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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Early Risk Assessment Techniques for Chronic Diseases by Mining Large-Scale Clinical Databases
指導教授(外文):Sun-Yuan HsiehVincent S. Tseng
外文關鍵詞:data miningdeep learningprecision medicineelectronic medical recordstemporal EMR data modelearly disease risk assessment
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〈p align=justify〉〈font face=Times New Roman〉  近年來,隨著電子化病歷的發展與普及,電子病歷資料量快速的增加。如何從電子病歷中萃取有價值的知識運用於協助醫療決策成為重要議題。為此,本研究提出了一系列新穎的疾病早期風險評估方法,透過資料探勘與深度學習技術分析大規模電子病歷的多種疾病風險因子,達成早期檢測慢性病風險之效益,並以多種慢性病為實例演繹。

  首先,我們提出一項疾病風險關聯樣式探勘框架(Disease Risk Association Pattern Mining Framework,簡稱DR-APM)探勘電子病歷中隱含的疾病風險樣式,以檢驗病人是否具罹患特定慢性疾病之風險。DR-APM的技術要項包括疾病風險樣式探勘、基於風險樣式之早期風險評估、PubMed文獻檢索疾病風險樣式比對策略(Risk Patterns Matching in PubMed,簡稱RPM-PubMed)與統計分析。經RPM-PubMed實驗分析,DR-APM發現之風險模式可歸納為習知風險樣式與具新穎性之風險樣式。其中,疾病組與對照組的病人其主要風險樣式分佈的疾病類型具顯著差異,因此DR-APM應用於早期評估類風濕性關節炎風險可達成良好之準確率。

  接著,為了提升疾病風險評估的效率與準確性,我們對電子病歷中存在大量疾病編碼屬性與稀疏矩陣的問題特性提出了一種融合了矩陣解構與機器學習的方法eDRAM (Early Disease Risk Assessment with the Matrix Factorization)。此方法以非負值矩陣分解算法,顯著的降低資料維度,重建新穎的風險因子以實行早期疾病風險評估方法。實驗結果顯示相較於所比較之疾病評估方法,eDRAM達成降低大量資料屬性、提升靈敏度 與評估速度。

  深度學習網路中存在訓練模型運算耗時與耗費資源的問題。對此我們基於疾病編碼的週期時序性、概括型編碼與數量建構新穎風險特徵、並隨機抽樣降低訓練資料量與運用深度殘餘卷積神經網路,提出具延展性的時序概括型電子病歷深度學習(scalable Deep learning of Temporal generalized EHRs, 簡稱sDT-EHRs)。為評估有效性與泛用性,sDT-EHRs被應用於三種不同的慢性疾病並與三種先進的方法進行比較。實驗結果顯示sDT-EHRs表現出良好的可延展性,可基於相對少量病患資料所建構的模型,預測較大規模的病患資料且維持良好且相近的正確率。且sDT-EHRs在三種不同慢性疾病評估之準確率皆優於所比較之慢性疾病風險評估方法。

〈p align=justify〉〈font face=Times New Roman〉 In recent years, the amount of electronic medical records (EMRs) has increased rapidly. Hence, obtaining valuable knowledge from EMRs to support medical decision making has become an important issue. To address this issue, in the thesis, we propose a set of novel early risk assessment methods for different chronic diseases by identifying diverse disease risk factors from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD).

 First, we propose a Disease Risk Association Pattern Mining Framework (DR-APM) to detect early risk for chronic diseases and rheumatoid arthritis was used as a case study. The main strategies of DR-APM include mining of disease risk pattern, associative classification, analysis with Risk Pattern Matching in PubMed (RPM-PubMed) and statistical analysis. The RPM-PubMed experiments show that the risk patterns discovered through DR-APM can be organized into well-known risk pattern type and potential novel risk pattern type. The experiments in statistical analysis reveal that there are significant differences in the disease categories of risk pattern distributions between the disease group and the control group. Based on the significant differences, DR-APM can achieve excellent accuracy in early risk assessment.

