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論文名稱(外文):Design and implementation of a low latency dual path sorter
指導教授(外文):Pei-Yin Chen
中文關鍵詞:90-nm TSMCcomparison freesorting algorithmsspeed complexity O(N)
外文關鍵詞:90-nm TSMCcomparison freesorting algorithmsspeed complexity O(N)
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由於排序在應用上頻繁的使用到,所以快速,面積小的硬體排序一直以來都是重要的研究議題,但是先前的作品其可擴展性都不佳,也就是當排序的輸入數字大幅上升時必須要面對到需要大幅修改架構、成本與排序時間非線性成長。因此本論文提出成本與速度為O(N)的非比較型排序演算法,使其較前人做人成本更低,速度更快。特別是在速度上,本論文不只做到工作頻率更快,同時在整體排序所需的cycle(latency)上做大幅的優化。在TSMC 90-nm實作排序1024個10-bit數字可以達到0.9GHz,transistor count 小於620000,排序時間在1.69μ~2.816μ之間。本論文提出新的硬體演算法使其在成本與頻率上較前人佳,同時利用(1)記錄輸入值的最大與最小值(2)使用QUEUE來過濾不需要輸出的數字(3)雙向輸出(dual path)來使得排序所需要的cycle(low latency)。
Fast、small area sorting hardware is always an important topic since sorting is used frequently in application. However prior work the scalability of prior work is poor. That is, the architecture, area and latency nonlinearly need to be modified largely as sorting input highly grow. Therefore, this paper propose a non-compare sorting algorithm with O(N) in area and speed, especially in speed. This paper not only makes the frequency faster, but also optimizes the cycle needed by sort(latency) substantially. We evaluate an application-specified integrated circuit design of our sorting algorithm for a sample sorting of N = 1024 elements of size K = 10-bit using 90-nm Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) technology with a 1 V power supply. Results verify that our sorting requires approximately 1.69–2.816 μs to sort the 1024 elements with a clock cycle time of 0.9 GHz, and has a total transistor count in less than 620 000. This paper which propose a new hardware algorithm making area and frequency better than prior work. In the meanwhile, this paper can also use (1) recording maximum and minimum of input(2) queue to filter number which is not needed to output(3) bidirectional output(dual path) to make the cycle needed by sort(latency) lower.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
Contents IV
Figure Captions VI
Table VII
Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation 1
Chapter 2. Related Work 2
Chapter 3. Proposed Method 3
3.1 Compare-Free Sorting Algorithm 3
3.1.1 Algorithm Description 3
3.1.2 Improve Algorithm 5
3.2 Hardware Algorithm 8
3.3 Hardware Implement 15
Chapter 4. Experiments and Comparisons 19
4.1 Area and Timing 19
4.1.1 Area and Timing in sorting 1024 10-bit Numbers 19
4.1.2 Area in sorting N K-bit Numbers 19
4.2 Output Cycle 22
4.2.1 Mathematical Analysis 22
4.2.2 Queue Analysis 23
4.2.3 Random Analysis 24
4.2.4 Gaussian Distribution Analysis 25
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work 26
References 27
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