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論文名稱(外文):High-efficiency Optical Wavelength Conversion Based on Double Λ Four-wave Mixing
指導教授(外文):Yong-Fan Chen
外文關鍵詞:electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)backward four-wave mixing (BFWM)two-photon detuningphase mismatchquantum frequency converter
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In this thesis, we use cold rubidium atoms to study backward four-wave mix-ing (BFWM) based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The wavel-ength of the light is conversed from 780 nm to 795nm.

Based on the theoretical model, under optical density (OD) 39 and 85, the e-fficiency of the conversion can reach around 75% and 90% respectively. We con-duct two kinds of experiments, one is that we change the Rabi frequency of the driving light, and the other is we change the two phpton detuning. However, bothof the efficiency we observed are lower than that of predicted by the model. Plu-s, the results do not behave like the thereotical curves. We surmise that this is d-ue to the compensation between two photon detuning and phase mismatch. Finall-y, if we want to achieve efficiency 90%, there are still some issues need to be

摘要 i

英文延伸摘要 ii

目錄 xii

表目錄 xiv

圖目錄 xiv

第一章 簡介 1
1.1 簡介與研究動機 1

第二章 基本理論 3
2.1 3
2.1.1 交互作用下的哈密頓量 3
2.1.2 光學布拉赫方程式(Optical-Bloch equation , OBE) 4
2.1.3 馬克斯威爾-薛丁格方程式(Maxwell-Schro ̈dinger equation, MSE) 5
2.1.4 旋波近似(Rotating wave approximation , RWA) 7
2.2 二能階系統 8
2.3 三能階系統 12
2.4 18
2.4.1 基於電磁波引發透明的四波混頻 18
2.4.2 正向四波混頻 20
2.4.3 反向四波混頻 22
2.4.4 相位不匹配 25
2.5 光偏移效應 27
第三章 實驗系統 29
3.1.1 29
3.1.1 玻璃真空腔體 29
3.1.2 銣-87原子 30
3.1.3 磁光陷阱(Magneto-optical trap, MOT) 32
3.1.4 陷阱光、回幫浦光與暗區自發力光阱(Dark MOT) 34
3.2 鎖頻系統 35
3.3 電磁波引發透明系統 36
3.4 37
3.4.1 反向四波混頻系統 37
3.4.2 引導光 38

第四章 結果與討論 39
4.1 慢光實驗 39
4.2 41
4.2.1 反向四波混頻實驗(光學密度39) 41
4.2.2 反向四波混頻實驗(光學密度85) 50

第五章 結論與展望 57

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