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論文名稱(外文):In-plane Load Tests for Hollow Concrete Brick Panels Attached to Steel Frames
指導教授(外文):Yi-Hsuan Tu
外文關鍵詞:Steel frameConcrete brick panelReinforcedOpeningIn-plane
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本文根據ASCE 41-13檢驗此結構系統之耐震性能,發現試體磚牆於小變位角時即達到極限破壞,並未符合非結構磚隔間牆於變位角0.5%時尚能維持日常機能之層間變位角基準,此乃構架與磚牆接合過於緊密所致。因此,建議將柱牆分離以延遲磚牆承受水平側力時機,同時確保鋼骨構架在充分發揮耐震性能前不受磚牆束制。
The objectives of this research are to understand the seismic performance of hollow concrete brick panels attached to steel frames and to review the current construction methods. To accomplish these, two specimens with and without a central opening were subjected to in-plane reversed cyclic displacements and constant vertical loading.
The results shown that the panel endured lateral forces at a small drift ratio, contributing strength to the specimen. After diagonal cracks were formed, brick spalling started to occur and the interfaces between columns and the panel completely cracked open. When the steel frame started to detach from the panel, it began to developed its strength and ductility. Moreover, the upper and lower halves of the cavity still caused the yielding place of the columns to transfer from ends to the body. Because of the close connection between the columns and the panel, both panels failed at a small drift ratio 0.2%, which does not meets the nonstructural performance criterion in ASCE 41-13.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目的1-1
1.2 文獻回顧1-2
1.2.1 鋼骨構架內填磚牆相關文獻1-2
1.2.2 部分填漿加筋混凝土空心磚牆相關文獻1-4
1.2.3 空心磚疊砌構造相關文獻1-8
1.3 研究方法1-9
1.4 章節概述1-9
第二章 試驗介紹
2.1 試體設計與試驗規劃2-1
2.1.1 試體原型2-1
2.1.2 試體設計2-2
2.1.2 試驗裝置與加載歷程2-14
2.1.3 量測儀器規劃2-21
2.2 試體施工過程2-31
2.3 材料性質2-37
2.3.1 空心磚塊抗壓試驗2-38
2.3.2 空心磚墩抗壓試驗2-39
2.3.3 砂漿抗壓試驗2-41
2.3.4 灰縫抗剪試驗2-44
2.3.5 混凝土圓柱抗壓試驗2-46
2.3.6 鋼筋抗拉試驗2-47
2.3.7 鋼材抗拉試驗2-48
第三章 試驗結果與破壞歷程
3.1 試驗流程與加載歷程3-1
3.2 試驗結果3-9
3.2.1 試體破壞歷程3-9
3.2.2 試體破壞與受力關係3-40
3.2.3 試體受力破壞模式歸納3-44
第四章 量測儀器分析結果與討論
4.1 試體受力變形模式4-1
4.1.1 鋼骨構架變形模式4-1
4.1.2 磚牆變形模式4-17
4.2 鋼構架與牆筋應變4-28
4.3 小結4-48
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論5-1
5.2 建議5-2
參考文獻 參-1
附錄A 試體ES各階段裂縫圖與破壞照片A-1
附錄B 試體EW各階段裂縫圖與破壞照片B-1
附錄C 各試體鋼骨應變與側位移關係圖C-1
附錄D 各試體牆筋應變與側位移關係圖D-1
附錄E 各試體角度計數據修正前後比較圖E-1
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