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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Perceived Value and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intentions for Mobile Coupons
指導教授(外文):HUI-TING TSAI
外文關鍵詞:perceived valueperceived pricebrand awarenesspurchase intentionmobile coupon
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本研究以網路問卷之調查形式進行調研,於研究期間以 357 位有效問卷中獲得研究結論。其結論發現,行動折價券的促銷強度對於知覺價值及購買意願 具有正向相關的影響; 行動折價券中的非價格類型對於知覺價值及消費者的購 買意願具有正向相關的影響 ; 品牌知名度對於知覺價值及消費者的購買意願具 有正向相關的影響,然而對於知覺風險則無顯著影響。而知覺價格對於知覺價 值及購買意願也具有正向相關的影響。
Thesis title: The Influence of Perceived Value and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intentions for Mobile Coupons
Author’s name: Yi Syuan Li
Advisor’s name: Huei Ting Tsai
Department and college: Business Administration Department, National Cheng Kung University

The purpose of this research is understanding mobile coupon whether to change customer purchase intention with sales promotion intensity, non-price promotion type, brand awareness, and perceived price and perceived risk. I hope that I can dedicate this research to realize and demonstrate the relevant academic contributions of kinds of result that when customer purchase promoted-products with using mobile coupons.
In the past, there are few kinds of research conducted about the perceived value to affect purchase intention, particularly customer using mobile coupons. In addition, there is lack of research to talking about mobile coupon in recent year. However, as consumer more and more relay on mobile device and the Internet in their daily life, the mobile coupon becomes more and more important and crucial for purchasing process and decision making of the consumer. According to these reasons, in this research, will focus on what is the most important factors affect purchase intention when customer using mobile coupons to buy something product was promoted.
According past researches about promotion of marketing fields, especially coupon in the part of promotion researched, I set several variables in my structure, my independent variables are sales promotion intensity, non-price type, perceived price, brand awareness; and mediation variables are perceived value and perceived risk, and dependent variable is purchase intention.
In my research, those survey was conducted in the form of online questionnaires, and the research conclusions were obtained in 357 valid questionnaires during the period. In my data, all of the data made up of young people who are highly Internet users (including students and white-collar workers). Therefore, in the result will focus on young people who use to using mobile coupons to buy products.
The result of my study shows that four variables have a significant positive impact on the perceived value then have a significant positive impact on the purchase intention. The sales promotion intensity of mobile coupons has a positive impact on perceived value and purchase intention; non-price type of mobile coupons have a positive impact on perceived value and purchase intention; brand awareness has a positive effect on perceived value and purchase intention. However, brand awareness has no significant effect on perceived risk. Perceived prices have a positive impact on perceived value and purchase intention. In the testing of mediation variables, perceived value has a positive impact on the sales promotion intensity to purchase intention which means perceived value is a full mediation variable in these relationship; non-price type of promotion has a positive impact on the purchase intention which means perceived price is a partial mediation variable in these relationship; in the relationship within brand awareness and purchase intention, perceived value has a positive impact which means perceived value is a partial mediation in this relationship; and perceived value in perceived price and purchase intention, perceived value has a positive impact which means perceived value is a partial mediation variable in this relationship. However, it is no significant positive influence with perceived risk to mobile coupons.
On the whole, the most important factor – perceived value, will affect the willingness of the consumer to use the mobile coupon through the purchasing process. For manufactures, perceived price is one of the most important factors affecting brand value. Using mobile coupons make consumers feel that the coupons have high value. Therefore, it is believed that the value of the products is higher. For the consumer, the brand awareness will be a factor that affect consumer purchase intention during the purchase decision process. And when the brand awareness is higher, that is, the impression of brand in consumer’s mind will be more stronger, so consumer will increase their willingness to using mobile coupon. When they purchase promoted-products. In the result, when the consumer uses the mobile coupon, the consumer who has the most influence on the purchase will convince the mobile coupon that has value for the consumer.
In addition, perceived risk may decrease the willingness of the consumer to purchase promoted-products with mobile coupon. However, due to the customer who is high-level internet users fully understand how to use the internet to get the mobile coupon and know how to protect their private information, perceived risk not to be seen as crucial affect when consumer purchase promoted-products with using the mobile coupon. That is to say, brand or firm need to realize how to set the promotion strategy with mobile coupon to shorten the distance of customer between brand, so that firm can get more benefit, such as enhancing brand awareness, increasing perceived value and purchase intention.
About Managerial Contribution, I have three points. One is mobile coupon can increase consumer purchase intention, so mobile coupon can use for promotion strategy. Seconds, Retailers should consider how to use mobile coupons as a promotional strategy in conjunction with brand awareness. Final, Think about how to increase brand awareness from promotion activities, and enhance perceived value of mobile coupon, so that the brand can effectively operate for a long time.
