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論文名稱(外文):Cargo Ship Spatial Location-allocation Modeling For Emergency Medical Devices
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:ship environmentshortest path planningLocation-allocation modelingpopulation flow
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經由最大覆蓋模型的分析結果比較,配置3個創傷設備便能達到完全的覆蓋效果,且顯示在樓梯出入口、樓梯間設置 創傷設備會有最佳的效率,表示室內的樓梯區位有良好的可近性且能覆蓋大量的需求。
Taiwan is an island and a large domestic market lacking in natural resources, with its economy relying heavily on trade. Taiwan’s commercial fleet size is the 11th largest in the world. Therefore, in order to provide a secure environment for the crew, location planning for emergency trauma medical devices is applied on the cargo ship. In the case of a limited access to the device, the most efficient location-allocation model is utilized to ensure that the crew has prompt and timely access to the device in an event of a traumatic occurrence. This subsequently reduces casualties and promotes smooth sailing.
When applying the location planning of medical device to a large cargo ship, it is necessary to put into consideration the spatial differences between ships and on-land structures. The ship’s space contains a deck, a cabin, and an engine room for the turbine device. Since the space is also actively affected by the climate and waves(hydraulic conditions), this study has factored in the crew’s awareness towards the ship’s potential spatial dangers into the location planning model. A mobile route network of the crew is also established, in accordance to their movement patterns aboard the cargo. With the maximum coverage location as target, 150 seconds and walking speed were used for calculating the medical device service covering radius. The radius of the service area on a large cargo ship simulates the optimal configuration plan for the emergency medical devices on the cargo ship.
Compared with the analysis results, three medical devices can achieve complete coverage effect, and it is shown that medical devices set at the entrance and exit of stairs and stairwells with the best efficiency, indicating that indoor stair location has good accessibility and can cover a large number of needs.
摘要 I
Extend Abstract II
目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
圖目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景 3
1.3 船員的工作壓力 3
1.4 目前的船上醫療 5
1.5 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 海上人命安全公約 8
2.2 區位設施規劃模型 9
2.2.1 初期公共設施的區位規劃理論 11
2.2.2 定量分析的公共設施區位規劃理論 11
2.2.3 多元化視角下的區位規畫理論 12
2.3 各區位規畫理論模型之比較與通用性 14
2.3.1 各區位規畫模型的種類與用途 14
2.3.2緊急醫療的區位規劃模型之比較 15
2.4 服務範圍半徑 17
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1研究範圍 20
3.2 研究架構 23
3.2.1 研究步驟 23
3.2.2研究假設 24
3.3 研究架構 26
3.4 研究資料收集 28
3.5 空間移動路網模型建構 33
3.6 可到達性分析 40
3.6.1 戴克斯特拉演算法(Dijkstra algorithm) 42
3.6.2 移動成本矩陣 48
3.6.3 可到達性矩陣 50
3.7 權重設計 53
3.8 商船緊急創傷設備最大覆蓋模型 56
第四章 研究結果與討論 58
4.1 空間分析 58
4.2 創傷設備最佳配置位置結果 62
4.3 創傷設備的最佳配置數量 69
4.3.1 配置數量的差異性 69
4.3.2 配置一個創傷設備 69
4.3.3 配置兩個創傷設備 73
4.3.4配置三個創傷設備 76
4.4 調整設備數量與服務範圍 81
第五章 結論與未來展望 83
附錄一 大型商船船員職業傷害問卷傷亡情形問卷 85
附錄二 商船緊急醫療訪談會議紀錄(一) 89
附錄三 商船緊急醫療訪談會議紀錄(二) 91
參考文獻 93
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