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論文名稱(外文):Structure analysis on superdomains of PbZr(0.2)Ti(0.8) (110)-oriented thin films.
指導教授(外文):Jan-Chi Yang
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複雜性氧化物由於自身的結構特性可以由不同的氧化物構成二元或以上的氧化物,彼此之間的性質和交互作用都會影響材料本身的性質變化。而鋯鈦酸鉛PbZr(x)Ti(1-x)O3 ( PZT ) 是具有鐵電性的材料,因為材料自身擁有的良好的壓電電荷係數(d33),故自1950年代被發明以來,便在壓電領域上被廣泛的使用,但PZT的研究絕大部分都是在(001)方向上的各種性質變化,以及製備出各種電子裝置(electric device)來進一步應用。


目前在製程上,我們使用脈衝雷射沉積系統(Pulse Laser Deposition) 來製備PZT薄膜;為了確定PZT薄膜的磊晶品質,我們藉由原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force microscopy)來量測薄膜表面,來確保成長過程是良好的層狀磊晶 (Layer-by-Layer growth) ,並進一步透過同步輻射中心的高解析度X-ray diffraction 來量測量薄膜系統上的晶格常數(lattice constant)、reciprocal space mapping 以及Transmission electron microscope的結果來瞭解更深入的。確認好薄膜品質以及原子間可能構成的結構後,在與其他的量測結果互相比較來確定它的結構推論是正確的。
Ferroelectric materials have caught significant attention in the last decade because of its interesting properties like accurately modulates electric polarization of the material by applying external electric field. This way can adjust the lattice constant by the piezoelectric property for the materials. PbZr(x)Ti(1-x)O3 (PZT) was created as a ceramic complex oxide by B. Jeff in 1954. It has an excellent dielectric constant and piezoelectric constant. Thus, researchers have done numerous studies in analysis of the characteristic for PZT grown on the STO (001). The PZT grown on others oriented STO, however, was mentioned less than PZT grown on the STO (001). We discover that there are new thin stripes structure contrary to classical thick stripes(a/c domain structure). In this study, we try to realize the mechanism inside the thin stripes morphology the PZT/STO (110) brings to. We utilized XRD to analyze the lattice structures and knew the arrangement of polarization through PFM. We found the polarization arrangement of superdomains can be modified and created 180o domain walls in a local area by changing the external electric field.
摘要 i
Structure analysis on superdomains of PbZr(0.2)Ti(0.8) iii
第1章 緒論 1
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 鐵電性質簡介 3
2-2 鐵彈性質簡介 7
2-3 ( PbZr (x) Ti (1-x) O3 ) 相關文獻回顧 9
第3章 實驗原理與方法 12
3-1 實驗動機 12
3-2 脈衝雷射沉積系統 15
3-3 X光繞射 ( X-Ray Diffraction ) 20
3-4 掃描式探針顯微鏡 24
3-5 原子力顯微鏡 25
3-6 壓電力顯微鏡(Piezoelectric Force Microscopy,PFM) 27
3-7 P-E 曲線量測 31
3-8 TEM 量測 32
第4章 實驗結果與討論: 34
4-1 PbZr (0.2) Ti (0.8) O3 在(110)上的研究: 34
4-2 壓電力顯微鏡量測: 46
第5章 結論 51
參考文獻 52
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