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論文名稱(外文):Development of Electronic Fishing Landing Declaration System
指導教授(外文):Chung-Hung Lin
外文關鍵詞:fishing landing declarationLoRaVoyage Data Recorderinbound and outbound
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卸魚聲明書(Fishing Landing Declaration)為記載漁船出海捕魚之魚種,重量,記錄這些資料可以掌管臺灣漁業的環境,避免因為過度捕撈而讓臺灣的漁業資源消耗殆盡。而傳統記錄卸魚聲明書是以紙本記錄,之再用人工重新輸入電腦,本研究將卸魚聲明書電子化,增加記錄的效率並減少人工填寫所造成的失誤。
第二部份為無線傳輸技術LoRa(Long Range)與卸魚系統之整合,可以於港卸魚作業區利用LoRa將其中的卸魚資料做管理,某些漁港的卸魚作業範圍較廣,如果使用Wi-Fi進行資料傳輸訊號可能會有範圍不足以覆蓋整個作業區域的問題,如果要擴展Wi-Fi覆蓋面積則會耗費較多的成本。故可以使用LoRa無線傳輸技術來降低成本。
第三部分為整合漁船航程資料紀錄器(Voyage Data Recorder,VDR)以及LoRa無線傳輸技術作並且將VDR的進港、出港記錄,其中包含進出港之時間、港口等,而這些資料將於卸魚作業時填入電子卸魚聲明書中,讓電子卸魚書的內容可以更加完整。
The purpose of this study is to develop a system for fishing landing declaration. Fishing landing declaration is a record of the fish species, weight, and information of the fishing boats. The traditional record method of the landing declaration is via pen and paper. This study will electronically release the fishing landing declaration, increase the efficiency of the record and reduce the mistakes caused by manual filling.
The study is divided into three parts. In the first part, the system is designed to combine electronic scales with Bluetooth wireless transmission and a tablet computer. In the process of unloading fish, the weight of the fish can be recorded on the tablet through the Bluetooth scales. The landing information includes the name of the fishing vessel, the person in charge of the fishing boat, the type of fish and the weight of the fish.
The second part is the integration of the wireless transmission technology LoRa (Long Range) and the landing declaration system. Some fishing ports have a wide range of unloading operations. The use of Wi-Fi for data transmission signals may have a problem that does not cover the entire work area. If you want to expand the Wi-Fi coverage area, it will cost more. Therefore, LoRa technology can be used to reduce costs.
The third part is to integrate the Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) and LoRa. The inbound and outbound ports information calculated by VDR(including the time of entry and exit, port) will transmit through LoRa. We can apply these data in to the fishing landing declaration system, so that the contents of the electronic fishing landing declaration can be more complete.
摘要 I
致謝 IX
目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
圖目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 2
1.2.1 漁船進出港判別系統 2
1.2.2 座標點判別:內建圖形程式碼 2
1.2.3 座標點判別:向量夾角和 3
1.3 研究特點 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 使用硬體及介面介紹 7
2.1 無線傳輸技術 7
2.1.1 無線熱點(Wi-Fi) 7
2.1.2 藍牙(Bluetooth) 8
2.1.3 近距離無線通訊(Near-field communication,NFC) 8
2.1.4 LoRa(Long Range) 8
2.1.5 無線傳輸技術比較 9
2.2 全球定位系統 10
2.3 硬體介紹 11
2.3.1 NFC讀寫器 12
2.3.2 無線藍牙電子磅秤 14
2.3.3 平板電腦 15
2.3.4 印表機 16
2.3.5 A/D轉換器(HB-8211) 17
2.3.6 LRA-900 19
2.3.7 Smart VDR 21
2.4使用者界面 25
2.4.1 卡片資料建立介面 26
2.4.2 秤重作業界面 27
2.4.3 資料回傳介面 28
第三章 電子化卸魚聲明書申報平臺 29
3.1 八斗子飛魚卵及鯖鰺 29
3.1.1 飛魚卵卸魚使用者介面 30
3.1.2 八斗子鯖鰺作業 32
3.2 南方澳鯖鰺地磅系統 33
3.2.1 使用者介面(南方澳) 34
3.3 東港櫻花蝦作業 39
3.3.1 使用者介面(東港) 40
3.4 臺東成功港作業 43
3.4.1 使用者介面(成功港)之秤重作業 44
3.4.2 使用者介面(成功港)之記表作業 47
3.4.3 使用者介面(成功港)之拍賣作業 49
3.5 正濱漁港作業 52
3.5.1 正濱漁港使用者介面 53
3.5.2 正濱漁港使用者介面之二 55
第四章 漁船即時進出港與卸魚聲明書申報平臺整合 57
4.1 漁船進出港 57
4.1.1 Google Map 57
4.1.2 港內外判斷 58
4.1.3港口選擇及進出港判斷 61
4.1.4 硬體配置 63
4.1.5 測試結果 63
4.2 進出港資料與卸魚聲明書之整合 64
第五章 結論與未來展望 67
5.1結論 67
5.1.1 八斗子 67
5.1.2南方澳 67
5.1.3 東港 68
5.1.4 成功港 68
5.1.5 正濱漁港 68
5.1.6 Smart VDR 進出港資料添加 69
5.2 未來展望 69
參考文獻 71
[9]李威勳 繆嘉新,“進場通訊技術,科學發展512 期,2015。
[11]http://linux.vbird.org,鳥哥的linux私房菜, “linux基礎訓練.
[13]https://www.google.com.tw/maps,Google,“Google maps.
[16]https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/make-a-pre-landing-declaration-to-land-fish-in-an-eu-port,GOV.UK“Make a pre-landing declaration to land fish in an EU port.
[17]https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/785405/Pre_Landing_Declaration_V12.pdf,GOV.UK“Pre-Landing Declaration for a UK Flagged Vessel Landing into an EU Designated Port.
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