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論文名稱(外文):Optimizing Production Management for Winery based on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions
指導教授(外文):Jung-Hua Wu
外文關鍵詞:winemaking industrylinear programming modelcarbon taxCO2 emission
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能源是一個國家的產業與經濟發展的原動力,維持穩定經濟成長與充足的能源供應為政府重要政策。然而,隨著溫室氣體(greenhouse gases, GHGs)的排放,造成全球氣候的變遷議題,以及環境問題的日益嚴重,能源消費的問題也引起了國際間各國的重視,其中又以溫室氣體效應問題最受到矚目。致使二氧化碳減少排放、提升能源使用效率與能源節約等概念,成為全球在追求經濟發展及保護地球環境的過程中,所共同面臨的問題。經濟發展、能源使用與二氧化碳排放有極密切的關係,因此本研究的動機是製酒業如何尋求最有效率的能源使用方法,也就是以最低CO2排放量的操作下,來追求產業利潤的最大化。並且明瞭在產能增加及製酒架構內的最適化過程中,所使用的能耗和將來可能面臨的碳排放課稅問題。
2.以線性規劃模型,在利潤最大化的目標下,探討不同的碳稅水準的導入, 針對製酒架構內各製程的生產排程造成變動的同時,所引起能耗的變化與對CO2減量的影響,以及驅使CO2排放減量的碳稅水準。
3.當碳稅在90美元/公噸- CO2時,可獲得48.9%的減少排碳效果,以及26824.93美元/公噸-CO2的課稅效果。
As energy is the foundation of industry and economic development in our country, the maintenance of stable economic growth through adequate energy supply is a priority for our government. However, the environmental problems associated with the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are also an important concern. Determining means of promoting economic development while protecting the environment was the motivation of this research. We sought to identify the most efficient use of energy, the maximization of profit, and the minimization of CO2 emissions in the winemaking industry. We also aimed to explore potential issues surrounding carbon taxation.
We applied the following methods to explore optimization of winery operations: linear programming, carbon taxation, and energy-saving and carbon-reduction inventories. The winemaking industry, which consumes raw materials such as rice, millet, barley, and sorghum involves the following stages of production: soaking, cooking, cooling, fermentation, distillation, storage, blending, filtration, bottling, packaging, and transportation. To perform these processes, distilleries consume energy resources such as electricity, water, oil, diesel, gasoline, and steam. The final output is not only wine but also wastewater, lees, 〖CO〗_2, and waste gas. Different production methods consume different kinds and amounts of energy resources, which leave room and potential for improvement in terms of 〖CO〗_2 reduction. We use energy-saving and carbon-reduction inventories to analyze the types of greenhouse gases emitted by the winery from 2008 to 2016, as well as summarizing the specific effects of energy-saving and CO2-reduction methods applied by the winery.
As the winemaking industry pursues the maximization of profit, this study aimed to establish a linear programming model to explore the effects of carbon taxation, including changes in the production schedules of the various processes, and changes in energy consumption and the impact on CO2 reduction. We also determined the price of carbon taxation for optimal CO2 reduction.
By the methods of linear programming model, carbon taxation, and inventory of CO2 emissions, we explore optimal production in the winemaking industry. We first establish a linear programming model with the objective of maximizing profits. Under this model, we explore carbon taxation and the interrelationship between energy consumption and CO2 reduction.
This study pursued the following three research purposes:
We measured the unit energy consumption of the processes of winemaking to determine the differences in energy consumption by the different processes.
2. With a linear programming model, under the goal of maximizing profit, we explored the effects of levying different levels of carbon tax, and the changes in energy consumption caused by changes in the production schedules of various processes. We also determined the level of carbon taxation for optimal CO2 reductions.
3. Through the analysis of unit energy consumption, we explored the increase in production associated with lower unit energy consumption, and whether this would lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
The source of the research data was the case winery and is the operation of the winery in 2017. Data were analyzed by MATLAB simulation software. We applied the test method and input the price one by one. Results showed that the price of 90 US$/ metric ton has an obvious effect on CO2 reduction. We took into consideration current carbon taxation and set this at the following six levels: 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 230 USD / metric ton -CO2. The linear programming model was set to maximize production profit and minimize energy use and CO2 emission. Restrictions included quality balance, final demand, wine quality, process quantity, and CO2 emissions. This linear programming model offers a simulation framework for the testing of parameter settings in the implementation of subsequent research.
