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論文名稱(外文):Association Control in the 5G Network with Cloud Radio Access Network Architecture
指導教授(外文):Meng-Hsun Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Association ControlCloud Radio Access NetworkSoftware-Dened Networkingthe Fifth Generation Mobile Network
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With the popularity of mobile devices and the advance of Internet of Things, the fifth generation mobile network (5G) requires to meet large amount of service requests in the heterogeneous networks. For this purpose, flexible network architectures with dynamic resource management, such as Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), are widely studied in recent years.

In C-RAN, a novel mobile network architecture, Baseband Units (BBUs) are centralized, virtualized and shared among Remote Radio Units (RRUs) to optimize the resources utilization of base stations. Compared to the traditional networks, SDN separates control plane and data plane to provide a more flexible and programmable network architecture. In this centralized architecture, services can be optimally managed in a global view.

However, existing association control schemes are not designed for the centralized network architecture. Besides, performance issues occur when the amount of devices increase significantly with limited wireless resources. With the large amount of devices, severe collisions occur under one base station, and load imbalance among base stations happens without a centralized association control. At the edge between cells, ping-pong effect may cause unnecessary handovers and signal overload. Therefore, how to design an efficient association control scheme under 5G centralized network architecture to handle the overloaded demands is required to be studied.

The idea of grouping devices is proposed in this dissertation to reduce the computation from the number of devices to the number of group in the association schemes. The collisions at a base station can be reduced by the scheduling in the group. When groups of devices move among base stations, SDN provide global view to find optimal coverages of base stations to increase throughput. At the edge of cell, the execution of handovers are postponed to avoid unnecessary handovers.

This dissertation proposes three schemes to handle the issues mentioned above: collisions, load balancing and ping-pong effect. Mathematical analysis and simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performances of these proposed schemes. The results show that the impacts of the issues are reduced with little delay when the demands are significantly higher than the resources that system can supply. The contribution of this dissertation is to provide some suggestions to operators at the early stage of 5G deployment.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The 5G Network 1
1.1.1 Software-Defined Networking and Network-Function Virtualization 4
1.1.2 Cloud Radio Access Networks 7
1.2 Studied Issues 11
1.2.1 Collision 12
1.2.2 Load Balancing 14
1.2.3 Ping-pong Effect 14
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 15
2 Gateway-assisted Two-stage Radio Access Scheme 16
2.1 Introduction to Collision Issue 16
2.2 GATS Scheme 24
2.3 Analytical Model 27
2.3.1 Analytic Model for Basic Scheme 28
2.3.2 Analytic Model for GATS Scheme 30
2.4 Performance Evaluation 35
2.4.1 Effects of Nd on φ and E[Q] 35
2.4.2 Effects of λ and Ng on RA-slot Utilization 38
2.4.3 Effects of λ and Ng on Access Success Probability 39
2.4.4 Effects of λ and Ng on Average Message Delay 40
2.4.5 Discussion about Power Consumption 42
2.5 Summary 43
3 Adaptive Load balancing Scheme 45
3.1 Introduction to Load Balancing Issue 45
3.2 ALB Scheme 48
3.2.1 System Model 48
3.2.2 Flowcharts 51
3.2.3 Load Balancing Algorithm 56
3.3 Performance Evaluation 59
3.3.1 Simulation Model 59
3.3.2 Performance of APs 61
3.3.3 Effects on Users 65
3.4 Summary 69
4 Delay Handover Scheme 71
4.1 Introduction to Ping-pong Effect 71
4.2 DHO Scheme 74
4.2.1 Scenarios 74
4.2.2 Finite State Machine 76
4.3 Analytical Model 78
4.3.1 Timing Diagrams 79
4.3.2 Derivation of E[H(0)] 83
4.3.3 Derivation of E[H(d)] 84
4.3.4 Validation of R(d) 88
4.4 Performance Evaluation 93
4.4.1 Estimation of Simulation Parameters 93
4.4.2 Configuration of Delay Timer Dt 95
4.4.3 Effects of UE Mobility Model 99
4.4.4 Comparisons with Related Works 102
4.5 Summary 106
5 Conclusions and Future Work 107
References 109
Curriculum Vitae 121
Publication List 122
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