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論文名稱(外文):Impact of demand heterogeneity on latecomer firm technological capability accumulation: The case of a lithium-ion battery provider
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Fang
外文關鍵詞:capability accumulationlatecomer firmdemand heterogeneityindustrial dynamiclithium-ion battery
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在產業發展上,後進企業(latecomer firm)往往需要透過不斷累積多樣的企業能力(organizational capability)以求趕上已經在產業中有一席之地的領導企業。尤其是後進企業的科技能力之累積(technological technology accumulation),對於企業是否可以成功在產業中求得生存,有舉足輕重的影響。目前對於企業科技能力累積的研究,大部份側重於焦點企業(focal firm)本身的組織學習、知識累積以及策略方向的影響,缺乏對於外部需求的系統性分析,即便有學者注意到需求對於焦點企業學習與策略上的影響,但往往過度簡化需求的特性,而僅將需求簡化為銷售量視之。為求更進一步瞭解需求對於後進企業科技能力累積的影響,本論文採用需求異質性(demand heterogeneity)的視角,檢視客戶對於產品品質的不同要求以及所能接受的格差異等的差異性,對於焦點企業的科技能力累積所帶來的影響。透過探討鋰電池製造(lithium-ion battery cell manufacturer)後進企業Molicel的個案,本論文得以一探後進企業進入市場後為了滿足不同客戶在品質與性能方面的不同需求,而透過不同的方式與管道取得不同的製造與研發等能力,一個階段一個階段地累積其科技能力。
Latecomer firms accumulate technological capabilities in order to catch-up with industrial leaders. In current literature, discussions about the technological capability accumulation process overlook the impact of demand by simplifying demand as increase and decrease of sales volume. Adopting the demand heterogeneity perspective, this dissertation investigates the developments of a Taiwanese lithium-ion battery cell manufacturer to see how the technological capability accumulation of a latecomer firm is affected. It is found that the case company used different ways to acquire or develop its technological capability to gradually fulfill the varying performance requirements that different lithium-ion batteries applications pose. The direction and method of technological capability accumulation are largely affected by demand heterogeneity. Theoretically, this case complements received understanding on the technological capability accumulation of latecomer firms by providing the demand-side impact. For business management, this case exhibits how a latecomer firm entered the industry by fulfilling the demand that has low demand on quality. After acquiring some market share, the firm upgrades its technological capability to serve more demanding customers. Then, again, after making some achievements, the firm can try to extend to even more demanding markets. In this way, a latecomer firm can gradually accumulate its capability while trying to survive different market segments.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
Table of Contents VI
List of tables VIII
List of figures IX
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 3
1.3 Research purpose 4
1.4 Research question 4
1.5 Research Framework 5
2.1 Latecomer firm technological capability accumulation 7
2.1.1 Brief overview of organizational capabilities 7
2.1.2 Technological capabilities and their accumulation of latecomer firms 8
2.1.3 The influence of demand 18
2.2 Demand Heterogeneity 19
3.1 The lithium-ion battery sector 26
3.1.1 Introduction to the lithium-ion battery sector 26
3.1.2 Lithium-ion battery in Taiwan 30
3.1.3 Choice of the case firm 34
3.2 Research method and design 36
3.2.1 Data collection 37
3.2.2 Data validation 39
3.2.3 Data analysis 40
4.1 Establish initial capability base and fulfill hand-tool demand (1998-2000) 44
4.2 Acquire new capability for notebook computer applications (2000-2004) 45
4.3 Develop advanced capabilities for electric vehicles 47
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