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論文名稱(外文):Tunnel cracks detection via Geographical Object-based Image Analysis
指導教授(外文):Teng-To Yu
外文關鍵詞:Point cloudTunnelCrack detectionImage processingPCAOBIAGEOBIA
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The inspection of tunnel lining conditions is have been carried out with many technologies, among which LiDAR is the most efficiency method for crack detection. However, it collects an immense amount of point cloud data, which could be handled manually. Automatic data processing didn’t provide enough function in determining the existence of cracks. Moreover, a majority of current tunnel crack detection software use image processing or deep learning to detect abnormalities. These methods require extensive training and time-consuming detection for accuracy of only approximately 80%. Therefore, it is an important issue to ameliorate the problems faced by LiDAR in tunnel crack detection. To improve the efficiency of auto-detection via point clouds form at tunnel linings, a combined routine is established. The point cloud data are then filtered and cropped for visibly discernible cracks to translate into image format. Image recognition for crack detection was then performed by combining image processing with three detection methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA), and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA). Crack measurements were produced from these image recognition results and then compared with the actual measurements to determine the level of error. The types of tunnel lining examined in this study are concrete tunnel linings and brick tunnel linings, which were evaluated using the accuracy rate, error rate, false-positive rate, false-negative rate, and Kappa coefficient after recognition via the three detection methods. From the three applied methods, GEOBIA produced the best results. This is because of its automated selection of the scale of image segmentation, along with its image recognition capability that outperforms pixel-based classification due to its implementation of elements in addition to pixels. The identification results of the two types of lining have consistent accuracy rates of over 95% and Kappa coefficients of over 0.85. In terms of measurements, the maximum error of length in the recognition results was between 4–34% and the maximum error of width was between 23–88%; the minimum width detected was 1.1 mm.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 裂縫檢測 5
2.2 隧道檢測 10
2.3 影像分類 14
2.4 雷射掃描儀介紹 14
2.4.1 商用系統介紹 17
2.4.2 光達系統之隧道應用 18
2.5 檢測方法簡介 21
2.5.1 主成分分析 21
2.5.2 物件式影像分析 22
2.5.3 地理物件式影像分析 23
第3章 研究方法 25
3.1 研究資料與工具 25
3.1.1 研究資料說明 25
3.1.2 研究工具 25
3.2 點雲初步處理 26
3.2.1 混凝土式壁面 26
3.2.2 磚式壁面 27
3.3 主成分分析 31
3.3.1 影像前處理 31
3.3.2 影像處理 33
3.3.3 主成分分析 35
3.3.4 特徵值辨識 37
3.4 物件式影像分析 37
3.4.1 影像分割 38
3.4.2 區塊分類 39
3.5 地理物件式影像分析 41
3.5.1 影像分割 41
3.5.2 區塊分類 42
3.5.3 提取特徵屬性 42
3.5.4 知識分類模型 43
3.5.5 設置分類規則 45
3.6 準確度評估 46
3.7 裂縫量測 48
3.7.1 主成分分析之裂縫量測 49
3.7.2 物件式影像分析、地理物件式影像分析之裂縫量測 51
第4章 研究成果及討論 54
4.1 主成分分析檢測結果 54
4.1.1 灰階化 54
4.1.2 對比增強 55
4.1.3 影像平滑 56
4.1.4 底帽變換 57
4.1.5 二值化 57
4.1.6 物件聯通 59
4.1.7 去除微小物件 59
4.1.8 主成分分析 60
4.1.9 特徵值辨識 61
4.1.10 檢測結果 62
4.2 物件式影像分析檢測結果 66
4.2.1 影像分割 66
4.2.2 物件分類 67
4.2.3 檢測結果 68
4.3 地理物件式影像分析 71
4.3.1 影像分割 71
4.3.2 物件分類 72
4.3.3 建立知識分類模型 73
4.3.4 設置分類規則 74
4.3.5 檢測結果 75
4.4 裂縫量測 78
4.4.1 主成分分析 78
4.4.2 物件式影像分析、地理物件式影像分析 78
4.5 討論 80
4.5.1 各檢測法比較 80
4.5.2 特徵因子 81
4.5.3 光達解析度 84
4.5.4 檢測結果探討 87
4.5.5 裂縫量測誤差探討 88
第5章 結論與建議 89
5.1 結論 89
5.2 建議 90
參考文獻 91
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