第一章 緒論............................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究動機.................................................................................................................1
第二節 研究背景.................................................................................................................4
第三節 研究目的.................................................................................................................7
第四節 研究問題.................................................................................................................8
第五節 研究流程.................................................................................................................9

第二章 文獻探討...................................................................................................................10
第一節 行動折價券...........................................................................................................10
一、 行動折價券...........................................................................................................10
第二節 促銷強度...............................................................................................................15
一、 促銷定義...............................................................................................................15
二、 促銷強度的衡量...................................................................................................16
第三節 促銷類型...............................................................................................................18
一、 促銷類型定義.......................................................................................................18
二、 促銷類型之分類...................................................................................................18
三、 非價格促銷工具之種類.......................................................................................21
第四節 品牌知名度...........................................................................................................24
一、 品牌知名度定義...................................................................................................24
二、 品牌知名度之構面...............................................................................................25
第五節 知覺價格...............................................................................................................27
一、 知覺與價格...........................................................................................................27
二、 知覺價格定義.......................................................................................................27
三、 知覺價格構面.......................................................................................................28
第六節 知覺價值...............................................................................................................30
一、 知覺價值定義.......................................................................................................30
二、 知覺價值形成.......................................................................................................30
第七節 知覺風險...............................................................................................................34
一、 知覺風險定義.......................................................................................................34
二、 知覺風險構成要素...............................................................................................35
第八節 消費者購買意願及行動折價券使用意願 ........................................................... 37
一、 購買意願定義.......................................................................................................37
二、 消費者購買意願之構面.......................................................................................38
第三章 研究方法...................................................................................................................
39 第一節 研究架構...............................................................................................................39
第二節 研究假設...............................................................................................................40
一、 行動折價券促銷強度對知覺價值之影響 ........................................................... 40 二、 行動折價券促銷類型對知覺價值之影響 ........................................................... 40 三、 品牌知名度對知覺價值之影響 ........................................................................... 41
四、 品牌知名度對知覺風險之影響 ........................................................................... 41
五、 知覺價格對知覺價值之影響...............................................................................42
六、 知覺價值對購買意願之影響...............................................................................42
七、 知覺風險對購買意願之影響...............................................................................42
第三節 研究變數與操作性定義.......................................................................................43
一、 自變數的操作性定義及衡量方式 ....................................................................... 43
二、 依變數的操作性定義及衡量...............................................................................46
三、 中介變數的操作性定義及衡量方式 ................................................................... 47
四、 基本資料...............................................................................................................49
第四節 研究對象...............................................................................................................50
第五節 資料分析方法.......................................................................................................51
一、 敘述性統計分析...................................................................................................51
二、 因素分析...............................................................................................................51
三、 信度分析...............................................................................................................52
四、 效度分析...............................................................................................................52
五、 相關分析...............................................................................................................52
六、 迴歸分析...............................................................................................................53
第四章 研究分析結果...........................................................................................................54
第一節 有效研究樣本基本資料.......................................................................................54
第二節 變數的敘述統計...................................................................................................57
一、 行動折價券之促銷強度.......................................................................................57
二、 行動折價券之非價格促銷類型 ........................................................................... 57
三、 品牌知名度...........................................................................................................58
四、 知覺價格...............................................................................................................59
五、 知覺價值...............................................................................................................60
六、 知覺風險...............................................................................................................61
七、 購買意願...............................................................................................................62
第三節 變數之信效度分析...............................................................................................63
一、 促銷強度...............................................................................................................63
二、 非價格促銷類型...................................................................................................64
三、 品牌知名度...........................................................................................................65
四、 知覺價格...............................................................................................................66
五、 知覺價值...............................................................................................................67
六、 知覺風險...............................................................................................................68
七、 購買意願...............................................................................................................69
第四節 各變數相關分析...................................................................................................70
第五節 各變數之迴歸分析...............................................................................................71
一、 促銷強度對知覺價值...........................................................................................71
二、 非價格促銷類型與知覺價格...............................................................................71 三、 品牌知名度與知覺價值.......................................................................................72
四、 品牌知名度與知覺風險.......................................................................................72
五、 知覺價格與知覺價值...........................................................................................73
六、 知覺價值與購買意願...........................................................................................74
七、 知覺風險與購買意願...........................................................................................75
八、 促銷強度以中介效果知覺價值對購買意願 ....................................................... 75
九、 非價格促銷類型與中介效果知覺價值對購買意願 ........................................... 77 十、 品牌知名度與中介效果知覺價值對購買意願 ................................................... 78 十一、 知覺價格與中介效果知覺價值對購買意願 ................................................... 79 十二、 模型迴歸整理...................................................................................................80
第五章 結論與建議...............................................................................................................81
第一節 研究結論...............................................................................................................81
一、 研究假設與驗證結果...........................................................................................81
第二節 研究貢獻...............................................................................................................82
一、 促銷強度、非價格類型促銷活動、品牌知名度與知覺價格正向影響知覺價值
......................................................................................................................................... 82
二、 知覺價值正向影響購買意願...............................................................................83
第三節 管理意涵...............................................................................................................84
一、 訂定促銷策略,提升消費者知覺價值 ............................................................... 84 第四節 研究限制與研究建議...........................................................................................85
一、 新增其他變數構面...............................................................................................85
二、 擴大不同類型之研究樣本數...............................................................................85
附錄:問卷調查表 ................................................................................................................. 94
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