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論文名稱(外文):The Association between Internal Control Deficiencyand CPA Turnovers – Evidence from IPO companies in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hua-Wei Huang
外文關鍵詞:internal control deficiencyCPA turnoversmanagement turnovers
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本文檢視內部控制缺失與會計師異動之關聯性。透過人工蒐集2016至2018 年間首次上市(櫃)公司的公開說明書所揭露之最近三年度會計師提出之內部控制改進建議,針對內部控制品質與上市(櫃)前後會計師異動之關聯性進行迴歸分析。
This study investigates the association between internal control deficiency and CPA turnovers. Sample includes 148 observations of IPO companies in Taiwan during the years from 2016 to 2018, which were hand-collected at Taiwan Economic Journal and Market Observation Post System. According to the empirical tests, there is significantly
negative relationship between internal control deficiency and CPA turnovers. This phenomenon is also observed after excluding samples that are not job-rotation CPA turnovers. However, we further find that internal control deficiency significantly positive relates to CFO turnovers. Whereas, internal control deficiency is insignificant to CEO turnovers. The outcome of this paper may be the reference for legislators in Taiwan to think about enacting relevant laws or not.
第一章 緒論 ......................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討與假說發展
第一節 文獻探討 ...................................... 4
第二節 建立研究假說 ....................................7
第三章 研究方法
第一節 樣本選取 ...................................... 9
第二節 實證模型 ...................................... 11
第三節 變數說明 ...................................... 12
第四章 實證結果與分析
第一節 樣本資料敘述性統計分析 ...........................15
第二節 迴歸分析 ...................................... 20
第五章 額外分析 ...................................... 24
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 ...................................... 28
第二節 研究限制與建議 ................................. 29
參考文獻 .............................................30
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