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論文名稱(外文):A study of antimony doping and electroplating pH value effects on the characteristics of cuprous oxide resistive random access memory
指導教授(外文):Dung-Ching Perng
外文關鍵詞:cuprous oxideresistive random access memorySb dopingpH value
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This thesis studies the effects of antimony doping and electroplating pH value on the characteristics of a cuprous oxide resistive random access memory (RRAM).
Antimony doping can modulate the Cu2O grains structure, we found that a more vertical aligned grain structure is more likely to reduce RRAM operating voltages and save the power consumption. It can also increase the ratio of the value of high resistance state (HRS) to the low resistance state (LRS). In addition, Sb-doped Cu2O can be a forming-free RRAM.
When plating Cu2O film with pH=11 solution, four Cu2O RRAMs, un-doped Cu2O and Sb-doped with 2, 3, or 4mM
Sb2(SO4)3 in plating solution, were studied. When the antimony doping using Sb2(SO4)3 3mM, the Cu2O RRAM not only exhibits the lowest SET voltage (about 1~2V) but also has the best retention and best endurance. The ratio of HRS to LRS is about four orders of magnitude. Sb doping at 2mM and un-doped Cu2O RRAM have high SET voltages of 2-4 and 2-7.5V, respectively. In contrast to forming-free for Sb-doped Cu2O RRAM, the forming voltages of the un-doped Cu2O RRAM are 5V and 14V with pH=9.4、pH=11,respectively. Their difference is the film structure having Cu2O (200) or Cu2O (111)-preferred grains. Although it is still under investigation, we currently think this may related to the Cu2O (200) structure is easier to create conductive path when voltage applied. “hopping conduction” is likely the conduction mechanism of RRAM. The electrons can be transported via the defects of the insulator layer. High defect density creates more sites and more chance for the electrons to hop. It changes its state from the high resistance state (HRS) to the low resistance state (LRS), and a more conductive “path” will form at this time. When the amount of the voltage slowly decreases, the conduction mechanism will return to ohmic conduction.
The (200)-preferred Cu2O film possesses a highly vertical structure, and it is likely to create shorter conductive path of the RRAM. Lower pH value of the plating solution or doping Antimony can promote Cu2O (200) growth. Sb-doping makes the Cu2O grains smaller. The Sb doping creates easier paths for electrons to hop. More hopping sites or shorter hopping distance or lower hopping energy barrier are likely when dope Sb into the film. Vertical aligned grain structure and Sb doping can improve Cu2O RRAM performance, including: 1. Reduce the operating voltages 2. Increase the HRS/LRS ratio 3. Improve RRAM stability.
RRAM has many advantages such as: high speed, high density, and non-volatile. This study may help on Cu2O RRAM with a lower cost per bit and meet low power consumption requirement.
Keywords: cuprous oxide;resistive random access memory;Sb
Doping;pH value
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 VII
1第一章緒論 11
1-1記憶體簡介 11
1-2電阻式記憶體 12
1-3 電阻式記憶體在AI人工智慧上的角色 14
1-4 材料特性 16
1-4-1氧化亞銅(Cuprous Oxides)之特性 16
1-4-2鉑金屬(Pt)之特性 17
1-4-3銦錫氧化物(ITO)之特性 17
1-5 研究動機 17
2第二章基礎理論 19
2-1元件基礎理論 19
2-2傳導機制(Conduction mechanisms) 20
2-2-1穿隧(Tunneling) 20
2-2-2跳躍傳導(Hopping conduction) 23
2-2-3法蘭克普爾發射(Frenkel-Poole emission) 24
2-2-4蕭基發射(Schottky emission) 26
2-2-5歐姆傳導(Ohmic conduction) 27
2-2-6空間店和限制電流(Space Charge Limited current) 28
2-3氧化亞銅電組式記憶體的導通模式 29

3第三章實驗方法 30
3-1流程圖 30
3-2前導溶液調配 31
3-2-1無摻雜氧化亞銅(u-Cu2O) 31
3-2-2摻銻氧化亞銅(Cu2O:Sb) 31
3-3 ITO基板清洗 32
3-4電化學沉積法(Electrical chemical deposition) 34
3-5黃光微影製程(Lithography) 35
3-6濺鍍(Sputter)上電極 37
3-7去光阻(Lift off) 38
3-8 實驗設備介紹 39
4第四章結果與討論 49
4-1氧化亞銅電阻式記憶體 49
4-2材料分析 50
4-2-1以氧化亞銅摻雜銻的濃度為變因分析 52
4-2-2以氧化亞銅酸鹼值為變因分析 54
4-2-3氧化亞銅薄膜SEM材料分析 55
4-2-4氧化亞銅能量色散X射線與化學電子光譜儀分析 57
4-3電阻式記憶體電性分析 60
4-3-1電阻式記憶體元件結構圖 61
4-3-2 I-V特性圖 63
4-3-3耐操度(Endurance) 68
4-3-4 記憶保存力(Retention) 71
4-3-5操作電壓累積概率分佈圖 75
4-4機制探討 78
5第五章結論及未來研究方向 80
5-1結論 80
5-2未來研究方向 84
5-3重要文獻參考 86
參考文獻 89
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