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論文名稱(外文):Planning of Accelerated Degradation Test withTweedie Degradation Model.
指導教授(外文):I-Chen Lee
外文關鍵詞:Accelerated degradation testTweedie degradation modelV-optimality criterionOptimization mode
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Due to advances in technology, accelerated degradation test is the industry's most important analytical tool for estimating the reliability of high-quality products. Therefore, how to plan an efficient accelerated degradation test is one of the important decision-making problems faced by reliability engineers. Many literatures explored the issue of optimal design, focusing on the sample size allocation and the level of stress under assumption that the number of measurements and the measurement time are the same among all stress levels. However, it can be seen from the real examples of degradation data that the number of measurements and the measurement time under different stresses could be different, so these settings should be taken into consideration when planning the accelerated degradation test. Therefore, based on the Tweedie degradation model, this study use V-optimality to find the optimal experimental configuration under different optimization model constraints. Two illustrative example are used to demonstrated the planning results by different constraints, and do in-depth research and discussion.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 加速衰變試驗之實驗設計 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 5
2.1 Tweedie衰變模型 5
2.2 壽命分配 6
2.3 問題描述 7
2.4 目標函數 8
第三章 線性加速衰變試驗之最佳化模型 11
3.1 成本函數 11
3.2 最佳化模型 11
3.3 兩應力最佳化模型之限制條件 12
3.4 三應力最佳化模型之限制條件 13
3.5 兩應力之最佳試驗配置演算法 14
第四章 實例說明 17
4.1. 資料介紹 17
4.2. 兩應力最佳配置結果 19
4.2.1 沒有總時間限制之結果 19
4.2.2 有總時間限制之結果 22
4.2.3 總時間限制與不限制之比較 24
4.2.4 探討量測次數的變化 24
4.3. 三應力最佳配置結果 25
第五章 結論與未來研究之方向 27
附錄 29
附錄A 兩應力下總量測時間比之推導 29
附錄B 限制模型Ⅰ^O之最佳化演算法 30
附錄C 限制條件Ⅱ^O之最佳化演算法 33
附錄D Device B資料在參數為 d=3和 d=2下,C_b=2500之結果 35
附錄E 三應力無總量測時間限制之結果 36
參考資料 37
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