Based on the above, we formed the following conclusions:
1. When carbon tax is levied, the output of low-energy processes increases, while the output of high-energy processes decreases.
2. When the cost of taxation is greater than the cost of carbon tax, the winemaker will change operating strategies to achieve CO2 reduction. While at the same time obtaining the tax, effect caused by the carbon taxation.
3. When the carbon tax is 90 US dollars / metric ton - CO2, the carbon reduction effect is 48.9%, and the tax effect is 26824.93 US dollars / metric ton - CO2.
4. Our results show that when carbon tax is imposed, the winemaking industry will reduce fixed costs and operating costs by reducing the use of fuel and adjusting operations to reduce the cost of CO2 emissions. As the carbon tax level increases, the ratio of fixed costs and variable costs to total cost decreases slightly, but remains within a certain range, and the change is between 9.8 and 10.7%.
摘要 I
Abstract IV
誌謝 VII
Contents IX
List of Tables XIV
List of Figures XVI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objective 4
1.3 Framework of the Thesis 6
1.4 Data Source 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
Chapter 3 Winemaking Process and Energy Consumption 14
3.1 Winery Profile 14
3.1.1 The Production Category 14
3.2 Wine Industry Technology 15
3.2.1 The Details and Tips of Production Process 19
3.2.2 The Production Scale and Output Value 25
3.3 The Energy Usage in Production Process 26
3.3.1 The Total CO2 Emission in Winery, 2017 27
3.4 Summary 28
Chapter 4 Data Source and Methodology 30
4.1 Data Sources and Methodology 30
4.2 Establishment of Linear Programming Model 31
4.3 Energy Consumption and Analysis 33
4.4 Summary 35
Chapter 5 Policy and Data Analysis of Inventory 37
5.1 Organization and Operational Boundaries 37
5.2 The Classification and Definition of Emission Sources 39
5.3 Analysis CO2 Emissions Source 2008-2016 43
5.3.1 The Reasons for Increase in Wastewater Emission 45
5.3.2 Comparison CO2 Emissions Source 2014-2016 46
5.3.3 Fuel Emissions Source 2008-2016 48
5.3.4 Process CO2 Emissions 2008-2016 50
5.3.5 Electricity CO2 Emissions 2008-2016 51
5.3.6 Water CO2 Emissions 2008-2016 52
5.4 Energy Intensity 53
5.5 Summary 55
Chapter 6 Application of Linear Programming Model for Winemaking Industry 58
6.1 The Goal of the Resources Allocation in Winemaking Industry 58
6.2 Establishment of Linear Programming Model 59
6.2.1 Setting Objective Function 62 The Objective Function 63
6.2.2 Constraints Setting 64 The Mass Balance Constraint 64 Final Requirements Constraint 65 The Amount of Constraint 66 Wine Quality Constraint 66 Production Process Constraint 66 CO2 Emission constraint 67
6.2.3 Definition of Variables 68
6.3 Summary 70
Chapter 7 Definition of Variable & Analysis of Empirical Results 71
7.1 Source of Data 71
7.2 Energy Consumption Setting and Analysis 73
7.3 The Objective Function 76
7.3.1 Price Setting 77
7.3.2 Usage of Energy 78
7.3.3 Cost Setting 79
7.4 Carbon Taxation Level 82
7.5 Constraint of Linear Programming 83
7.5.1 Process Limitation 83
7.5.2 Final Demand Limitation 84
7.5.3 Quantity Limitation 85
7.5.4 CO2 Emission 85
7.5.5 Total CO2 Emissions Limitation 86
7.6 Empirical results and Analysis 87
7.6.1 Analysis of Empirical Results 88
7.6.2 Empirical Simulation Results under Different Carbon Taxes 89 The Reduction of Cost 90 The Reduction in CO2 Emission 91
7.6.3 The Interaction between Carbon Taxation and the Quantity 92
7.6.4 Changes in Costs under Different Carbon Taxation Levels 94
7.6.5 Analysis of the Tax Effect 96
7.6.6 CO2 Reduction and Production Loss 98
7.7 Summary 99
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendation 101
8.1 Conclusions 102
8.2 Research Contributions 106
8.3 Recommendation 107
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