products and may increase their valuations of high-quality products temporarily (carry-over effect). Such a valuation increase may lead these consumers to purchase high-quality products later at regular price. Our aim is to find the best promotion strategy for the manufacturer. Our analysis reveals that the free-sample strategy is always dominated by the free-sample with coupon strategy. When the cost of the free sample is low, it is more profitable for the manufacturer to choose free-sample strategies, either the free-sample strategy or the free-sample with coupon strategy. With a small cost of free-sample and a large carry-over effect, the free-sample strategy and the free-sample with coupon strategy can perform better than price promotion although the free-sample cost is not small. But, when the free-sample cost is large, price promotion always performs better than the other strategies.
Table of Contents
Abstract in Chinese............. ii
Abstract............... iii
Acknowledgements............. iv
Table of Contents............ vi
List of Figures.............. viii
List of Tables.............. viii
1 Introduction............. 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation........ 2
1.2 Research Objectives.......... 4
1.3 Research Process........... 5
1.4 Research Structure.......... 6
2 Literature Review............ 7
2.1 Price Promotion Strategy......... 7
2.2 The Distribution of Samples and Coupons...... 8
2.3 Learning and Forgetting Effect........ 10
2.4 Carry-over Effect........... 12
3 Model Construction and Development......... 13
3.1 Model Framework and Notations......... 13
3.1.1 Model Assumption.......... 14
3.1.2 Notations........... 15
3.2 Customer Segmentation and Manufacturer’s Profit..... 16
3.2.1 Benchmark Model: no promotion...... 16
3.2.2 Model 1: Price Promotion........ 18
3.2.3 Model 2: Free-sample Promotion...... 23
3.2.4 Model 3: Free-sample and Coupon Promotion.... 26
4 Analysis............. 31
4.1 Profit in terms of one parameter......... 32
4.1.1 Profit in terms of
.......... 32
4.1.2 Profit in terms of .......... 33
4.1.3 Profit in terms of c2.......... 34
4.1.4 Profit in terms of cs.......... 34
4.2 Profit in terms of multi-parameters........ 35
4.2.1 Changing two parameters........ 36
4.2.2 Changing three parameters........ 38
4.2.3 Changing all the parameters....... 41
5 Conclusion.............. 43
5.1 Conclusion............ 43
5.2 Future Research Direction.......... 44
References.............. 45
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