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論文名稱:The Relationship between Job Characteristics, Burnout and Satisfaction among Expatriates Working in Taiwan: The Moderating Roles of Waypower and Willpower at work
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Job Characteristics, Burnout and Satisfaction among Expatriates Working in Taiwan: The Moderating Roles of Waypower and Willpower at work
指導教授(外文):Chiehwen ED Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Job characteristicsJob burnoutJob satisfactionExpatriates employeesSupervision considerationSupervisory structureJob autonomySkill varietyWaypowerWillpower.
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The job characteristics model holds that job characteristics are important in shaping employee outcomes. The present study reveals the relationships of job characteristics (included supervision consideration, supervision structure, job autonomy and skill variety) and the dimensions of job burnout on job satisfaction among expatriates (i.e., international guest workers in Taiwan) who either have experience working or still working in Taiwan. Different from other studies in the literature, we investigated the mediating role of emotional exhaustion and moderating roles of two critical dimensions of hope that are namely waypower and willpower. Hope is the sum of mental willpower and waypower that you simply have for reaching your goals (in the process of reaching one’s goals). Willpower is the actuation in hopeful thinking and waypower reflects the mental plans or the way that guide hopeful thought.
These empirical findings entails necessary implications for human resource managers and organizational behavior researchers who are interested in the way to reduce burnout that is likely to reduce an organization’s productivity and threaten its competitiveness in the long term. The contribution of this project is to provide an contribution to the literature further as well as organizations to improve and enhance the policies that eventually benefit employees in the future.
Burnout is a standard reaction of stress in job, reduces the motivation and effectiveness work productivity of many human service suppliers. Effective management of the motivation and talent of the human services is extremely vital as a result, in the organization of it is through contact with the helper that a client changes and grows. Employees who believe that they will not now management the factors that have an effect in their effectiveness are seen as susceptible leading to 'learned helplessness' and burnout.
How job characteristics exercise effectiveness on job burnout and how job burnout effect on job satisfaction among expatriates working in Taiwan and how the motivational psychological characteristics of employees can help to reduce the effect of stress will be a main research question in this study.
1.1 Research Background. 1
1.1.1 Job Characteristics. 1
1.1.2 Job Burnout. 2
1.1.3 Job Satisfactions. 4
1.1.4 Waypower and Willpower. 6
1.1.5 Expatriates Job Satisfaction. 7
1.2 Research Motivation. 8
1.3 Research Questions. 8
1.4 Research Objectives. 9
1.5 Research Structure. 10
2.1 Theoretical Background. 12
2.1.1 Job Characteristics Model. 12
2.1.2 Job Burnout. 17
2.1.3 Job Satisfactions. 19
2.1.4 Waypower and Willpower. 24
2.2 Hypothesis Development. 26
2.2.1 Burnout and Job Satisfactions. 27
2.2.2 Supervision Consideration of Job Characteristics and Burnout. 29
2.2.3 Supervisory Structure. 29
2.2.4 Job Autonomy of Job Characteristics and Burnout. 30
2.2.5 Skill Variety of Job Characteristics and Burnout. 31
2.2.6 Mediating Role of Burnout. 32
2.2.7 Moderating Role of Waypower. 33
2.2.8 Moderating Role of Willpower. 35
3.1 Conceptual Model. 38
3.2 Summary of Hypotheses. 39
3.3 Definition of Variables. 40
3.4 Sampling Plan. 41
3.5 Research Design and Construct Measurement. 41
3.5.1 Research Design. 41
3.5.2 The Construct Measurement. 42
3.5.3 Control Variables. 47
3.6 Data Analysis Procedure (Method of Analysis). 48
3.6.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis. 48
3.6.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). 48
3.6.3 Reliability and Validity Test. 49
3.6.4 Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) Path Modeling. 49
4.1 Data Collection. 50
4.2 Characteristics of Respondents. 51
4.3 Descriptive Statistical Analysis. 53
4.4 Descriptive Analysis for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Results. 59
4.5 Discriminant Validity Test. 63
4.6 PLS Approach: Assessment of Structural Equation Model. 63
4.6.1 Path Coefficient Analysis Result. 63
4.7 Hypothesis Testing. 64
4.8 Control Variables Analysis. 67
5.1 Research Conclusion. 68
5.2 Research Suggestions and Discussions. 69
5.3 Research Contributions. 71
5.4 Research Limitations and Future Research Suggestion. 73
Appendix 1: Questionnaire Survey - English Version 86
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1. 組織承諾、角色衝突與工作滿足及其相關因素之研究-以高雄市政府主計處外派人員為例
2. 銀行從業人員個人屬性、工作特性、工作壓力與工作滿足之關聯性研究
3. 領導型態、工作特性與我國地方機關人事人員工作滿足、組織承諾關係之研究
4. 情緒勞務、工作特性、工作滿足與組織公民行為之相關性研究
5. 國小教師自我效能、工作特性、工作滿足、工作倦怠與組織公民行為之關係
6. 義工參與動機、工作特性、工作滿意與離職傾向關係之研究─以表演藝術團體為例
7. 基層護理人員之工作特性、成就動機與工作投入、工作滿足、留職意願關係之研究
8. 領導行為、工作特性與工作滿足關係之探討--以我國大型會計師事務所為例
9. 彈性工時制度,個人屬性與工作特性,工作滿足,工作績效關係之研究--以國內電子業為例
10. 人格特質、工作特性、領導行為與工作滿意度之關聯性—以台灣高科技產業不同職務員工為例
11. 公共衛生護士工作特性、工作價值觀與工作滿足之相關研究
12. 員工人格特質、工作特性、工作壓力與工作滿意度與顧客導向間關係之研究-以東部某基層金融機構為例
13. 工作特性、責任感對工作滿意度之影響-以外派大陸人員為例
14. 工作特性與工作價值觀對離職傾向影響之研究─以台灣地區食品產業之研發人員為例
15. 工作特性、工作滿意與組織承諾之關聯性研究