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論文名稱(外文):Applying Theory of Constraints to a Medical Device Firm’s Production and Inventory Management
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chi Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Theory of ConstraintsProduction ManagementInventory Management
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This thesis aims to reduce the standard deviation of push production, solve the problems related to human resources, raw materials, and inventory, based on a quantitative analysis of the sales volume in the previous two years. The inventory buffer is then introduced, and products A and B are integrated into a continuous production line, and refined push production is developed, in order to meet customer demand and reduce the inventory and production cost.
The case study company is a newly founded medical device firm. Increasing the brand awareness and sales through exhibitions or other means are imperative for the firm. Because there are few data on exhibitions, this study considers production for exhibitions and clearance sales in exhibitions with special offers as an independent process and does not include it in the analysis.
The case study firm engages in production planning but has not paid attention to production control. Thus, this thesis applies production management and the theory of constraints to deal with the firm’s production and inventory management issues. First, products A and B are integrated to create a continuous production line for push production of fixed quantities at fixed times under buffer management. Secondly, the case situation is discussed and a plan for pull production is provided in the thesis. According to the back-testing results, the largest inventory reduction for the case study firm is 98.9%, while IDD and TDD remain 0, suggesting that the case study firm can significantly reduce its outputs and inventories and improve its production and inventory management.
摘要 I
Extended Abstract II
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 限制理論 (Theory of Constraints, TOC) 5
2.1.1 限制理論概要 5
2.1.2 限制理論的步驟 6
2.1.3 限制理論之應用層面 8
2.1.4 以限制理論排除供應鏈問題瓶頸 10
2.2 醫療器材市場與發展 13
2.2.1 全球醫療市場概況 13
2.2.2 台灣醫療產業現況 14
2.2.3 骨取代物市場分析 15
2.2.4 骨取代物簡介 17
2.3 供應鏈經營法則 18
2.3.1 傳統供應鏈 18
2.3.2 造成供應鏈震盪之長鞭效應(Bullwhip Effect) 19
2.4 生產管理方法 21
2.4.1 推式生產介紹 21
2.4.2 拉式生產介紹 22
2.4.3 推/拉式供應鏈比較 23
2.5 庫存管理方法 25
2.5.1 連續與定期補貨方法 26
2.5.2 庫存管理總結 29
第3章 研究方法 32
3.1 研究情境 32
3.2 研究假設 33
3.3 研究架構 34
3.4 TOC Demand-Pull之緩衝管理 35
3.5 績效衡量管理評估 36
3.5.1 有效產出天-元(Throughput-Dollar-Days, TDD) 36
3.5.2 存貨天-元(Inventory-Dollar-Days, IDD) 36
3.5.3 生產量庫存量報廢量績效 37
第4章 數據分析與討論 38
4.1 個案公司產線評估分析 38
4.1.1 J公司產品原製程規劃 38
4.1.2 成品A與成品B之庫存分析 38
4.1.3 主要原料-原物料A之庫存分析 39
4.2 個案公司成品生產製程與庫存改善 44
4.2.1 成品A與B之定時生產排程改善 44
4.2.2 成品A與B之生產量評估 45
4.2.3 改良生產方式之積效評估與回測 49
4.2.4 建立庫存緩衝倉降低缺貨率 51
4.2.5 回測導入緩衝管理庫存區後之分析 53
4.2.6 原始生產排程與緩衝庫存管理方法比較 56
4.2.7 經製程改善後節省之數量與比例 58
4.3 個案公司因應特例生產管理與提高營運收益之建議 60
4.3.1 個案公司展覽行銷推廣 60
4.3.2 以提前規劃生產補足展覽之銷售量 60
4.3.3 以即期品進行產品優惠促銷 61
4.3.4 非緊急需要提供平攤供給醫生方案配合 62
第5章 結論與未來研究方向 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 65
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