 Second, in order to deal with the problem of a large number of disease coding attributes and the sparse matrix problem in EMR database, we propose an early Disease Risk Assessment with the Matrix factorization method (eDRAM) that fuses machine learning and matrix factorization to identify latent risk factors from the EMR database. eDRAM uses a non-negative matrix decomposition algorithm to significantly reduce the data dimension and reconstruct novel risk factors for early disease risk assessment. The experiments demonstrate that eDRAM can reduce a large number of attributes and maintain better efficiency, stability and effectiveness compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

 Finally, in recent years, deep learning can achieve excellent performance in features recognition. However, the computational time-consuming and resource-intensive problems exist in the training model phase, especially dealing with large-scale attributes and data. To solve these problems to assess different types of diseases and improve accuracy, we propose an effective method called scalable Deep learning of Temporal generalized EHRs (sDT-EHRs). sDT-EHRs includes a novel temporal EHR representation model with an extraction algorithm, a random sampling method, and a deep residual convolutional neural network. To evaluate the effectiveness of sDT-EHRs for early risk assessment of multiple diseases, the following three chronic diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and type 2 diabetes mellitus were assessed in the experiments, and sDT-EHRs was compared with state-of-the-art methods for early risk assessment of three chronic diseases via a large-scale nationwide medical database. Experimental evaluations of performance, scalability and applied to multiple chronic diseases yielded major three findings. First, this proposed EHR representation model is a combination of generalized disease codes that increase efficiency during the training phase. Second, sDT-EHRs outperforms other state-of-the-art methods during the risk assessment of the three chronic diseases. Finally, sDT-EHRs demonstrates good scalability to assess the diseases risk based on the disease models constructed from relatively small amounts of patient data and to maintain high performance when evaluating a large number of patients.

 This research mainly considers the needs of modern precision medical treatment, and systematically investigates and develops a set of early disease risk assessment frameworks based on the data mining, machine learning and deep learning techniques. In order to use real-world large-scale medical data for the early risk assessments of different chronic diseases, we design a set of experiments to evaluate the improvement of the proposed method in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The main contribution of this study is to discover a variety of novel risk factors and improve the early risk assessment methods, which can provide further medical validation analysis and assessment of different diseases to improve medical care.〈/font〉〈/p〉
〈p align="justify"〉〈font face="Times New Roman"〉Contents

Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract III
Acknowledgement V
Contents VI
List of Tables IX
List of Figures X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Overview of the Dissertation 3
1.2.1 Mining Risk Patterns from Nationwide Clinical Databases 5
1.2.2 Effective Early Risk Assessment with Matrix Factorization 6
1.2.3 Deep Learning for Early Risk Assessment 7
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 8
Chapter 2 Background and Related Work 9
2.1 Data Mining in Early Assessment of Disease Risk 9
2.2 Data Mining in the Taiwan NHIRD 10
2.3 Early Assessment of Rheumatoid Arthritis 11
2.4 Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Disease Prediction 11
2.5 Deep Learning and Machine Learning Approaches for Disease Prediction 12
2.6 Summary 13
Chapter 3 Mining Disease Risk Patterns from Nationwide Clinical Databases for the Early Risk Assessment of Chronic Disease 14
3.1 Introduction 14
3.2 Methods 16
3.2.1 Framework and Workflow 16
3.2.2 Large-Scale Diagnostic Dataset 18
3.2.3 Statistical Analysis 19
3.2.4 Data Preprocessing 20
3.2.5 Risk Pattern Mining 21
3.2.6 10-Fold Cross-Validation 22
3.2.7 Well-known-degree Analysis of Risk Patterns 23
3.3 Results and Discussion 27
3.4.1 Risk Pattern Evaluations under Different Parameter Settings 27
3.4.2 Mining Significant Disease Risk Patterns 29
3.4.3 Distribution of Disease Risk Patterns in the ICD-9-CM Coding System 30
3.4.4 Significant RA Risk Patterns of Associative Classification 34
3.4 Summary 40
Chapter 4 Early Disease Risk Assessment with Matrix Factorization 42
4.1 Introduction 42
4.2 Methods 45
4.2.1 Overview of the Proposed Framework 45
4.2.2 Matrix Transformation 46
4.2.3 Discovery of Latent Risk Factors 49
4.2.4 Construction of Disease Risk Assessment Model 50
4.2.5 Disease Risk Assessment 50
4.2.6 Parameters 51
4.3 Materials 51
4.4 Experiments 53
4.4.1 Experimental Dataset 54
4.4.2 Experimental Environment 55
4.4.3 Experimental Measures 55
4.4.4 Experimental Results 56
4.4.5 Experimental Settings for Parameter R 56
4.4.6 Effectiveness Evaluation 58
4.4.7 Efficiency Evaluation 59
4.5 Discussion 60
4.6 Summary 61
Chapter 5 Deep Learning for Early Assessment of Chronic Diseases by Means of a Medical Database with Temporal Information 63
5.1 Introduction 63
5.2 Methods 65
5.2.1 Dataset 65
5.2.2 The Framework of the Proposed Method 67
5.2.3 Data Selection 68
5.2.4 TQDR Matrix Extraction 68
5.2.5 Temporal Deep Residual Learning 74
5.3 Experiments 76
5.3.1 The Experimental Dataset 76
5.3.2 Experimental Measures 77
5.3.3 Performance Evaluation 78
5.3.4 Scalability Evaluation 79
5.4 Summary 80
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 82
Bibliography 86

