Tang Shi Xuan[唐詩選], which is thought to be compiled by Li Panlong[李攀龍], has been popular and influential since Edo Period in Japan. Meanwhile, Li’s anthology[選本] has also attracted negative criticism from scholars. This thesis attempts to explores the anthologies related to Tang Shi Xuan, which were compiled by Japanese scholars during different periods. By case studies, this research, focusing on the following works: Shinozaki Shochiku[篠崎小竹]’s Tang Shi Yi[唐詩遺], Mori Kainan[森槐南]’s Tang Shi Xuan Ping Shi[唐詩選評釋], Mekata Makoto[目加田誠]’s (Xin Shi) Tang Shi Xuan[(新釋)唐詩選], Yoshikawa Kojiro[吉川幸次郎]’s Xin Tang Shi Xuan[新唐詩選] and Xin Tang Shi Xuan Xu Pian[新唐詩選續篇], discusses some key issues, for instance, what are Japanese scholars’ views towards Li’s Tang Shi Xuan, what are the characteristics of the above anthologies, what are the similarities and differences among these works, and how did Japanese promote classical poetry education through anthologies? In addition, investigating the reception of Tang Poetry in Japan is also a main aim of this study.