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研究生(外文):Hizkia AlphaDewanto
論文名稱(外文):CALPHAD Assisted Analyses of Alloying Elements on Solidification and Segregation of the SUJ2 Bearing Steels
指導教授(外文):Shih-kang Lin
外文關鍵詞:center segregationcementite-type carbideequilibrium partition coefficientshigh carbon chromium bearing steelsolidification process
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高碳鉻軸承鋼SUJ2在製造過程中,由於鋼鐵的非平衡凝固造成碳化物帶的產生,對產品品質造成負面影響。因此,本研究使用熱力學計算方法 (Calculation of Phase Diagram, CALPHAD) 搭配高週波感應高溫熔煉實驗,探討碳化物帶的生成機制與消除碳化物帶的方法。
In the mass production of steel, in the case of high-carbon and high-chromium steel, SUJ2, carbide band will form as a result of non-equilibrium cooling during steel production. Using combined investigation of CALPHAD (phase diagram calculation) and experiments, the cause of carbide band formation is analyzed and the solution of the problem is investigated. By CALPHAD analysis, mainly using non-equilibrium cooling simulations, it is found that chromium (Cr) segregation strengthen cementite presence in the steel, since chromium is dissolved in cementite in larger concentration than in austenite or ferrite. Combined with Cr status as substitutional atom in steel, heat treatment is almost useless to reduce Cr segregation and therefore eliminate carbide presence, as confirmed by the composition (EPMA) mapping of as-rolled SUJ2 specimen. By CALPHAD calculation, several common steel alloying elements are calculated, and from calculation result zirconium, titanium, and tantalum are chosen for further investigation. Zirconium and tantalum reduce maximum chromium concentration in liquid steel, meanwhile tantalum and titanium reduce amount of cementite formed during solidification. After experimental observations, it is found that the zirconium doped SUJ2 specimen yield best reduction of chromium segregation and carbide presence. From EPMA mapping, it is concluded that addition of element that reduce maximum chromium in liquid phase will have a profound effect on cementite band reduction in SUJ2 production through continuous casting.
1.1. Introduction 2
1.2. Goals 3
2.1 Phase diagrams and phase equilibria 4
2.1.1 Gibbs’ Phase Rule 4
2.1.2 Lever rule 6
2.1.3 Metastable Phase Diagram 8
2.2 SUJ2 Bearing Steel 10
2.3 Industrial Production Method of SUJ2 Steel 12
2.4 Segregation Problem in Steel 13
2.5 Influence of Steel Alloyings 24
2.6 Calculation of Phase Diagram (CALPHAD) 27
2.6.1. Scheil Solidification 28
2.7. Recent Developments 29
3.1. Schematic Diagram of Research 32
3.2. Calculation of Phase Diagram (CALPHAD) 33
3.2 Experimental Observation 36
3.3. Experimental apparatus 39
3.2.1 Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) 39
3.2.2. Induction Furnace 40
3.2.3. Box Furnace 41
4.1 Liquidus Projection of the Fe-Cr-C Ternary System and the Superimposed Solidification Path of SUJ2 Steels 43
4.2 CALPHAD-type Thermodynamic Analyses on the Alloying Effects 47
4.3. Experimental Results 70
4.3 Discussion 83
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