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論文名稱(外文):Finding Top-k Spatial Textual Clusters for Users in Different Locations
指導教授(外文):Chiang Li
外文關鍵詞:spatial textualclustertop-k queryspatial database
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隨著行動裝置和無線網路的普及化,造就了適地性服務( Location-Based Service, LBS)
的熱門,其中又以空間-文本查詢(spatial-textual query)最廣為人知。使用者可以透過此
本文在 LBS 的環境下,同時考慮多個使用者,為他們推薦感興趣的區域,區域中會
人想要喝coffee,另一人想吃pizza,那麼他們的需求就是pizza 和coffee,我們把需求
稱為keyword。而具備這些keyword 的店家稱為使用者的興趣點,即POI(point of
可以吃pizza 的POI。我們在論文中提出一種適合Spatial-textual 運用環境的劃分
cluster 的機制,並且提出三個演算法,Baseline Algorithm, Grid Based Algorithm(GB)與
IR-tree Based Algorithm(IRB)。GB 和IRB 均可以有效的減少查詢時間,而IRB 更加
快速地縮小了搜尋cluster 要考慮的範圍以及減少要考慮的POI 數量,使其更有效率
With the advent of mobile devices and wireless networks, location-based services (LBS)
have become popular, best known as spatial-textual queries. Through such queries, users can
find objects or areas of interest near their current location.
In the context of LBS, this paper considers multiple users at the same time and recommends
regions of interest for them, which will contain multiple interest points for users to choose.
For example, there are two users who have made a date to go shopping together. One wants
to drink coffee and the other wants to eat pizza, then their needing are pizza and coffee. We
call these demands as keywords. The store with these keywords is called the user's point of
interest, POI (point of interest). We will try to recommend some regions for them, which
include POIs that can for drinking coffee and POIs can for eating pizza. In the paper, we
propose a mechanism for partitioning clusters suitable for the spatial-textual environment,
and propose three algorithms, Baseline Algorithm, Grid Based Algorithm (GB) and IR-tree
Based Algorithm (IRB). Both GB and IRB can effectively reduce the query time, and IRB
can more quickly reduce the scope of the search cluster and reduce the number of POIs to
consider, so that it can solve the problem more efficiently. To this end we have designed a
series of experiments to evaluate the efficiency of the methods and to verify that the answers
we find are valid.
摘要 ........................................................................................................................................I
ABSRTACT......................................................................................................................... II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................. III
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... IV
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................... V
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... VI
I INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
II RELATED WORK.......................................................................................................... 6
Spatial textual search .................................................................................................. 6
Clustering ..................................................................................................................... 8
Top-k ........................................................................................................................... 10
III PRELIMINARIES....................................................................................................... 11
IV Algorithm...................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Baseline Algorithm: ............................................................................................. 21
4.2 Grid based Algorithm: ........................................................................................ 27
4.3 IR-tree based Algorithm: .................................................................................... 33
Index: IR-tree..................................................................................................... 33
Index: keyword table......................................................................................... 36
lemma.................................................................................................................. 36
V Experiment ..................................................................................................................... 42
Experimental Environment ...................................................................................... 42
Experimental Results ................................................................................................ 43
5.1 Synthetic data............................................................................................... 43
5.2 real data ........................................................................................................ 56
VI Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 62
References........................................................................................................................... 63
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