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論文名稱(外文):Competition Analysis among Major Air Carriers in Cross-Strait Airfreight Market: The case of Taipei-Shanghai route
指導教授(外文):Chung-Wei Shen
外文關鍵詞:Cross-straitAirlines competitionGame theoryAirfreight
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羅吉特模式(Logit Model)適合分析業主運具的挑選行為,且此項方法已被廣泛應用於多項研究中,本論文為計算效用函數,第一步驟為「航空公司選擇模式」,接著針對航空公司的成本與飛行班次數而建立「成本關係式」,最後將「單航線航空公司間競爭模式」作為競爭分析模型,將航空公司的收入扣除成本而獲得最大利潤。
This study aims to market competition among air carriers under cross-strait airfreight freight rates regulations. In recent years, the increasing proportion of cross-strait trade in electronic products, air cargo has become increasingly popular. Due to the special environment of cross-strait, service frequency and freight rates are important factors affecting air cargo. This study will be applied to actual data in market competition analysis.
The two main purposes of this research are: One, to against the market environment under Cross-Strait Airfreight Regulations and to analyze the impact of freight rates and frequencies of service changes on airline revenues. And then we could understand the possible impacts and responses to the airfreight. Two, to optimize the application of Cross-Strait Airfreight Regulations in order to achieve both a sustainable aviation market and a flight schedule that meets the market’s need. The airlines would make the maximum profit.
Review literature focusing on Logit Model is a suitable method for discussing Consignors' Mode Choice Behavior and has been widely used. First of all, we discuss the Consignors' Mode Choice Behavior in the transportation market. Then, the cost relation is established for the cost of the airline and the frequencies of service. Finally, the Market Competition Model among single-route is used as a competitive analysis model. The airline's income minus the cost and then we could get the maximum profit.
Through various scenarios results, this study designs four scenarios and uses the original preset results to find Outliers equilibrium results. Analysis of the changes in freight rates and frequencies of service. And then we could find that the two scenarios are the ideal state of this study. In the case of scenario 1, when the number of service frequencies is reduced and the freight rates are maintained, each airline can obtain more profits. If we choose scenario 3, when the frequencies of service are slightly reduced and the freight rates are reduced, we could maintain the original preset profit of each company. From this, it analyzes the impact of airline freight rates and frequencies of service on the route market. The government can be used as an adjustment to future Airfreight regulations.
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究流程 6
1.4 研究內容 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 市場競爭下之策略規劃 9
2.1.1 航空自由化-開放與管制的市場 9
2.1.2 航空公司競爭行為相關研究及資料 9
2.2 賽局理論簡介及應用 13
2.2.1 賽局理論之基本概念 13
2.2.2 納許均衡Nash equilibrium 15
2.2.3 航空公司運輸業應用賽局理論之相關研究 15
2.2.4 賽局於本研究之運用 17
2.3 兩岸航線貨運相關沿革及資料 20
2.4 小結 23
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 運具選擇行為 24
3.2 單航線之航空公司間競爭模式 28
3.3 小結 32
第四章 實例應用與分析 33
4.1 現況之均衡分析 33
4.2 參數敏感度與假設情境分析 41
4.3 綜合分析 53
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1 結論 57
5.2 建議 59
參考文獻 60
附錄1台北至大陸主要城市公告運價 64
附錄2桃園機場兩岸貨量2016年全年資料 65
附錄3 燃油附加費調整通知 66
附錄4桃園到上海的客貨運班機時刻表 67
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