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論文名稱(外文):Structural Analysis and Reinforcement Technique of Taiwanese Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame
指導教授(外文):Yu-Lin Chung
外文關鍵詞:Dieh-Dou timber frameStructural analysisCompressed wood and compressed bambooWooden nailBamboo nailTemporary reinforcement
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The 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake seriously damaged Taiwanese traditional historic timber buildings including the Dieh-Dou type timber frame. To exam the mechanism and seismic performance of Dieh-Dou timber frame, several experimental studies have been conducted, but most of them focus on the local components instead of the global behavior. On the other hand, the damaged members weaken its structural capacity, and won't be replaced before the major maintenance, making the timber frame exposed in seismic risk. Thus, an appropriate reinforcement is needed. This study aims to provide practical methods and advice for the structure analysis and reinforcement technique of Dieh-Dou timber frame.
For structural analysis, rotational springs are adopted to simulate the flexural behavior of semi-rigid joints. The rotational stiffness and yielding rotation angle of each rotational spring are calculated by mechanical formulas derived from previous researches. Numerical models of Dieh-Dou timber frames are established by using OpenSees software, and the pushover analysis and time history analysis are carried out after the models meet a good agreement with test results. Analysis results show that numerical models are quite consistent with the past experimental results, indicating that the numerical simulation has certain accuracy and reliability.
For reinforcement technique, compressed wood and compressed bamboo are used because of its high strength mechanical property. Bearing and shear resisting performance of wood nails and bamboo nails are evaluated by tests. Test results show that specimens reinforced with wood nails and bamboo nails have the best reinforcing performance in partial compression test and shear test respectively.
摘要 I
Extended Abstract III
誌謝 XI
表目錄 XVII
圖目錄 XXI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法與流程 5
1.3 文獻回顧 7
1.3.1 疊斗式木構造構法及震損調查 7
1.3.2 木材力學行為 9
1.3.3 應用自攻螺絲補強 15
1.3.4 熱壓木材機械性質 16
第二章 疊斗式木構造型式與修護概況調查統計 17
2.1 調查目的 17
2.2 調查對象 19
2.3 調查方法 21
2.4 調查結果彙整與分析 23
2.4.1 空間組構型式 26
2.4.2 木構件修護概況 31
2.5 小結 38
第三章 疊斗式木構造結構分析 39
3.1 前言 39
3.2 數值模型之建構與基本設定 39
3.2.1 彈性桿件設定 40
3.2.2 旋轉彈簧設定 41
3.2.3 阻尼比設定 49
3.3 數值模型與實驗結果比較 50
3.3.1 前步口斗栱組靜態與動態試驗 50
3.3.2 屋架振動台試驗 53
3.3.3 完整棟架反覆加載試驗 55
3.4 三通五瓜棟架數值模型 57
3.4.1 棟架尺寸設計 57
3.4.2 屋頂載重及質量計算 60
3.4.3 輸入地震波 62
3.4.4 無步口三通五瓜棟架動態分析結果 65
3.4.5 有步口三通五瓜棟架動態分析結果 73
3.4.6 有無步口棟架分析結果比較 82
3.5 數值模型簡化 87
3.5.1 無步口棟架各接點旋轉彈簧之貢獻 87
3.5.2 有步口棟架各接點旋轉彈簧之貢獻 89
3.5.3 彈簧簡化之數值模型比較 91
3.6 小結 93
第四章 補強加固技術 95
4.1 前言 95
4.2 基本材料性質 96
4.2.1 壓縮木竹材製作過程與機械性質 96
4.2.2 傳統竹釘製作過程與機械性質 102
4.2.3 補強材基本材料性質 103
4.3 部分抗壓試驗 105
4.3.1 試體尺寸與試驗規劃 105
4.3.2 試驗裝置與加載歷程 107
4.3.3 破壞紀錄 108
4.3.4 試驗結果 109
4.4 抗剪試驗 111
4.4.1 試體尺寸與試驗規劃 111
4.4.2 試驗裝置與加載歷程 113
4.4.3 破壞紀錄 113
4.4.4 試驗結果 114
4.5 小結 117
第五章 結論與建議 119
5.1 結論 119
5.2 建議 120
參考文獻 121
附錄A 疊斗式木構造型式與修護概況調查資料 127
A.1 空間組構型式調查資料 127
A.2 木構件修護概況調查資料 138
附錄B 補強性能試驗 169
B.1 部分抗壓試驗結果 169
B.2 抗剪試驗破壞紀錄 171
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