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Clinical course variables among patients categorized by RA diagnosis and gender. 20
Table 3.2 Characteristics of mined patterns. 30
Table 3.3 Risk pattern distribution between the RA group and non-RA group for all diseases categorized in ICD-9-CM. 31
Table 3.4 Sensitivity and specificity of the RA disease risk model with ten-fold cross-validation. 34
Table 3.5 RA risk patterns of autoimmune-related diseases. 37
Table 4.1 Baseline characteristics of RA patients in the cohort (2000–2008). 53
Table 4.2 Description of experimental data. 54
Table 4.3 Efficiency comparison on Dataset 3. 60
Table 5.1 Example of EHR with ICD-9 codes 64
Table 5.2 Baseline characteristics of patients in the cohort 66
Table 5.3 ICD-9 codes of the diseases included in the study 66
Table 5.4 First-level of ICD-9 codes hierarchy 70
Table 5.5 Sample size of dataset 1 for effectiveness evaluation 76
Table 5.6 Sample size for scalability evaluation 77
Table 5.7 Differences in the effectiveness based on sDT-EHRs across different data scales 80

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Framework of the dissertation. 4
Figure 3.1 Workflow of data mining process for RA disease early detection. 17
Figure 3.2 Age distribution of cohort. 19
Figure 3.3 Timeline for data collection of RA group. 21
Figure 3.4 Risk Pattern Viewer. 25
Figure 3.5 Trend of RA assessment effects under different support thresholds. 27
Figure 3.6 Distribution of RA patients under different numbers of diagnosis records. 28
Figure 3.7 Trend of RA assessment effects under different diagnosis record numbers. 29
Figure 3.8 Trend in literature for single disease risk patterns in PubMed. 33
Figure 3.9 Trend in literature for PubMed pattern related mining. 33
Figure 4.1 Timeline for data collection and definition of RA patients. 44
Figure 4.2 Framework of proposed approach. 46
Figure 4.3 Flow chart of study cohort enrollment. 47
Figure 4.4 Example and concept of transformed patient–disease diagnosis matrix. 48
Figure 4.5 Using NMF to decompose the patient–disease diagnosis matrix. 50
Figure 4.6 10-fold cross–validation model 55
Figure 4.7 Effectiveness of RA risk assessment under different number of risk factors. 58
Figure 4.8 Comparison of the performance of eDRAM, CBS, CMAR, and BayesFM approaches. 59
Figure 5.1 Framework of the proposed disease risk assessment system 68
Figure 5.2 Observing and constructing diagnostic data using the time interval model 71
Figure 5.3 The algorithm of the proposed extraction of TQDR matrix 73
Figure 5.4 Example of a temporal quantitative disease risk matrix transformed from the EHRs 74
Figure 5.5 Architecture of the temporal deep residual learning network 75
Figure 5.6 Performance comparison of sDT-EHRs against D-EHRs, SVM, random forest, LDA, and LR for early assessment of COPD, T2DM, and SLE risks 79
Figure 5.7 Performance comparison of the scalability evaluation dataset and performance evaluation dataset for the early assessment of COPD and T2DM risks 79〈/font〉〈/p〉
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